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AP: Owens gets earful from Eagles fans


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Originally posted by TerpsEagles

Tis true... best I know though, even as pizzed as T.O. was out there, he never took plays off. Do you know to the contrary ?

Plus I hear he's looking for a new contract next year.... wouldn't be a good time to start sandbaging... wouldn't you agree ?

time will tell :cheers:

Look, I respect the Eagles a lot, and TO won't take plays off (unless he's in a real royal mood), but the guy can play 'psyche games' on his teammates that you can't even imagine.

McNabb is solid, but he's susceptible to performance degregdation due to press and fan and TEAMMATE criticism, as are most NFL QB's.

When TO jumps in his sh*t on the sidelines again this year, it's going to be big news.

And as I've said before, you may think TO's quietly fading into the sunset despite his contract dispute, but he has something planned...

Time will tell...

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Originally posted by tr1

Look, I respect the Eagles a lot, and TO won't take plays off (unless he's in a real royal mood), but the guy can play 'psyche games' on his teammates that you can't even imagine.

McNabb is solid, but he's susceptible to performance degregdation due to press and fan and TEAMMATE criticism, as are most NFL QB's.

When TO jumps in his sh*t on the sidelines again this year, it's going to be big news.

And as I've said before, you may think TO's quietly fading into the sunset despite his contract dispute, but he has something planned...

Time will tell...

Someone hit the nail on the head. :eaglesuck

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Originally posted by tr1

Look, I respect the Eagles a lot, and TO won't take plays off (unless he's in a real royal mood), but the guy can play 'psyche games' on his teammates that you can't even imagine.

McNabb is solid, but he's susceptible to performance degregdation due to press and fan and TEAMMATE criticism, as are most NFL QB's.

When TO jumps in his sh*t on the sidelines again this year, it's going to be big news.

And as I've said before, you may think TO's quietly fading into the sunset despite his contract dispute, but he has something planned...

Time will tell...

Anything he does is big news... apparently to just about everybody except the Eagles players and most of their fans... the media blows this sh*t out of proportion... dear God, there were how many reports and stories about his wearing tights last year.....

the reporters also have agendas....

lemme ask you this... if Sal Pal comes on his little 45 second gig on SC or on PTI and says... well, aside from one cold shoulder episode w/ Hugh, T.O. began to loosen up and was seen smiling and laughing w/ some of the other players... he looked good in the drills and after the practice got going he even began to interact w/ the fans a little....

what do you think that means for Sal Pal ? It means he gets less and less air time b/c that's just boring...

BUUUUUUT, if he comes out and his first thing he says is "The Eagles are a divided team" "T.O. is pizzed".... guess what.... chat boards go nuts, Sal Pal gets 3 more bits on Philly TV, ESPN, etc ..... you think he doesn't know that ? Or Adam Schefter, or whoever..... c'mon

I've been getting my camp reports first hand.... probably a slight green tint on the viewer, but i'll guarantee it's much more close to what is really happening than what you are seeing on ESPN, or NFL Live, or Cold Pizza....

as for your theory about T.O. and having something planned.... well, you're entitled... and hell, you may be right.. i've said it before... nobody knows.. ...

will he be the model player thru this camp and media circus ? Probably not... he'll pout some and probably give the media some great soundbites to go crazy over....

here's my take. He's 32, coming off a fairly substantial injury, and is known around the league as a problem player, AND HE WANTS A NEW CONTRACT

I think that not only will he play ... but I personally think that barring any injury, he will flat out dominate. He has A TON on the line this season.

What will "pulling something" like you think do for him ?

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Originally posted by TerpsEagles

Anything he does is big news... apparently to just about everybody except the Eagles players and most of their fans... the media blows this sh*t out of proportion... dear God, there were how many reports and stories about his wearing tights last year.....

the reporters also have agendas....

lemme ask you this... if Sal Pal comes on his little 45 second gig on SC or on PTI and says... well, aside from one cold shoulder episode w/ Hugh, T.O. began to loosen up and was seen smiling and laughing w/ some of the other players... he looked good in the drills and after the practice got going he even began to interact w/ the fans a little....

what do you think that means for Sal Pal ? It means he gets less and less air time b/c that's just boring...

BUUUUUUT, if he comes out and his first thing he says is "The Eagles are a divided team" "T.O. is pizzed".... guess what.... chat boards go nuts, Sal Pal gets 3 more bits on Philly TV, ESPN, etc ..... you think he doesn't know that ? Or Adam Schefter, or whoever..... c'mon

I've been getting my camp reports first hand.... probably a slight green tint on the viewer, but i'll guarantee it's much more close to what is really happening than what you are seeing on ESPN, or NFL Live, or Cold Pizza....

as for your theory about T.O. and having something planned.... well, you're entitled... and hell, you may be right.. i've said it before... nobody knows.. ...

will he be the model player thru this camp and media circus ? Probably not... he'll pout some and probably give the media some great soundbites to go crazy over....

here's my take. He's 32, coming off a fairly substantial injury, and is known around the league as a problem player, AND HE WANTS A NEW CONTRACT

I think that not only will he play ... but I personally think that barring any injury, he will flat out dominate. He has A TON on the line this season.

