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Is all this Q.B. stuff really about Campbell?

Taco Bell

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Instead of focusing on whether or not Ramsey got shafted or what not and the anemia that the offense shows when Brunell is at the helm, do you think this could be Gibbs' effort to speed up the process to get Campbell on the field this year?

If Ramsey stayed the starter the rest of this season that means that Campbell without a doubt would have not gotten any playing time because if anyone would have gotten a few snaps other than Ramsey it would have been Brunell... now since Brunell has been named starter after Ramsey was given a quarter of play it only seems logical that the next man in line to go after Brunell in terms of starting games is Campbell since this year is Ramsey's probable last year here so there would be no obligation for him to be put in regardless if at this point he'd give us the better chance to win, because obviously Campbell would give us the better chance to win down the road (and I think Campbell would do the better job between the two now as well, the best of all three for that matter). And we all know that the ultimate goal is that next year Campbell is our starting quarterback, and to be a capable one at that (thats why we used next years 1st rounder this year so we could avoid a complete disaster next year without a capable qb whatsoever).

So.... perhaps Gibbs knows that Brunell is going to make this offense blow for half the season then he can throw Campbell in for the second half a la last year with Ramsey.... How does that sound? At least this topic is different from the other topics going around now too.

:gaintsuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck



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