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Posts posted by BrentMeisterGeneral

  1. 53 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

    Jerry Jones says Dak needs surgery and will be out several weeks.


    We need to sieze on this.

    This is really disappointing news, I hope he’s back quickly. The only way to measure our improvement is by seeing if we’re better than the best in division so I wish him a speedy recovery

    • Like 1
  2. I’ve been thinking about Ron’s job security going into the new season, firstly I’ve liked some things he’s done in the past 2 years but they are mainly culture and franchise wide actions and not so much on field actions.


    I’m of the opinion that if we see no tangible improvement in results this season then I would be fine with Dan firing Ron and here’s an example of why that has a lot of similarities, I’m English and for my whole life have supported West Ham United what you guys may call a soccer team, since 2010 West Ham have been owned by David Gold and Sullivan two ex porn barons who lets say saw the opportunity of a club financially on its knee’s and bought it whilst transferring it’s debt to themselves and charging it annual interest, not a great start. In the years that followed a wholly unprofessional culture was developed at the club around Transfer dealings with other clubs, owners picking players and eventually a pretty botched transition into a stadium that the fans have still not really settled into, sound familiar?


    Managers (Head Coaches) have come and gone in that period and largely been unsuccessful commonly fighting to avoid relegation and having to deal with the racket upstairs, and for many years it was just accepted that whatever manager came in was going to struggle because the ownership was just that bad, a mindset I myself had adopted for a long time, in 2019 again trying to fight off another relegation West Ham turned back to David Moyes a man who kept them up previously but was not offered the role long term with the same outcome of keeping us up, except this time he had the job long term. Fast forward 3 years and Moyes has guided West Ham to a top 6 finish in the Premier League, a European Semi Final and back to back European qualifications in my lifetime, his focus was on the players, not only stabilising the squad but having them challenging at the top end of the richest league in the world, up until recently a limited budget.


    So how does that relate to Ron and Dan? Iv seen numerous posts, social media and otherwise, interviews in the media and so on claiming that whilst Snyder is head of the organisation Washington can’t challenge in the play offs and beyond, but that’s simply just not true, this isn’t a justification for Dan of course we’d all like him gone, hell the West Ham owners are still what they were, but more to point out that Ron could and perhaps should still be producing better results than he has done. His inability between him and Jack Del Rio to find a commanding Middle Line Backer despite playing in the league as one and having a couple of the leagues best in Carolina is a major issue, and the jury is out on Wentz as a QB that can challenge in the post season. With those things in mind and entering his third season if Rivera doesn’t take us to the play offs this season and maybe even win a game in them then I’d thank him very much for his service to the organisation in cleaning up the culture etc and keep riding the Coaching carousel until one lands that has the ceiling to take us all the way

  3. 8 minutes ago, ExoDus84 said:


    That's fine,  but you weren't really discussing draft picks, only claiming matter of factly that our front office and their picks are basically trash. I just wanted to know what your qualifications were for making this kind of judgment before any of the players we've drafted have played a down.  


    I assume you must work in the business to have that kind of confidence. So, what front office do you work in? 

    I don’t know whether to be sad or impressed that you managed to fully contradict yourself in your first sentence


    My qualifications are:

    - 1 full season of watching Jamin bloody Davis, a Ron Rivera special drafted around 5 rounds too high

    - An understanding of the front office’s complete mishandling of the defensive tackle position leading to the overcompensating pick we’ve just made instead of taking Brisker or Dean and filling a genuine position of need with high ceiling quality

    It’s a short resume, but it’s growing with every draft this Front Office heads up

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, mistertim said:


    Yeah I'm not entirely sure what people expect others to do in a football forum other than...express opinions on football. You don't have to be a pro scout or coach to have an opinion on something.

    Spot on Mistertim! That’s the beauty of fan forums

  5. Just now, MrJL said:


    Just because you're in a place where you can discuss it doesn't mean anyone's got to take you seriously

    Where have I said that? You either like it or you don’t? I really couldn’t care less either way but to suggest your opinion is only valid if you have some kind of NFL scouting experience when commenting on a fan forum is laughable 

    • Like 3
  6. Just now, mistertim said:

    Man these QBs are falling harrrrrd


    I thought more would fall than we thought, including Willis, but I didn't think it would be this bad.

    Has a QB ever attended the actual draft back stage and then completely dropped out of the first two rounds?


    That must be really tough to take

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