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Posts posted by Chew

  1. just watched Life f Pi. decent movie, but i felt unfulfilled...especially with all the attention and acclaim this film has been getting.

    but then i trolled the internets for answers and explanations...and i am now VERY satisfied. religion, cannibalism, starvation, love, desperation, acceptance....after an hour of reading theories and opinions on the internet about Life of Pi....my opinion of this movie has gone from "okay" to "blown away."

    god DAMN it was a good flick.

  2. Camp 14: Total Control Zone. A very depressing, but informative documentary about North Korean labor camps.

    This dude who was born in a labor camp near Pyongyang talked about his 20+ years there....to include being torturd with water, fire, watching an 8-year old girl beaten to death, and gettting a front row seat at the public execution of his mother and.brother. probably the best N. Korea doc ive ever seen.

  3. Just finished watching "The Impossible" with Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts. It's a film about the Tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 and the 7 days afterwards. Very much a "feel good" movie, you see the kindness of strangers and mankind in general all through this film.

    One of Naomi Watts' best performances ever, even better than Mulholland Drive.

  4. Skyfall - ehh, i thought it was pretty good, but not OH MY GOD. The hype surrounding this movie was off the charts, with some folks saying "this is the best Bond film since Goldfinger." That's quite a statement, and I watched Skyfall having high expectations for it. This was my favorite Daniel Craig Bond movie of the 3, and it was good, but not blow your socks off good. Naomie Harris is hawt. B+

    End of Watch - This movie was pretty intense. a bit far fetched, as most police officers, even the ghetto gunfighters, don't draw their weapons daily. still, damn good movie. A-

    Battleship - Meh, it's exactly what I expected. a cheesy story, with bad acting, Rihanna looking hot, and Liam Neeson not doing much at all. Cool action scenes though. You can actually enjoy bad movies like this if you just watch it for what it is. D+.

    Mama - wasn't THAT bad, but it wasn't anything worth ever watching again. typical low budget horror flick, spinoff of every other cheesy horror joint that's come out the last 10 years. But Jessica Chastian's blue eyes and great acting saved this movie. (this film was SO below her, surprised she took the job) C+

    Silver Lining - i thought it was a damn good movie. We've seen Bradley Cooper be funny, and we saw him kick ass in Limitless, and apparently he's also good at being serious. A+.

    Flight - This movie really, really affected me. I've struggled with alcohol addiction for nearly 5 years now, and watching Denzel fight the urge to drink the entire movie reminded me so much of my own struggles, I was in tears half the time LOL. Awesome job by Denzel, and maybe I was just caught up in my emotions, but I feel that Flight was one of his best performances since Training Day. and John Goodman was ****ing hilarious! A.

  5. yeah..something got caught in my eye...that's what i means. i think it was a whole bottle of saline wash....yeah...that's it.

    Honestly, I get caught up in movies like this more and more since I became a father.

    I swear my wife was in the other room cutting onions :ols:

    Oh wow, watching that movie as a father...I can definitely see how it got to you. I thoroughly enjoyed that film. It was amazing.

  6. I finally watched "Beasts of the Southern Wild" last night. It had been sitting on my shelf for a week after arriving from Netflix. Left me crying like a baby.

    One of the best movies I've seen all year. I didn't cry at the end, because I'm a manly man. Something did get caught in my eye though. ;):ols:

    The acting, the scenery, the story....wow. Just wow. No wonder it got nominated for 4 Oscars.

  7. That is such an original movie. It's effing awesome. I have no doubt there will be an American remake before long.

    Hell yeah man, I Saw the Devil blew me away. The first time I watched it, when it was over and the credits rolled, my wife and I were both literally jaw-dropped. What an experience, one of the best movies I've seen in the last 10 years.

    Have you seen Old Boy? The Man from Nowhere? The Chaser? I'm a korean thriller junkie, and I guarantee you'll love those 3 flicks if you liked IStD. Old Boy is considered to be one of the greatest "mind ****" movies of all time

  8. You are not the first person I have seen say this and I am always puzzled. Maybe I don't watch enough movies, but my streaming que currently stands at 260. I never have a hard time finding something to watch. Actually, I have a hard time because I have so many choices, not that it's a bad thing. But, I do not limit any choices. I watch all genres. My que has movies, documentaries, and tv shows. I don't have anything on my que that I have previously watched.

    Yep, that's the secret to really getting your money's worth with netflix. if folks are looking for nothing but blockbuster hits, that well will quickly run dry. But I started watching a lot of low budget Indy comedies, a lot of foreign films, documentaries and tv shows. I think we've got like 160 selections in our que.

    Oh, and I'll say this again (it's been about six months). Anybody who has not yet watched "I Saw the Devil" on netflix streaming is missing out on one of the best movies ever made....

    One of the sickest, goriest, most original revenge thrillers ever made. This is mandatory viewing folks. I'm not asking you to watch this movie, I'm telling you.

    "This is the stuff of nightmares, where even the good guy is bad. and Choi Min-sik as Kyung-chul, one of the most scary and evil villains ever seen in any film."


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