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Ticket Waiting Game

Sammy Baugh

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Between work, checking the email for shipment of my season tickets and getting ready to travel, I search the net for information about my new seat(s) location in section 106. I have gone to many of the ticket sales sites and notice 106 must be a very serious skins fan section. I have only found the same 2 seats for sale on various sites. Do you think this is a good omen or not? I wasn't to keen on sitting in a corner but if I am surrounded by screaming RS fans, I'll be in heaven. I have a feeling my seats are just to the left of the helmet, towards the skin's bench. Anybody on here have seats in section 106? I'm bored, where's my tickets???

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Originally posted by airborneskins

I have sat in 106 before. Great seats. It is right where the Skins come out of the lockerroom. Yes, the fans in that section usually go CRAZY. You will enjoy these seats I guarantee it.

Edit.. I will be sitting in sect 142 this season.

Thanks, you made my day! I was burned once by not checking the seats out prior to the pick and I didn't check these out either. Live dangerously I do. Looks and sounds like I might be ok this time. Need the tickets though!

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