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Hello everyone


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I'm new to the site. I became a Redskins fan at a very early age. I work for Frederick county government, with two cowboy fans who like to make quite a sport of the Skins. One guy is from Texas so it's kind of understandable, the other freak is from here. "Why you root for them? The cowboys don't give a damn about you." I told him. He gave me some b/s about America's team. Whatever.

The Baltimore Brown's suck too. Dad roots for them but he's always liked a Baltimore team. I still check up on the colts every so often.

You guy's have a really great site. And look forward to getting some information and opinions other than the crap I get from work. Anyone else feel something really different in the air about this season?

Anyway, Hello from Frederick county.........GO SKINS.


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