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OT: Any other PA Skins fans?


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I was at the Vet ONCE for a Giants/Eagles game and the place was raining down batteries and metallic objects.

The Giant fans were grouped in the end zones and along up to the 20 yard line on the far end of the stadium from the entrance.

This was 1986 and the Giants were a much better team and it wasn't long before the WAR started for the Eagles fans who were primed to throw everything but their underwear at the visitors and their own fans.

I remember security arresting one guy that had a coat full of objects to throw. He even had some of those little metal balls you use in physical therapy, you know the ones with the points on the ends that is supposed to help relax you. laugh.gif

he launched a few before his stash was confiscated. Luckily he didn't hit anybody. He was too drunk to get a good arc on his shots evil.gif

well, anyway the reputation of the fans is well-deserved. On the way out I remember people leaving in groups of 20 to avoid getting jumped outside by the "gauntlet" of goons that had been yelling at us for 3 hours.

And after all that, people in Philly wonder why no one wants to see the Eagles win anything?

If it came down to a game between them and the Bucs I hope it ends in a tie.

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I despise the Eagles more than any other team except Dallas.

I used to feel that way about the Giants, but I have since met quite a few Giant fans that were OK in my book. Not brash. Generally realistic though very loyal. The Giants have stuck with the 80s NFC East smashmouth power football and that type of game appeals to me. I would rather watch them play (and lose) a game 20-17 than sit through a Ram score-fest.

The Eagles ... oh man, where do you start. That stadium, and I use that term very loosely, is an embarrassment. The fact that they hired Buddy Ryan and kept him for as long as they did is another one. And the fans are really the icing on the cake. They revel in their stupidity. Maybe not ALL of them, but a higher percentage than anywhere else in the league I would guess.

Don't you just love the NFC East? The dynamics of the rivalries, even when the division is relatively weak, are what football is all about.

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I am one. Live in Shippensburg about 25 minutes over the mountain from Gettysburg and 20 tp 25 minutes from Carlise....wooooooooooooohoooooooooo! There are alot of Skins fans here but Eagles and Steelers dominate. Sad statement about this area. We are in the Washington media market and get Washington channels 4, 7, and 9. Love ther Skins. Visit my personal Skisn web site at www.geocities.com.mbuterba.redskins.thm for the lates news and info. If you ave a Skins site, please let me know, I would be happy ot exchange links.




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I live in Chambersburg PA about 30-35 minutes from Carlisle. I also hate dealing with Eagle fans they really wound up this year over Kordell McNabb(even though they booed when they drafted him) I do work with a few who are not too bad

Hail SKins

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I live in Hershey, just 35 minutes from Carlisle down I81.

My local Fox affilliate is out of York, and looking at their schedule, I'll get 7 games from them this year. Throw in the Sunday night and Monday night games and it looks like 10 games for me. The local CBS affilliate will show the Seattle game, so that's 11 (although I'll be at Hogfest for that).

Philly is the local franchise from a TV perspective. Last year the Skins were the regional franchise when the Philly game didn't conflict, but this year it appears to be divided equally between The Skins and the Jints.

Although you'd think that the Steelers would be the regional AFC team, Baltimore is actually the closest NFL franchise geographically speaking, and they get to split the local coverage.

In the local stores, the majority of team stuff displayed (and thus I assume sold) would be Eagles, followed by Steelers, then ocasionally Ravens and the national franchises like Cowboys, 49ers, Dolphins, and Raiders.

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I live right on the Pa border in Joisey and have to admit I do despise the Iggles more than any other team. I go every year to the Vet and every year its a adventure. Worse by far than anything at Giants stadium. And despite the avalanche of beer,pretzles and unsolicited verbal beatings I will be there once again this year with my coveted Riggins jersey on cheering my brains out.

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I live in northwestern Pa., right smack dab between Erie and Pittsburgh in a city named St. Marys. This place is loaded with Steeler and Raider fans. Why the Raider fans you ask? A former resident by the name of Dan Connors used to play middle linebacker for the Raiders in the late 60's to early 70's. Thus the huge following. Skins fans are very rare in my neck of the woods. I am around two and a half hours from Carlise, and four hours from DC. My DirectTV dish enables me to watch the Skins every week, although I would like to make it to a game in Fed Ex Stadium some day. I was lucky enough to see four games in RFK Stadium in the Skins playoff heydays!

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Originally posted by The Diehard:

I live in Hanover and took a week vacation just to go to training camp (now that's dedication)!! Loved every bit of it. email address is patlippy@hotmail.com if you ever want to chat about our guys!!!!!!!!

Give us your camp reports! And post any pictures that you have!


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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