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WP: Howard Bryant chat (12-23-05)


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Howard Bryant: Hello everyone. Sorry I'm late. Was working on a big Joe Gibbs feature for tomorrow. Showing up late is some way to make a debut in this forum!


Annapolis, Md.: Hi --

What is the future of Patrick Ramsey as a Washington Redskin? Is this his last year in Washington?

Howard Bryant: I think the Redskins will try to trade Patrick, certainly at his request. I think he wants to play, obviously. The interesting thing with him is that it isn't really in the best interest of the team to trade him. He's more valuable to them now, unless there is high interest on the market


Leesburg, Va.: Greg Williams? Will he leave? There seems to be an awful lot of speculation that he's out of here. There's been about an equal amount of speculation that he would take over when Gibbs retires though. Have any unofficial overtures been made to Williams by the team, or Synder specifically? He seems the logical choice to succeed Gibbs, and I think you cannot give enough weight to the fact that his teenage children are happy here in Washington.

Howard Bryant: The overarching feeling about Gregg Williams is that he will be at the top of at least five teams' list. The players believe he will likely be gone, especially after how good this defense has performed not just in one year, but two.

The big question is control. How much of it will he be given in a place like Houston, KC, or St. Louis. He's also well paid, at more than $1 million. Will a team give him the type of combination of control and compensation that will convince him to leave Washington?


Bowie, Md.: OK, I assume that if they're playing for something, the Skins can beat the Eagles in their current configuration.

So if the Skins lose tomorrow, what has to happen to make the playoffs?

Howard Bryant: If the Skins lose tomorrow, they will need help. They will need the Cowboys to lose, for one. The best thing to do, is to look at their competitors and their conference records. Then head to head. Those are two big factors. then the division record.


Silver Spring, Md.: If Rogers has a torn bicep this late in the season, why haven't they put him on injured reserve? It doesn't seem safe considering he was such a high draft pick and has already turned into a starter.

Howard Bryant: I'm not the person ot talk to about this, since deep down I've always been dubious of "sports medicine." I came from Boston, covering the Red Sox where doctors stitched Curt Schilling's ankle tendon to the top of his skin to allow him to pitch in the playoffs two years ago.

One team trainer said it to me best: "the job is not to make him healthy. The job is to get him healthy enough to play. Sometimes, there's a huge gap between the two."


Washington, D.C.: Hey Howard! Thanks for taking my question. Do you think the death of Coach Dungy's son will play into a factor in the remaining games for the Colts? Will it motivate the players to win or do you think something like this will loom over the team?

Howard Bryant: That story is one of the saddest things I've ever read, more so now because I have an 18-month old son myself. And I just think about being a teenager and how things seem so important *at that time.* I can't imagine what the Dungy family is going through.

I have no idea what effect it will have on the team. I would imagine that club would be even more focused to ease their coach's pain, if at all possible.


Lanham, Md.: Where do you see the Redskins 2-3 years from now? Certainly Gibbs won't be around given his age. What about Brunnel? Who do you see QBing for us? Jason Campbell? When do you see him getting any playing time? It's rare that you see a team in any contention start a rookie/2nd yr QB. Do you see the Skins bringing in a veteran?

Howard Bryant: I think the Skins in 2-3 years depends a great deal, suddenly, on what happens this year. If they were expected to rebuild the defense, to bring Campbell (or Ramsey) into the fold, and to see what they had with different pieces of the club, all of that changes when you make the playoffs/compete for a championship.

Suddenly, patience disappears if the Redskins show they are close to a title. They may do the free agent thing and try and close the gap, and win now.

Should they not make the playoffs, maybe they look to the QB of the future, and take a more measured approach. I believe success makes a team hungry for more, especially one that has been as down as the Redskins in recent years.


Washington, D.C.: Is Jason Campbell going to start next year if Brunell's talent level does not decrease or is there going to be a fight for the starting job?

Howard Bryant: The one thing that we know is that Joe Gibbs has a HUGE amount of respect for Mark Brunell. I think they have discovered their identity as a power team, and Brunell doesn't get in the way of that. I think he can certainly be in the mix next year, b/c they aren't asking him to win games by himself for them.


Lavarlinton: It looks like the Redskins are preparing to part with Arrington this offseason. How much will that hurt the Skins as far as the cap, the locker room, on-field personnel, and public opinion? It seems like it will hurt even more if GW bolts to another team, too.

