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To close to home............


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This past spring I coached my daughters soccer team. Other then having a very talented group of kids, the biggest bright spot for me was my AST coach Dave Block. This guy was the best. He knew the game as well as any, and was fantastic with the kids. I didn’t have problem with him taking charge of the team if I was running late, or couldn’t make it to a practice.

Thursday night while listening to the Skins game, from behind I hear "Oh Schlitz, Oh Schlitz" from my wife. Next thing, she’s pushing a section of the local news paper into my hand. The header on the page was "Crime Stoppers." In the center of the page was my AST coach Dave, wanted on charges of sexual battery. I was in utter shock. Although I don’t know the definition by law of "Sexual Battery" in the state of Fl, or any other for that matter, and don’t have a single detail on the matter, I’m obviously freaked out a bit over this. Often, my wife and daughter would be alone with him prior to practices waiting for his wife, daughter, and the rest of the team to show.

The charges must be serious enough. He’s pulled his two daughters from school, and is on the run. We called crime stoppers, and gave all the details we could. I still don’t know how to feel about this.

I've always considered myself a good judge of character. :doh:

Ya just never really know, do Ya.

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They gave no details on the victim. My wife did a little checking, being she works for the school distrect, and that's how we found out the girls were pulled from school, but it doesn't say who pulled them out.

His wife is from south America, and he is from Asbery Park NJ, so we gave crime stoppers that info. I've got a few friends in the local sherifs dept that I'm gonna try to get a little more info from.

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Pete, know how you feel. When I was in the Marine Corps, had a guy in my platoon who I used to give rides from NC to DC almost every weekend. One day, our barracks is surrounded, and the entire platoon is interviewed by investigators. Turns out the guy raped and killed a fellow Marine's wife for $2,000. You nailed it, you never do know, and thats why I don't care if my neighbors think me and my wife are 'overprotective' with our kids. Sorry for your experience.

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The reason why I asked for more details is that this could be anything from a domestic dispute with his wife, to some kind of pedophelia, to a rape on another adult. Those are all pretty different crimes in terms of the guy's pathology. Again, I'm glad that your family's safe.

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