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Number 44

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Posts posted by Number 44

  1. 25 minutes ago, Malapropismic Depository said:

    How does Philly get a far greater TV market than us ?

    As if they're relevant and we're not.

    You'd think that at least us playing SF would help our case

    Well, among the four teams in the two games, New Orleans has the best record by far, so I can see why that game might be a better attraction in a lot of areas, but it does seem a bit surprising that the WFT game isn't being shown in NYC, since the fight for first in the NFC East is between WFT and NYG. 

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, GothSkinsFan said:

    Portis could probably make bank running a blocking seminar for RBs.  He could probably teach our OL something.


    As for Gibson, that wasn't really taunting.  He was putting his arm out there to protect himself (stiff arm) but then realized while his hand was hanging out there in mid-air that he had out-run the defender.  His arm was already outstretched and his hand was already in position to wave.  Gibson was just pulling his hand back in.  The wave was really more a mechanical thing than a taunt.  If defender had done his job, defender would have been eating knuckle sandwich.  Instead he gets a wave-off.  That's not a penalty.

    Yeah, it did look to me that the defender misjudged Gibson's speed and took too steep of an angle.  Gibson blew right by him.  I think the proper angle would have had them meeting at about the two yard line or so.  Chances are he still would have scored. 

  3. 14 hours ago, glongest said:

    They have not given up a ton of sacks but that is about where their success stops.  In terms of rushing yards per game, 29th out of 32 teams, not very good.  And where does rushing start.  It starts with the O line.  

    I don't necessarily disagree, but I think that it is fair to say that bad teams tend to rank low in rushing yards and high in rushing yards allowed in part because the teams with the lead tend to run the ball more than teams that are behind.  As such, these rankings don't really tell the entire story.  Now, maybe the WFT o-line is poor at run blocking - I don't know - but the team ranking isn't necessarily the definitive proof of that, IMO.

  4. 4 hours ago, profusion said:


    In retrospect, it's amazing that Jerry lucked into Jimmy Johnson and that whole early '90s Cowboys dynasty. If he hadn't been such an egotistical tool, it might have lasted years longer.

    Weren't Jones and Johnson teammates in college?  I'm thinking they played at Arkansas, but I'm not certain.

  5. 2 hours ago, London Kev said:


    I think of myself as English as I was born and and raised in London, but my father came from County Cork in Ireland and my mother was born in Cardiff in Wales. Just to add to the mix, my step-father comes from Edinburgh in Scotland.


    Family gatherings are always......... interesting.


    LOL.  Here in the States, mixed ancestry is pretty much the norm.  🙂



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    • Haha 1
  6. 50 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

    Some group is asking the NFL to investigate the skins recent hirings of terry Bateman and Julie Donaldson apparently. The league hasn’t acted on it yet though. 


    If the hire of a female to an executive position in the NFL isn't considered a minority hiring, it should be.  Very few women in such positions.


    As to Bateman, I thought he was already with the team.  Wouldn't that be considered a promotion, rather than a hire?

  7. 25 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

    Back to football.  IF the NFLPA & NFL agree on the covid protocols; rookies are due to report this week.  Then the following week the veterans.  Only exceptions  are the Chiefs,Texans who play Sept. 10. Their players report a little earlier I think.


    I am going switch my focus to football.  Even though I think Covid-19 will derail the season at some point; I am looking forward to see how Ron starts to shape his team.  However long football is able to be played this year; I am going to enjoy it.


    For those hoping Snyder is on his way out in the next year; good luck with that.  I figure once the investigation by Dan's lawyer is done.  He'll make the recommended changes. Probably, see a couple of women hired in HR to deal with stuff like this.  The NFL will fine him and take a lower round draft pick or two.  That will be it.


    Unless there's something tying Dan directly to this; I don't see him being impact personally.  Even if he knew, I don't think that would force to sell.  Now, if some of the other rumored stuff comes out with verified proof; then that's a different ball game.  I'm not pinning my hopes on it.  Any success in the future will be in spite of Dan, not because of him.


    So, I am looking towards football; forever how brief of time we get it this year.


    I don't see why any draft picks would be forfeited.

  8. 3 hours ago, Jumbo said:


    General manager Bobby Beathard made it clear early on that he didn’t want a woman covering his team. “It messes up everything that they’re sending you out here,” he told me.


    He was concerned about my presence in the locker room, which was the place where reporters interviewed the players. I told him I had no problems with it.

    “I know you’re a nice girl and I know you don’t really want to go in there,” Beathard said.


    I reiterated that it wasn’t an issue. I don’t think he heard me."


    Perhaps I'm a bit old-fashioned and prudish, but it seems to me that, in fact, it was she that didn't hear Beathard, not the other way around.


    I get the argument that women reporters make about it being a competitive disadvantage for them to not be able to get quotes from players in the locker room, but I agree with Beathard that it is simply inappropriate to allow members of the opposite sex to enter a sex-specific locker room.  People will be in various stages of undress in a locker room.  Reporters of the opposite sex of an athlete should just accept what is appropriate and get their interviews somewhere other than in the locker room, IMO.  For her to say it was OK with her is, IMO, totally beside the point.  It isn't her decision to decide that it is OK.  What if some of the players would prefer privacy or feel somewhat uncomfortable being naked in front of a woman asking them questions?  What about the players' wives and families preferring that women not be in their husband's/son's/father's presence when they were naked?  I've never really understood that; and for players to, in turn, be held accountable for anything they may say in the locker room that might offend a woman reporter seems unfair to me.  For a woman to claim to be offended that a player said something sexually suggestive or the like while she was staring at his naked body just seems bizarre, on its face.  As I said, maybe I'm just old fashioned.


    I also didn't understand her story about the player that told his wife that he was out on an interview with her as a cover for his adultery, asking her to confirm that, should his wife ask.  How is that sexual harassment?  Slimy and in poor taste?  Of course.  Inappropriate?  Sure.  I would guess that, more often than not, guys committing adultery use their male friends as their cover story, rather than a female acquaintance.  That is equally slimy and inappropriate.  The reporter being a woman doesn't matter in this instance, does it?  Seems to me she should just have said, "Don't involve me in your family matters.  I'm not going to lie to your wife."  It is certainly wrong to ask such a thing of anyone of either sex, but in any case, I don't see that as being sexual harassment of the reporter.

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