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  1. Guess I was wrong. Say what you like about Dan, but he clearly has no track record of hiring idiots.
  2. Obviously, LOL. He's the idiot. I mean, the other idiot. Ah, whatever. I'm in too good a mood to get caught up in the nitty-gritty.
  3. Jeez, what an idiot. Yes, six billion. Congratulations. Now let's see how much of that money Dan will keep in light of British taxes and (probably) alimony, not to mention his already-existing debt. Remind me again, how exactly does Dan make money in ways that don't involve a football team?
  4. I'll bet he tipped in cash so Dan won't have to declare it on his tax return. Not that he would anyway.
  5. Just FYI, the Maggiano's tweet was bogus. Note the photo of the restaurant: And here's the exact same picture, taken last November at an American University basketball dinner:
  6. I'm not sure Dan could identify the "worst option" even if he wanted to.
  7. "Tomorrow..." So, late Friday night my time? Works for me!
  8. Everyone involved with picking next year's quarterback will be gone in 2024 so long as Dan actually sells the team. Howell has a good arm; his long pass to McLaurin was a thing of beauty. Just play the guy for a year, get some film, and don't do anything stupid.
  9. I just like the idea of Dan buying a soccer team, getting smeared in every single British newspaper and being burned in effigy on a regular basis. He wouldn't last two seasons.
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