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Going to camp


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Training camp is starting on the 22nd.

I have never been to one in the 52 years I have been rooting for this Redskins. My question is what to expect. I want to stay for a few days but don't know what days to go. I had thought about going on the 22nd. Where to go what to do? What can my wife do (she doesn't watch football). She likes to shop

Thanks for the help


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Here's the practice schedule, bro.

No idea what the non-fan can do to wile away a couple of days in Carlisle, PA in August ... but do a Googld search on "Carlisle" for links to local points of interest, shopping, etc. YOu just KNOW your lovely wife isn't the only one who'll be looking for non-pigskin stuff to do. :)

As far as what to expect ON the field, don't worry, there's so much going on at any given moment you'll need to keep your head on a swivel. It's a blast.

Tell you what, if you don't hold me accountable for any projections I made back then that look silly in retrospect (ahem), I'll post a link to a camp report I did last year ...

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I am not sure how SS will run camp but I am sure it will be done close to what MArty had, I spent a lot of time watching the oline and dline practice you can get very close to the oline and watch them bang around the sleds. I always left about 30 minutes before practice was over and went to wait for autographs as they headed back to the dorms. I came away with some great autographs. My prize one is an autographed LaVar jersey.

Hersheypark is about half an hour from Carlisle, that is an all day trip, if you want to get your moneys worth. There is a few malls in carlisle. There is hte Gettysburg battlefield to go see, I believe that is also about a half hour southish of camp. I don't think there is much going on the 22nd is there I think practices start on 23rd players just report on monday.

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Well ... okay. But only so long as we all understand this to be simply one modest example of what a Day In The Life Of A Fan At A Redskins Training Camp can be ... and not some dude's shallow, self-serving excuse for a journey down memory lane.

Ahem. :cool:

Time Capsule.

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Yeah, the Husak thing has been a bit of a skeleton in my closet ever since. :rolleyes:

Damn it, though ... the Todd I saw that day was the guy we saw in the World Bowl a couple of weeks ago. He DID have a certain presence about him. My "wiggle room" on those posts was the part where I noted that "IF" he carried the poise I saw in practice onto the field under the bright lights, he'd be okay. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

As for this year, I know several of us are planning to attend some practices. Be great if everyone who did took a few minutes to share some observations/insights. I know how much they can mean to folks who can't get there.

Looks like I'll get only one day in again, probably toward the end of camp. I'll take notes. :)

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I was there for a couple of days and I thought that Rosenfels looked a little better than Husak, but it was hardly clear superiority. In fact, I thought camp fodder Mike Watson looked about as good.

It's hard to tell much from QB drills. And the scrimmages are totally contrived (e.g. the defense may know the calls) as the staff is really trying to isolate particular guys to see what they're doing.

I do remember thinking that Mario Monds was incredibly lardly and out of condition. I think the staff felt the same way. Hangin' out at the water station ain't the best way to catch the coach's attention.

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I saw Sage last year at camp and he looked better. Bigger stronger, more presence in the pockett. What stood out the most was when they did the QB agility drill. Shuffling of the feet running forward backward side to side. George looked awful, as if he was doing it for the first time, Husak looked average, then all of a sudden there was one of the QBs floating through the drills effortlessly like a lightweight boxer, SAGE! I think that showed up in the pre-season games last year when plays broke down, so did that tiny INT for a TD.

I'll be going up there again this year and I'll share my camp notes of course.

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I'm confirmed for July 24th and 25th. Staying at the Ramada (they've got some promotion going on and rooms are $54 or something like that).

I stayed at Rodeway last year and I had a trouble free stay. Just got what I thought might be a better deal through Orbitz. Looking forward to seeing some of you. Hope the heat breaks, but not if it means rain.

I'll be the guy wearing the Redskin-oriented stuff. ;)

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