Howard Bryant: I just got here a little more than a month ago, and I really, really, like LaVar Arrington. There is a feeling, however, that he doesn't quite fit in around here. Moving him will be a priority in the offseason, but I simply haven't quite figured out why it seems to be so necessary. Is it a personality thing? Past history? Williams? And if it is Williams, what happens if he's no longer there? There's a lot of work to be done on this front, reporting-wise.


Washington, D.C.: What is Joe Gibbs doing to stop the players from becoming overconfident for the Giants game (e.g. after the Skins blew out the Niners they got blown out by the Giants)?

Howard Bryant: I think Gibbs has addressed his concern about being overconfident, and what he'll do is leave it to the veterans. He trusts that group of guys with 5-6 years experience, and will leave it in their hands to get this team ready. Do they really need to be reminded what kind of game this is? I don't think so.


Falls Church: Great article today in the Post about the resurgence of the defense. What's the D's gameplan for tomorrow? Do they think they can stuff Tiki and force the game into Manning's shaky hands?

washingtonpost.com: Defense Is Still the Stuff of Champions , ( Post, Dec. 23 )

Howard Bryant: Well, Manning wasn't great in the first meeting (12-31, I think). The real battle in this game will be if the Skins can keep stopping the run. If Barber doesn't have a huge day, I find it hard to believe that Manning can win this game on his own. Then, of course, there is the x-factor: turnovers. neither coach is a gunslinger. So, I expect Williams to blitz hard and force Manning to read coverage.


Springfield, Va.: Clinton Portis is the man. The Redskins will go as far as Clinton can literally carry them. Do you think he can carry them to the playoffs?

Howard Bryant: I think the big turnaround here was recognizing how good Portis is. The skins said they were a smashmouth team, but then would go shotgun on third and short. Portis is the first and section option in the offense. They've taken off once they realized this.


Baltimore, Md.: Thanks for taking my question. What do you think the Redskins will try to do tomorrow? I forsee Portis and Betts getting over 40 carries total tommorrow. What are your thoughts?

Howard Bryant: Since losing to Oakland, the skins are averaging nearly 38 carries a game. That's going to be the plan...unless they get down early and then everything is open for debate. If the game is close, Portis might get 31 or 32 carries on his own.


Chicago, Ill.: Greeting from a Skins fan stuck in Bears country. How much will the loss of Randy Thomas hurt the Redskins' running game? Do you think Ray Brown can fill in adequately?

Howard Bryant: Ray Brown will have to do the job. They have confidence in him. I think if you don't see Portis run the ball well, especially on that toss sweep to the right side, not having Thomas will be a big reason. That guy loves to pull. He's the emotional leader on that line, too.


Washington, D.C.: How have the Redskins been developing Jason Campbell during practices during this season? Does he run the scout team or get special sessions with the QB coach? Does he get any reps after Brunell and Ramsey in practice with the offense?

Howard Bryant: Well, since we only get to watch 30 minutes of practice per day, I don't have as specific an answer as I should. Third qbs usually run the scout team. Campbell is an interesting question. I really do think his development with this team will be based largely on if this is a legitimate playoff contender this year.


Moab, Utah: I think that the reason that the Skins didn't have any defensive players in the Pro Bowl is because they gave away too many 40-50 runs. But nonetheless, even if they don't get into the playoffs, I consider the season a success because they won twice over the Cowpokes. Yipee!

My question is: Portis once said (I think it was after the Broncos game) that "it seems like they knew what plays that we were going to run." Since there is so much money and competition involved, how much spying goes on in the NFL? Could it be that the most successful teams using spying to give them that last bit of edge?

Howard Bryant: I'm sure there's a great deal of spying going on, which is why most football teams restrict practice to the press. I think Portis was upset that the Redskins' pattern had become so predictable.


Raleigh, N.C.: Any word on how Ray Brown is doing in place of Thomas? I'm interested to see how they switch up the play calling to account for Thomas' absence.

Howard Bryant: Ray Brown is the old pro. I think the big area they must watch out for with him is the power running to the right side. That play has been big for them against the Rams, Cardinals and Cowboys. It's what Ray has been working on, making sure he can do an adequate Randy Thomas impersonation pulling out to the right.


Washington, D.C.: Why haven't the Redskins run the ball as they have the last four weeks from the beginnig of the season?

Howard Bryant: I think the Skins found themselves out of balance for much of the season. The big flashpoint hit them after the Oakland game, when they realized they had lost themselves. the players and coaches both confronted Gibbs and told him this. The result has been a different football team.


Virginia: Hey Bryant,

Is sending Campbell to NFL Europe a good way of developing him? And do you think the 'Skins Would consider sending him? A number of good QB's come to mind when you think about the NFL Europe alum's.

