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Gibbs and Spurrier Agree


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I'm not sure how they cure a fumbling problem, but I have two suggestions to help him get rid of the ball quicker.

1) Figure out how far LA and Taylor can run in about 3.5 seconds. Ramsey, holding the ball, drops back and has to hit his receivers. When he starts dropping back, LA and ST have an unobstructed path to him, starting whatever distance they can cover in that amount of time. If he doesn't get rid of the ball in some manner, they obliterate him.

2) A more human idea. The ball has some type of shocking mechanism in it. At the specified time, the coaches press a button and it shocks him. Not a lot of course (don't be stupid), but seriously enough that he wants that ball out of his hand before he feels it.

I'm not joking with these ideas either, but I guarantee using either of them and he wouldn't be holding on to the ball too long, that's for sure.

As for him being treated unfairly and getting the shaft...this is football. If he can't take being demoted and work to fix his problems by wanting to be traded, he isn't the leader we need for this team. In his post game press conference Gibbs said Portis was the leader of the team. It should preferably be the QB, but I don't see that happening (even if he isn't traded).

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