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I'm the jinx


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It was late in the 4th quarter and Dallas had just kicked a FG for a 13-0 lead. Having given up on the game and conceding the Skins' 15 loss in 16 games to Dallas, I went to bed. I get up this AM and turn on the tube to Sports Center only to find out the Skins had scored 2 late TD's to pull out the win. It's clear to me that I'm the jinx. When I don't watch them play, they win. I guess I can't watch them anymore. It's a small sacrifice if it means success.

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haha, my roommate is the jinxbreaker. We have this stupid wal-mart toy helmet we wear around sometime. Before the first TD was scored, my roommate put it on, and they scored, so he left it on. From the time he had it on, we were insanely good. The helmet was the MVP of our room.

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actually I realized that my ex-wife was the jinx. I was married for the past eight years --one win over dallas. The divorce was final in June of this year so of course the Redskins win......glad to get that monkey off my back, oh ya glad the Redksins won too..........:)


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