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Posts posted by Gibbs828791

  1. 7 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

    KOC has a single year of experience as an OC under the thumb of 2 offensive minded coaches. His team produced the second worst record in the NFL and worst passing ranking in the entire NFL. KOC has no business being handed the offense.

    Haskins fanboys are worried if he loses his buddy KOC he might pout. This is what it’s actually about. No one cares about KOC otherwise and his 32nd ranked passing game. It’s absolute absurdity to make him OC.

    and no way Ron in his right mind is catering to Haskins...Haskins needs to grow up...stop being a twitter idiot..and work! If Haskins doesnt change quick I hope he gets run out of here.

    Ron has been around the NFL almost 40 yrs he knows a idiot when he sees them...hell yea we got Ron!!

  2. Haskins is either going to shape up or he is going to be out of here! Thanks for wanting Young as our second pick publicly, thanks for wanting Ocho as coach publicly , thanks for wanting KOC publicly ...somebody needs to tell this guy Ron Burgundy is in the house...things have changed...hallelujah!!


    Some of the clowns on this team have a rude awakening...once again..hallelujah!!


    On a serious note where is the parenting; even at 22 my dad would be giving me advice telling me to shut up!

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  3. Ron will know best but I think OC for a defensive coach is to big for him right now.


    Think how far this coaching is going to be from what they were...Rob Ryan...lol..


    Just loving it that I have a coach who I can root for, who has respect, and isnt a joke.

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