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Posts posted by ANONYMOUS SOURCE.

  1. Well I think this is the first off the field player issue this regime has had to confront and for once I’m fairly confident we’ll handle it the right way. Been a long time since I could say that . In the past if we faced 10 choices for any situation, with only one being the wrong one it always seemed that’s the one we’d go with every time lol

  2. 7 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

    Under Dan we shopped in the used car lot for talent for the FO.   The FO was sort of an after thought at best for Dan.  It's amazing how epically incompetent Dan was on just about every level but especially the FO.   The team has been dead last in finding All Pro talent from what I recall in the last few decades.  When we watch or read about name this or that top 100 player ranking, we get almost no love.  




    Dan didn’t need a strong FO because he thought he was always the smartest guy in the room. And he was 
if the room was  the broom closet. 


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  3. 41 minutes ago, Conn said:

    Hasn’t recorded a catch in almost six years. 32 years old. I’m tempted to think this is a favor for an agent that will pay off in some other way. 

    Or Maybe just a confidence booster for Forbes and the rookie CB,s lol. Bryant is almost Anthony Mix tall though so that’s worth considering😁

  4. 12 hours ago, Warhead36 said:

    I'd imagine Harris will happily spring for whatever state of the art VR system Daniels or anyone else needs.

    He said that he was committed to “winning on the edges” to gain an advantage and that would absolutely be a step toward that. He should build the first state of the art VR training facility , hell he could probably get it sponsored and get the tech for free. Rich people can do that kind of stuff lol

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