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Everything posted by bakedtater1

  1. I was wondering how this country, the great u.s of a we call home would be able to take more than a quarter of the money the NFL makes each year and give it to public schools to pay teachers more?..I just think of how over paid these athletes are..and how ungrateful they are in such a money hungry league..ahhh thinking of when the NFL was just a hobby.
  2. When was this? ^^ Eat ****ing **** goodell..you ****ing suck and are doing a ****ty ass job..from everything to everything you have completely dropped the ****ing ball.. filling pockets with $ and ****in over fans scince ya took over piece of ****!!!
  3. Ruben foster gonna make him regret it dohhh hahaha
  4. Well there goes any chances of the cowboys being easy at all this season.. ****in witten stay in the booth!!
  5. We need to happen to Dan Snyder what just happened to Robert Kraft
  6. I don't..I have nothing to do with college round ball....I'm more excited for the little league world series than b ball..and that's not till August.
  7. The darkest deepest absolute most miserable time of the year.. errybuddy waiting on dem tax returns, broke from the holidays(some this might not make sense to)no sports..none zillch, waiting for thaw..or break up which ever ya call it.. weather's ****ty, errybuddies sick yukk and no Sunday football to cure the blues.
  8. Hail ya GO RAMS..I hope they stomp the shiznizzell outta the ****riots!!
  9. Brady already backing up what I've said a few times in a couple different threads I think... He's recently said there's a 0% chance of him retiring he wants to play till he's 45 he has I believe three more years which covers what I said about him winning this Superbowl, losing next year's Super Bowl to the saints, then winning the Super Bowl after that then will retire,with hopefully bb.
  10. I thought today's date had a certain..feel to it^^^^..I was thinking ..hmmmm the 26th....that sounds familiar...thanks thebluefood
  11. If? If LOL the Rams don't have a chance 45 13 Patriots unfortunately Umm I sit to pee.. wine coolers are disgusting though and I imagine he does..damn Patriots playing football like it's the seventies and sixties just pound the ball down your throat run time off the clock.. dear Lord hope there's a chance for the Rams
  12. Had a horrible dream the cowpukes beat the Panthers to advance to the Superbowl.... Y'all enjoy your championship Sunday..goooo panth....saints goooo chiefs!!!
  13. That's riiiiiight...the 36 million dollar pay back..**** you mara **** you!!!
  14. Congratulations to Lorenzo Alexander for the contract extension with the bills, personally one of my favorite players in the NFL for a minute now of course another one of those players the Skins let get away..
  15. Big ol fat bong rips...I've cut down drastically on drinking... Worked on laundry and got the kids mentally prepped for the school week.. thank goodness for a saints win they were starting to scare me there for a minute..I thought for sure I would have to ban watching another Super Bowl with it being the eagles Patriots... Now let's keep our fingers crossed we could see a saints chiefs Super Bowl
  16. Well starting this Monday I have a little more relief knowing I'll be able to watch the Superbowl this year... I just pray to the gods the chiefs can beat the Patriots please dear Lord FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BEAT THE PATRIOTS!!!!!
  17. Seeing what the Rams did last night proves even more that we need to bring Adrian Peterson back...we still don't know how Guice is going to pan out but assuming he does we could be doing the same thing to teams next year that the Rams did to the cowpukes last night..
  18. It's just irritating as **** seeing the cowpukes go 8-2 after bringing in Cooper... Nooooo our coach is the ****s man!
  19. Thank you Rams..thank you! I personally called in for aquib talib to fight with Cooper just to let Cooper know how ****ed up it was for him to go to dallass to help them win.
  20. ****ty way for our season to end just to see the cowpukes and phinklematters in the divisional round has me DONE with the playoffs too!!...to me the saints are meh..I hope they kill the iggles ..and I hate the Rams..always have..but I hope they whoop DALLASS..please dear Lord let San Dieg..I mean a whales vagi I mean los Angeles beat the Patriots...go chiefs,saints,rams, chargers!!
  21. The colts could make some noise if they continue to stay aggressive as they were yesterday and as physical as they played...
  22. Good gods go bears please.. big football day today..got the #bruceallendrinkscoorslightandsodoi going on..some kickin wings with the world's greatest chiz's ranch dressing...go bears and for the love of God somebody beat the Patriots please!!
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