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Getting Nervous


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I know I know its only the 3rd day, but these reports are freaking me out. Our oline coach comes out and says we need a butch of players. Before today reports were coming out that our qbs were looking terrible, but the one thing that kept me positive was Spurrier seemed relaxed. Well today after practice even he said he is concerned about the qb play. Thank god for Marvin Lewis and the Defense.

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Originally posted by luckydevi

I know I know its only the 3rd day, but these reports are freaking me out. Our oline coach comes out and says we need a butch of players. Before today reports were coming out that our qbs were looking terrible, but the one thing that kept me positive was Spurrier seemed relaxed. Well today after practice even he said he is concerned about the qb play. Thank god for Marvin Lewis and the Defense.

Agreed on all points.

This really undermines the team's negotiating position with Ramsey, Ray Brown, Ben Coleman, Sam Adams, Gardener, etc.

This is also why you're supposed to sign players before camp starts. When they know you're desperate, their price goes up.

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I wouldn't worry too much right now. Trust me. As a coach, it is very very rare that there is any chance in hell you have a good team during the first week. Wait for the guys to get the soreness out of them and the system to rub into their brains for a week.

The 2nd week towards the end of it is a pretty good indicater as to what we really have.

Just be patient.

However, we will make some moves because it sounds like some guys are in need of a little motivation to practice harder.

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Guest Trevor

I haven't felt good about the offense all offseason. These first couple days haven't helped at all. I'd imagine with Snyder and Mendes watching closely that they'll add a player or two at guard and/or center. At least we better hope so.

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

This is also why you're supposed to sign players before camp starts. When they know you're desperate, their price goes up.

That door swings both ways. The players are also running out of time to get contracts and cap space is dwindling.

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