What will "pulling something" like you think do for him ?

His antics in SF didn't hurt him...he ended up with the Eagles... ;)

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Originally posted by skinsngibbs4life

it would be a completly different thing if portis held out or requested more money. Portis has shown nothing in his 3 year career that make people hate him. He's not like T.O. were he has to be the center of attention. I think fans would have a little bit more lee way for players like portis if they did this just because they dont constintly make a bad name for themselve


Understood and respected.

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Originally posted by TerpsEagles

Were you at the practice yesterday or today, in Philly ? Yes or no ?

Did you read the article, yes or no.

And, incidentally, I was supporting your apparent perspective that being a fan trumps any sort of logic in behavior.

You may want to ease off on the caffeine. ;)

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

I dislike Terrell Eldorado Owens right now. BUT, I know that first monday night game, I'll have my authentic TO jersey on and I'll start wing flapping as soon as he scores a TD.

I know I'm very much in the minority here and across the nation when it comes to T.O....but, you can't erase what he gave your team last year over a contract dispute...

I'm really tired of all the "blue collar" Phily news exsposes on the T.O. situation. Every city in America has word working, blue collar employees. They're all using the same line..."you signed a contract, you should honor it." One guy even went as far as comparing the signatures in the Decleration of Independence to the T.O. situation. It's insanity. These blue collar guys don't have to sign a contract anyways when it comes to work...if they don't like what they're getting paid, they move on to the next job.

Perhaps T.O.'s last agent told him the deal he was getting was up there with the top 3 receivers in the league.

I'm about guys getting paid what they're worth. T.O. works hard, scores points, and makes the Eagles better.

No one likes being underpaid....why should T.O.?

I bet if T.O. was paid like the best, he would possibly preform better than last year...I think he would raise his game to quiet the doubters. Doesn't he seem like that type of player?

BTW, I respect how every member of your team has handled this situation....but, not your front offices.

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Guest Matt Kyriacou
Originally posted by TerpsEagles

As for fairweather..... as many times as somebody on this board brings up or posts a link to the booing Santa story... last game of the season. A season in which the Eagles lost their first 11 games. They were 2-11 at that game. Do you know what the attendance was at Franklin Field that day ?

It was sold out. ~ 55,000 paying fans to see a 2-11 team in their final game of the year.

Think that would happen in D.C. ?

Only a dumb azz would ask that question.



"A consecutive sellout streak began in 1968 and is still alive today. No other NFL team can claim that long a string of sellouts."


Any more dumb azz questions?

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Originally posted by richard saunders

I'm really tired of all the "blue collar" Phily news exsposes on the T.O. situation. Every city in America has word working, blue collar employees.

Some cities are alot more blue collar than others...look at the DC area, would you classify Potomac, MD as blue collar or Reston, VA...I sure as heck don't. I like this area very much, but I have to say that this is one of the most non-blue collar areas I have ever seen in my life and believe me I have been too many places.

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Originally posted by DrivingBandit

The Iggle fans are POed that Owens is whining about 49 million dollars not being enough to "feed his family." Remember, Pilly is a historically blue collar and working class city so this would make me mad if I lived up there too.

T.O. is whining because he'll be lucky to see 3/4's of that 49 mil..and he knows it.

He wants what any premier postion player would want. More guaranteed dollars (signing bonus) over a shorter duration of time.

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Originally posted by richard saunders

T.O. is whining because he'll be lucky to see 3/4's of that 49 mil..and he knows it.

He wants what any premier postion player would want. More guaranteed dollars (signing bonus) over a shorter duration of time.

wow, only 3/4's of 49 million dollars...T.O. better apply for food stamps.

btw, he is getting a 6 million bonus for this season. According to ESPN, but they sometimes change the story for entertainment value rather than news.

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Originally posted by DrivingBandit

Some cities are alot more blue collar than others...look at the DC area, would you classify Potomac, MD as blue collar or Reston, VA...I sure as heck don't. I like this area very much, but I have to say that this is one of the most non-blue collar areas I have ever seen in my life and believe me I have been too many places.

Are you serious?

These are suburbs. And yes, Reston does have a lot of blue collar employees. Potomac doesn't, but I'm sure Philadelphia has some nicer suburbs as well.

Philadelphia has white collar jobs too. Trust me, not everyone makes cheese steaks.

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Originally posted by richard saunders

Are you serious?

These are suburbs. And yes, Reston does have a lot of blue collar employees. Potomac doesn't, but I'm sure Philadelphia has some nicer suburbs as well.

Philadelphia has white collar jobs too. Trust me, not everyone makes cheese steaks.

I was going by the censous reports...the population in this area is far more wealthy. Am I saying DC has NO blue collar jobs, of course not, I used to work one here...but in my opinion I believe that Philly has more rough blue collar jobs than DC.