Howard Bryant: True enough. But again, I think what they do with Campbell depends on what they do this year. If they go deep into the playoffs, I don't see Campbell taking the reigns next year. Too much risk involved.


Waynesboro, Pa.: Given Antonio Brown's speed and quickness, is there anyway the Redskins will use him to spread defenses, especially using him to go long to open up the field for Cooley and Moss underneath?

Howard Bryant: Antonio Brown has been working with the receivers coach after practices, but I'm not sure what their plan is for him. I don't know if they don't think he can catch, run routes or both. Or maybe he just needs more experience in the system.


Arlington, Va.: If Greg Williams leaves next year who on the current staff will likely replace him?

Howard Bryant: I would say that Greg Blauche, the defensive coordinator/def. line coach would be the prime candidate.


Rockville, Md.: What is with the guy who wears the costumes? I don't remember his name.

Howard Bryant: Clinton Portis. He likes to lighten the mood every Thursday.


Springfield, Va.: I read in the New York newspapers that the Giants are practicing a silent snap count to avoid the false starts the Cowboys had with crowd noise. Does that work in a noisy stadium? If so, why don't all the teams use a silent snap count on the road?

Howard Bryant: Most teams do. It's a matter of execution. Some teams try lots of stuff that fails. You should have seen Bill Parcells' face after the game last week. It was just his way of saying "my guys can't play." In fact, he said, "when it comes to penalties, it's always the same guys." No reading between the lines there.


Silver Spring, Md.: Howard, do you think the Redskins will be able to capitalize on the injuries to the Giants offensive line? The Redskins D-line was dominant last week, but so was the Giants offensive line. How do you see that matchup shaping up?

Howard Bryant: The Giants are banged up, but the d-linemen all say they expect the Giants to max protect and run block for the whole game.


Washington, D.C.: Howard: Is there concern about a small crowd tomorrow since it's Christmas Eve? Looks like a whole lot of tickets up for auction at or below face value. The crowd was a HUGE factor last week... we need it LOUD again tomorrow!

Howard Bryant: That is a concern, but I have a hard time believing that the joint won't be full.


Bowie, Md.: In an article last week about Antonio Brown which documented his tough life early on and how he persevered, a lot was said about his modesty and his frugal ways. If so, then what's up with that rack of gold teeth that he has?

Howard Bryant: That's an excellent question. I don't have an answer for it. Maybe those teeth aren't real gold. I'll ask him tomorrow.


Alexandria, Va.: Maybe I'm just a cynic, but it seems likely to me that Gregg Williams will be a head coach somewhere next year. My question is, since he is still under contract to the Skins, can they get anything in the way of draft picks to soften the blow of his loss? I know Gruden and Parcells switched teams in exchange for picks a while back, but maybe this only applies to those who are already head coaches?

Howard Bryant: It's funny. Williams says he loves it here, and I believe him. But he also isn't saying 'no, I won't entertain offers.' So, it's not being a cynic, but a realist.


Rockville, Md.: Howard, Why does everyone think the Redskins will either lose or win a tight one tomorrow? I have a feeling we are going to do to them what we did to them here last year. It is going to get ugly. The Giants don't travel well and what happened earlier this year was simply an abberation. Mara died and the Giants had more emotion. Not anymore.

Howard Bryant: I think the reason is because the Skins have played so many close games. Who saw the Dallas game coming? That's why I don't make predictions. Sit back, watch, and analyze.


Fear the Reaper: I've seen a lot of wide recievers this year shying away from Sean Taylor. Some guys are so nice off the fiel and just plain nasty(Ronnie Lott) on the field. Around the league, how is Sean Taylor viewed?

Howard Bryant: Sean Taylor is feared. Terry Glenn short armed two balls last week. JJ Arrington ducked to the ground instead of running to get that first down -- -AND IT WAS FOURTH DOWN. His rep is growing.


Howard Bryant: Hey everyone. I'm sorry for being late, but I hope I answered your questions. Thanks for your time! Merry Christmas.


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Howard Bryant: I just got here a little more than a month ago, and I really, really, like LaVar Arrington. There is a feeling, however, that he doesn't quite fit in around here. Moving him will be a priority in the offseason, but I simply haven't quite figured out why it seems to be so necessary. Is it a personality thing? Past history? Williams? And if it is Williams, what happens if he's no longer there? There's a lot of work to be done on this front, reporting-wise.

Translation: I have no friggen clue. :D

Pretty good debut after the shot over the bow that he made in Washingtonian Magazine. He seems to be reasonably intelligent, if not too knowledgable yet about the team. We'll see once he gets his legs under him.


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