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Why do sports writers hate the truth?


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On www.si.com their main story right now is a link to Peter King discussing Patrick Ramsey's demand for a trade. Seeing as how I've heard and read that Ramsey has not made such a request how can SI, a supposed truthful source for the news, post such an inaccurate lie as their top story? I mean seriously, how hard is it to just call the team and ask a forking question before you post a false video as your top story?


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Do you remember Darrell Gardner, coming off his Redskin-of-the-year performance, saying he'd definitely be back and wasn't even going to clean out his locker at the end of the season? At the same time, his agent was shopping him around to the highest bidder. He was gone in weeks.

You don't know what the truth is with Ramsey's situation, and you certainly won't read the truth in the papers. Ramsey would be crazy not to have his agent -- quietly -- see what his options are. Ramsey is at the end of the road in Washington. However, he can't publicly come out and demand a trade, because if, by some accident of fate, Brunell gets hit by a bus today, Ramsey has his starting job back.

So take everything you read in the papers with a grain of salt. Ramsey and his agent have multiple agendas. They want the fans on his side -- remember, the most popular guy in town is the backup QB. When Brunell struggles, you'll hear the crowd howling "Ramsey, Ramsey" all the way to Norfolk. But they also want to find an exit strategy. Ramsey knows he won't be here next year, and he can't want to be.

So Ramsey is going to play nice. He's seething inside, but you won't see him publicly call Gibbs names or demand a trade. It's counterproductive. But his agent? He's working the phones right now. Nothing is likely to happen during the season, but Ramsey does need to find a new home in the offseason, and he's under contract, so it's in the Skins best interest to arrange a trade.

Calling the team for comment? Sheesh, man. I can tell you what that comment is: "The Redskins regard Patrick Ramsey as a integral part of our team and have no plans to trade him... blah blah blah" None of that is "false". It's also completely wrong. Learn to read between the lines.

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What angers me most about that segment is King's implication that Gibbs is incapable of relating to Redskins players. Of the top of my head, here are the one-word descriptions players gave of Gibbs in the Redskins.com interviews: cool, honest, detailed, intense, laid-back, determined, demanding, hard-working, character, fair, dedicated, consistent, humble...

Now, one could dismiss those interviews as propoganda, but the guys are on the spot, and all of them come up with adjectives that describe a coach that I think most people would want to play for. King harps on the Coles/Taylor issue in order to make it look as if there's turmoil at Redskins Park, when anyone who's actually been around the team this year indicates otherwise. What a crock.

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Len Pasquarelli predicted the Skins were going to draft Campbell. The Skins denied it. It came true. Then he said Gibbs was lying about making Ramsey the starter and was just looking for an opportunity to insert Brunell as soon as possible. It came true. Sadly, I now trust the outside media on things like this more than I trust Gibbs or the organisation.


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I don't care what they think... most of them are what you said they are -- sports writers, not retired HOFers or someone with sport credentials

The sad thing is that a lot of fans have their opinion altered by these, at times, irresponsible journalists. Taking a stab and being wrong doesn't seem to counter 'breaking the big one'. With the speed of information being what it is, it seems that sports writers are cutting corners trying to beat each other out for the scoop... causing them to spew their 1/2 baked ideas to validate whatever unsubstantiated rumor they made up the week before.

Sorry, rant over.

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I'd actually really like to see a trade at this point. I agree with Peter King that it is unlikely, but if Ramsey is gone after this year anyway, now is probably the best time for the Skins to get optimal value for him. By the offseason, the teams that are desperate for a QB will be eyeing the draft. Now, however, they are looking at how to get the most out of this season, and with 15 games left to go, Ramsey could potentially be in a position to start with a significant portion of the season remaining.

And I certainly wouldn't mind seeing him in Miami :fingersx:

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