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SOS's Offense please read


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First of all let me say that I am a first time poster and have been reading these boards for a couple of months and I am impressed by the loyalty and knowledge of the 'Skins fans. I am a Spurrier fan and hopefully you will allow me to share my thoughts and opinions in a level-headed non-inflamatory manner like some other Gator (AG). I have been a Gator fan as long as I have lived and believe I have some knowledge of SOS's system and would like to share some thoughts. Also, don't let AG reflect on the rest of us GatorSkins who do not just want ex-Gators to do well, but also the whole team because obviously it will reflect well on SOS and will reflect well on a good football organization.

1. I was really nervous last night going into the game for obvious reasons, I was not sure how well it would work and it has made me feel a little more assured that it will.

2. In regards to Danny W. going against second and third stringers and doing well.....as we all saw, receivers were open from the get go and it is up to the quarterback to get it to them. Sage didn't early on, but they were open, Danny did and showed how accurate he can be if given time. It does not matter who Danny went up against, he did extremely well and I have no reason not to believe that if he was in on the first series against the niners first string d he would have done just as well because like I said, the receivers were open.

3. The key to SOS's offense is to be able to give the quarterback time to make the right read. The receivers will be open, so the line needs to recognize blitzes. The line's protection schemes are not complicated so being nfl quality linemen, they should be able to do so.

4. SOS will throw a lot more to get a lead than some of you might think (or might already realize). He might change this somewhat and run more before he gets a big lead, but I doubt it. I just think it will be hard for him to change his philosophy, he likes to score and score fast, then run the ball so the other team does not have time to catch up because hopefully the clock will be run down.

4. Davis will get his yards, but be patient a lot of them will be in the second half if the skins have the lead.

5. Expect delay of game penalties. With audibles being a major part of the offense they are inevitable. But, rest assured every time the quarterback goes back to pass the skins can score. So making up those extra 5 yards does not worry me as much as they would in another offense.

6. Teams who have done well against SOS in the past have controlled the clock trying to keep his offense off the field. But, having potentially one of the best defenses in the NFL will allow for a lot of 3 and outs, thus giving the ball to the O. Also, teams that have stopped the passing attack played a lot of 3 man rushes and 8 dropping back to cover and get into the passing lanes. This will not happen because a NFL quality line can run against a 3-4 man dline and when teams have stopped SOS in the past was when the Gators could not run against the 3 man line. Finally, teams who have beaten the Gators have had the luck of the Gator qb of not reading the defenses right and making bad decisions. This is why having a smart qb is more important than someone with all of the tools. Like I said recievers are open and the key is hitting the spot where they will be before the defender fills that area. This offense is more about timing than any other offense I have seen. And the qb's and receivers have to have the same reads as well.

8. I am fired up for the true skins fans and you all should be...receivers will get open and if the qb's have time the offense will function very well. And with M.Lewis even more so. Just think about it, all SOS will have to do is put up around 20 points a game because I believe this d will be really good, and I think that it is more than likely for SOS to do so.

PS first and foremost I have to say I am a falcons fan, and just want to say that I am envious of you all for having spurrier and I can only imagine what he could do with a talent like Vick. But hopefully you will allow me to be a skins fan as well.

Thanks and any replies would be nice.

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Thanks for the inside info. We've been hearing from some really knowledgable Gators fans that have spelled out what to expect. I liked all your comments, and especially your enthusiasm for Mike Vick since he's an area star. I do, however, feel that Danny W. is likely to be better suited to run this offense than Mike. Mike will take over games based on athletic ability more than reading defenses I believe.

Athletic ability is valued less in an SOS system at this position as I understand it. Don't get me wrong though, I would bark like a dog at the moon if the Skins could land Vick, but I'm now VERY comfortable with Danny W. who has had more success than any QB in running the system. I have a feeling he will silence the people laughing at him this year.

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