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Posts posted by Morrissey1972

  1. Wentz missed several TD opportunities on that last drive - in the red zone, and he did so because he’s too slow to read his options. The 3rd down play to the back was a slam dunk, but Wentz was back there jumping the ball and missed the window by two seconds. 

    Wentz sucks balls and the coaches know it. It being a short week is no excuse to not be here him today, and there’s zero risk in doing so. 

    Rivera and Turner don’t have a football mind between the two of them. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Conn said:

    Not really, given we ended up being in both games to the end and plenty of TDs were thrown. Those weren’t empty yardage garbage time games (this one will be). 

    Maybe I’m overly critical, but every Wentz snap as seemed to be somewhere between a wing and a prayer to me. Slowly processed, slowly released and poorly executed - even on receptions. 

    Maybe I’m goofy. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

    This topic is dead until there’s a new owner. Dan’s chickens are coming home to roost. He can’t hide anymore.

    We’ve heard that before, and there’s scant evidence that this time will be any different. In fact, Dan only gains power on the heels of these (mostly baseless), accusations. 

    Don’t mistake me for a fan of Dan Snyder, but it’s a long bridge between being a crappy owner and an abuser/corporate thief. The latter of which nobody believes. 

  4. It’s water under the bridge, but we missed an opportunity to have a legacy situation with the Shanahans. Mike should’ve been welcomed to stay until he was ready to give the reins to Kyle. Whatever they wanted, Dan should have given it to them. 

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  5. We’re driving home from the Va-Tech game so I’m following along from the drivers seat. We also got to spend the weekend with our daughter while we were up there, even got to meet our potential Governor, Glen Youngkin at the tailgate. 

    It’s such a relief that we’re not sitting on our couch watching trash football our TV. 

    life is good. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, ZarG3 said:

    We have no identity at RB? Uh whut. Both Gibson and McKissic killed it tonight.

    I’ts not about either player as much as it is that we can’t establish a sound ground game and stick to it. Neither of these two games was it necessary throw the ball as much as we did. Moreover, with four minutes left, we should’ve been able to grind it out, rather than turn the ball over on our end of the field with a mindless throw. 

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