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I actually feel for Snyder


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snyder has been a threat to other owners since he bought the team...buying players for high salaries left and right from other teams...other cities fans and owners dislike him...the only people who like him are those he pays well and a lot of skins fans...thats why there is so much hate for the skins its not the team its snyder they dont want to win a super bowl

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I agree. There are several owners in this league who only want to use their teams as a means to fatten their already huge bank accounts. Frankly, I'd be pissed off if Snyder wasn't willing to spend on quality coaches. When you look at how much profit the Redskins have been turning in recent years you've got to expect Mr. Snyder to step up and sign the checks. For as much hell as he catches, I truely believe that Snyder is doing his best and keeping GW gives us some long term stability that should have all Skins fans excited about the future. As far as the other owners go...this is America baby, capitalism not communism! We make the most money, we spend the most money, and Snyder still makes a hefty profit. Good for him. He's a bussinessman and I'm happy to do my part and buy as many tickets, jerseys, hats, and other redskins paraphanalia as I can afford. If the other owners are crying, so be it. This is football, not a social club. I don't know about you guys but I'm not trying to make nice with the sorry no account Raiders, Cardnails, or any other pathetic team that's not willing to do what it takes to win. Screw those old men, like they need someone to feel sorry for them.

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