But I do respect your opinions though.

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Originally posted by DrivingBandit

wow, only 3/4's of 49 million dollars...T.O. better apply for food stamps.

btw, he is getting a 6 million bonus for this season. According to ESPN, but they sometimes change the story for entertainment value rather than news.

He is underpaid. It is rediculous how much money he generated for the Eagles last year.

For the first time EVER in team history they led the league in merchandise sales. That's so happened to coincide with T.O.'s arrival. Not to mention he finished off #3 in individual player jersey sales. The Redskins are not even in the top 10 and they had Gibbs come back and 12 friggin stores. That is a lot of money.



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At the end of the day, I honestly don't think the TO situation nor the Westbrook situation will effect the actual play on the field.

Most of you do.

What we are doing is dancing a dance which neither party will wind up convinced of the other's argument. Everytime there is another ESPN hysteria type revelation from the Eagles camp, there is a thread made with all the Skins fans saying, "That's it! They are done!" Then guys like me come in and say it's camp fodder, and when Sept 11th comes, the Eagles will be just fine.

I guess we are going to keep dancing until Sept 11th and, more than likely, our first meeting. I'm sure neither side will back down and will both have ammunition for their argument.

BUT, when you keep citing ESPN reports, please keep in mind that their lead tonight was "TO CARTED OFF THE FIELD!!!" but it comes out that it's a groin strain, which is nothing serious.

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I dont think this means a total meltdown of the team necessarily, but I think there will be fallout, especially between McNabb and TO. I expect to see a few tantrums from TO on the sideline this season, what effect if any it has on the teams success is impossible to know for sure

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Originally posted by SamSneed36

I dont think this means a total meltdown of the team necessarily, but I think there will be fallout, especially between McNabb and TO. I expect to see a few tantrums from TO on the sideline this season, what effect if any it has on the teams success is impossible to know for sure

I can agree with that, Sammy.

As a matter of fact, I can see TO saying Donny is sabotaging his numbers this year if DM doesn't look for him all the time like he did last year.

I think DM wanted to keep TO happy last year so he looked for him all the time. This year, I think he will just be content to throw to whomever is open and spread the ball around more.

This will piss off TO who will be playing for a contract in 06.

Should be interesting. Will it be enough to derail an entire season for a well coached, cohesive team.....I honestly don't think so. But I do agree there will be some bumps in the road.

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Originally posted by Matt Kyriacou

Only a dumb azz would ask that question.



"A consecutive sellout streak began in 1968 and is still alive today. No other NFL team can claim that long a string of sellouts."


Any more dumb azz questions?

actually, yes....

When was the last game you went to in DC, at the end of the season, when the Skins had a losing record ? And not just a losing record.. but a freaking dismal record w/ a QB who threw 10 more INTs than he threw TDs.

How many were in attendance ?

I don't care how many tickets are sold, my point was to how many people cared enough to actually show up at the game given the record of the team and the time of the season.

(and since you called me a dumbazz, I decided to at least do a quick check on some of the numbers... ya know, just to see... I did a VERY quick comparison of comparable games in comparable seasons.... I looked at two of our teams 3-13 seasons.. Skins in '94 and Eagles in '98.

-In the Skins last home game in '94, according to Extremeskins data, the attendance was 47,315. I looked up the capacity of RFK and it said it was 56,692. So the stadium was 83 % full that game.

-In the Eagles last home game in '98, according to the Eagles official site, the attendance was 66,596. The number I found for the VET capacity was 65,356. So that would put the stadium for that game at 101% full.)

Now I also know that those figures are just for that one day and game for our respective teams. I want to reiterate that I'm not trying to slam Skins fans. I was simply giving an example of how Eagles fans aren't fairweather. Hell, I think the attendance at the Skins last home game last year was 76K +. Damn good showing.

Now if the Eagles start to tank in the future... and have another 3-13 year, I couldn't tell you if Lincoln Financial would fill up for a late season game. I know I would still go. But I don't know what the attendance would be. I just tried to show the guy who threw out the "fairweather" tag, that 55K people showed up at game to see a 2-11 team.... and now I just showed you that 66K showed up to watch a 3-13 team.

that is anything but fairweather in ANY city.

And for the record, before anybody jumps down my throat, I didn't just go down this road to try and slam Skins fans. I know better and I know there is a HUGE base of loyal fans. Many are my best friends. This whole attendance thing was only brought up as a direct reply to one individual who threw the "Philly fans are fairweather" out there and now this reply to Matt.

No need to go any further.

(By the way, don't you think that thousands and thousands of opposing fans have a little to do with the paid attendance record ? just do a search on this site and find the countless threads complaining about the masses of opposing fans that have been flooding your stadium for the past decade.

Hopefully, and probably, for your sake, when the Skins start winning again that will all change. RFK used to rock and was a great, intimidating place to watch a game as an opposing fan. But damn was it fun!!!)


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