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Posts posted by Shiv

  1. Gravity...glorious. Magnificent.

    Very tense, edge of your seat with a subtle dash of minimal comic relief. In a way, I feel exhausted, tired three hours after I saw it.


    Clooney nearly stole the show, imo. I absolutely loved his wise yet wise-cracking, father-figure role. However, I have a brand new sense of respect for Sandra Bullock. It's not very often you can watch a film and an actor/actress and completely forget WHO you are watching. She truly became someone else.

    And for the record, Alfonso Cuaron and Neill Blomkamp now own science fiction.



    I thought it was kinda boring.  I knew exactly what was going to happen before it happened, EVERY time.


    There was almost no character development and as a result, I felt NOTHING for Bullock.  I agree with you on Clooney, but to me, Sandra Bullock was just mailing it in.  I didn't care about her, why she was in space or that she was trying to get back home.  She might as well have been a ritz cracker floating around space.  They should've consulted the creators and writers of Up!  I felt more for the characters in that movie in the first 5 minutes then I did in 90 minutes of Gravity.  

  2. Stupid guy jumping on an endangered species. He should go to jail. Also, I wish a FL alligator had have come up from the bottom of the water as he was diving in.


    Now, investigators with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service intend to file federal charges against the men.

    "It's sad," FWC Officer Lenny Salberg said. "Here you have a manatee just swimming down a canal not hurting anyone. To actually go out of your way to harm them, what would make you want to do that?"

    All three men are expected to face federal manatee harassment charges, Salberg said.

    The charges are expected to be filed later this week and if convicted, each of the men could served a year-long jail sentence and have to pay up to $50,000 in fines.

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