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I've talked alot of trash this week...


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Nice posts incomplete, but I'd respect you more if you just came out and admitted that your team got outplayed and were very lucky to win. Bad calls were going both ways, probably due to weather, but the Skins had 9 points taken off the board, and the Broncos got 7 points for free on the non call block in the back on Bell's big run. I'm not bitter, sometimes you get the breaks sometimes you don't, but the Skins were the better team on the field and Bronco fans should be thankful for the gift.

We've lost about 5 or 6 games in the past 3 seasons like that. Games we doubled or had 200 more yards of offense. Games we had a couple calls (or no calls) go against us. Committed too many penaltys, or commited them at the worst possible time. Those games were crucial come the end of the season. They would have ended up winning us the division (atleast 1 home playoff game) or got us a wildcard.

I can't say we were lucky to win. The Broncos made the big plays, didn't have the bad penaltys, and didn't make the crucial mistakes. They were however fortunate the Skins were playing 2 teams yesterday. The Broncos and themselves. No way I feel the Broncos outplayed the Skins. No way.

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lol, even if he does admit that redskins played better the fact of the matter the broncos still won. you can't base the game on what if's.. Good teams always find a way to win.

Nice posts incomplete, but I'd respect you more if you just came out and admitted that your team got outplayed and were very lucky to win. Bad calls were going both ways, probably due to weather, but the Skins had 9 points taken off the board, and the Broncos got 7 points for free on the non call block in the back on Bell's big run. I'm not bitter, sometimes you get the breaks sometimes you don't, but the Skins were the better team on the field and Bronco fans should be thankful for the gift.
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