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Clinton seeks video game sex scene probe


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Originally posted by BG

Do these people not understand what a "mod" is? It's only available for the pc version as far as I know...

Exactly! She has no idea what a mod is or she would not have made the comments. I bet CT Sen.. (D) Lieberman will have something to say too. :doh: When are they going to understand the median age of PC gamers is 26? When are they going to understand not all games (PC or otherwise) are made for children? And when are they going to get a person on their staff to tell them how computer games work and the maker has no control over mod content?

Finally, when are the people who are "Outraged!" going to learn not every show/movie/game/song/play/book/ is going to be for kids? Nor should they be. '

And lastly, does any one have a copy of Leisure Suit Larry I can buy? I'm going to drive to Chappaqua and put it in her mail box.



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Can't Sen. Clinton find something more important to do while she waits in the wings to run for President in 2008?

Oh wait, this is another "For the children"......things isn't it.

Politicians.....it's so easy to game plan you guys, if you were HC's in the NFL you'd have a 0-16 record you're so easy to read.

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