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Posts posted by Alaskins

  1. Traditionally if two appeals courts rule both for and against the plaintiffs on matters the Supreme Court will review.


    In this case, the Obama administration is going to request for a full DC court of appeals review which may short circuit the need for the SC to do a review.


    I read both rulings, and the law is pretty clear about the states being the only ones that can subsidize.


    Great article on the mistake that was made drafting the law on Politico here:  http://www.politico.com/story/2014/07/obamacare-democrats-health-care-moment-109247.html?hp=t1

  2. "I'm the Captain Now" pic


    I know it's not your intent to personally attack Mario...  But anyhow, I grew up with him in Anchorage AK.  His Mom (A'Marie)  taught PE at my elementary and  my Mom was his Modified-Primary teacher.  Mario is a great guy, and comes from a great family.  As few on this board can vet (Maybe Jumbo) know, there weren't too many Black Folks in AK when we were growing up.  So Mario had to overcome A TON of crap growing up and making it to the NBA.   I don't think he deserves the crud he gets from fans...  Anyhow /RANT back to normal ES.

  3. Man accused of indecent acts with Swiss cheese


    Philadelphia police Thursday arrested a 41-year-old man for an apparent years-long campaign of offering women money to perform sexual acts on him, topped with Swiss cheese.


    Christopher Pagano, of suburban Norristown, has been dubbed the "Swiss Cheese Pervert" for allegedly "committing indecent acts with dairy products in the Northeast Philadelphia area," Philly.com writes.


    The local Mayfair Town Watch broke the story last week, publishing photos showing a heavyset driver approaching women while dangling a piece off cheese over his exposed genitals. One woman commented on the group's Facebook page that the suspect "has been doing stuff like this for years."




    Click on the link for the full article



    That gives a new meaning to Cheeshead!




    "Hey sexy LADY, do you offer a discount DAA-bole check?"

    • Like 1
  4. If NK does provoke war with SK and the United States... where would China stand on this? They have already come out and said they condemn the actions of the North, but if it came to blows....?

    What if China is secretly pulling the strings to escalate this conflict while publicly chastising NK?

  5. Bang, we need to go to this.

    Can I come too? I've never seen so many hotties in one place. Love me some redheads, this was the first time I had heard of "Internationale Roodharigen Dag" (International Redhead Day).

    From a few posts back: Is that Korean dude singing "open condom style" as the refrain?

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