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A little Doering History tidbit for ya


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As I remember it, back when Doering first started playing for SOS he was a walk on. Secondary to his size and speed (or relative lack thereof compared to the other WRs) SOS actually played him almost like a TE. He was most often in a very tight slot position. This caused the defenses to cover him with a LB. Given his route running abilities this got him open regularly.

Every one keeps mentioning Ed McCaffrey when talking about Chris. They are actually good friends. They developed a frendship while Chris was at Denver and still maintain contact.

Just a little something to chew on.


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I remember Doering when he played at Florida, and I do seem to recall that he would usually make alot of tough catches. What I see him doing here is exactly the same thing.

I was a little worried about him coming here, thinking maybe he would take some other deserving receivers spot, but just watching these three preseason games, I believe he has earned a position just by outworking and outcatching other guys.

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Chris Doering actually roomed his senior year in College with none other than....

Noah Brindise.

He is a local kid who is not as fast as Ed Mc., a better comparison is his longtime rolemodel.. and gator great....Chris Collingsworth.

Chris was a better basketball player coming out of high school than football player. He led his high school team to the state fchampionship with current 49er RB Terry Jackson at PG.

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Actually Spurrier frequently lined up a WR at the TE spot. I can clearly remember a play where Travis Taylor yes that Travis Taylor the 10th overall pick WR for the Ravens lined up at TE.

Now Taylor was something like 180lbs at the time. He drops back like he is pass blocking for two or three steps, everyone clears and he was wide open for a big play. I know it is hard to believe that who ever had that responsibility would bite on Travis Taylor the pass blocker but I saw it with my own eyes. I think it was maybe against UGa.

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Yep, it was against Georgia, Instigator. He scored twice on that exact same play. It blew UGas mind & put them in a hole for the rest of the game. (38-7?).

also...Danny supposedly beat Doering in the 40yd. dash 2 straight years at UF.

Doering caught 3 TDs in a row vs. Ga. (2 straight penalties negated the first 2) in about 9 seconds.

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Originally posted by KCgator

Chris Doering actually roomed his senior year in College with none other than....

Noah Brindise.

He is a local kid who is not as fast as Ed Mc., a better comparison is his longtime rolemodel.. and gator great....Chris Collingsworth.

Chris was a better basketball player coming out of high school than football player. He led his high school team to the state fchampionship with current 49er RB Terry Jackson at PG.

Uh, KC. Chris Collingsworth was incredibly fast, much faster than McCaffrey. I'd have to say (could be wrong) that he was the last caucasian deep threat receiver in the NFL (he and Largent were in about the same time).


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KCGator, Collingsworth was the state champion in the 100yd. dash. I saw him run a 9.8 at a track meet once. That is fast.

Not only is it fast. It would have been a world record back at that time. Maybe he's related to that Dallas WR.


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See this is why I am all for the gator fans here. I love little stories like that. That Travis Taylor story cracks me up for some reason. The thought of him pass protecting and just running away is hilarious. I can just imagine the UGA fans totally melting down at that one.

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