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Posts posted by shakinaiken

  1. On 6/2/2018 at 9:34 PM, Mournblade said:


    Momma, it irritates me that he made both Star Trek and Star Wars. A true Star Wars fan would have never done that. I like Star Trek, just like I like Marvel, DC,

    Game of Thrones, and some of the other franchises out there, but there definetly is a ranking system for me, and before the Last Jedi, SW was the undisputed king . There has also been a long standing rivalry between Star Trek and Star Wars -- William Shatner takes shots at Star Wars on Twitter every chance he gets. A purist Star Wars fan would have never agreed to direct both franchises like Abrams did. 


    J.J Abrams is a massive Star Wars fan, and always has been. He admitted numerous times while making Star Trek that he was a never a big Trek fan growing up, but instead Star Wars fan. He also initially rejected the offer to direct episode 7 because of the pressure/expectations surrounding the final product.


    Also, I've never understood the disdain Abrams seems to attract. He's incredibly gifted filmmaker from the technical perspective, with a real eye for blocking scenes and moving the camera. There certainly were problems with Episode 7, but the manner in which the movie flowed from scene to scene, and the cinematography, are not included in that category. Hand him a competent script and Abrams will deliver.

    31 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:



    The bottom line is when you get asked to do either movie, you say yes. And if you get asked to do the other one after already doing the first, well it's a dream come true. 





    The main reason he accepted the Trek directing job, was because his writing partners presented him with an interesting take on the reboot, and urged Abrams to do it. I'm a huge fan of "Behind the Scenes" film documentaries, and Abrams stated many times he wasn't a massive Trek fan growing up, but instead, a huge Star Wars fan. 

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  2. On 1/29/2018 at 11:02 PM, GoDeep81 said:

    So I hadn't looked into the alienist because I thought it was sci-fi? Should I give it a look? 


    Psychological thriller. Based on a book by Caleb Carr. Story centers around identifying and locating  a violent serial killer, via criminal and psychological profiling. 

     Psychologist’s at the time that attempted to understand sociopathic violent offenders were referred to as “Alienists.”


    Book, was good, but the first episode of the TNT series was just ok. Might give it a a shot later down the line. 

    • Like 1
  3. 20 hours ago, Chachie said:

    Netflix- DARK. It's german so the dubbed english voices are a little distracting for the first episode or two but the plot sucks you in so far you'll get over that very quickly. High-concept, mysterious, amazeballs. I'm obsessed. Small town with a nuclear power plant that sits on top of a system of caves.


    The lives of 4 families intersect over a period of 99 years (1953-2019.) THE best show I've watched since LOST... before LOST jumped the shark, that is.

    Anyway, DARK is incredible. INCREDIBLE.


    You convinced me to finally give DARK a go- been sitting on my Netflixs' "my list" for the past month. I've become a bit a lethargic on the "kids unite to solve mystery" trope after watching Stranger Things and IT so close together. But I think its time to dive back in. 

    • Like 1
  4. So been watching the new Netflix release Mindhunters: interesting premise, David Fincher directing ( almost always a win), but just terrible execution. Production values are up to par, Fincher films the scenes adequately, but the dialogue and acting chemistry between the leads is cringeworthy. Hard to tell if it's the writing or the acting, but the first episode was below mediocre. Reddit states the show improves after the first episode, but I have my doubts. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Rdskns2000 said:

    Is Rey going to the Dark Side- Probably will have to wait for Episode 9??


    Depends on your perspective of the "dark" side. Or the "light/good" side for that matter. I for one, would love a bit more ambiguity in contrast to the polarizing sides of good and evil, within the universe. I have a pretty good feeling that this trilogy is treating the mythology with a bit more finesse and ambivalence. the contrast isn't so obvious, thematically. 

    • Like 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


    But he's already done that before with Han. It sounded like he was talking to someone else about his own experiences with it. This is what you have to do sort of thing 




    I could potentially see that but they are going to have to really pump Snoke up in this movie to make him a viable threat against both Rey and Kylo. Also, they need a justifiable reason to turn Kylo in this one. 


    I wonder If there is anything specific that he meant when he said he saw something in Kylo that was truly special. 



    Well Snoke Seems to be directly responsible for manipulating Kylo into murdering his parents( obviously only one confirmed, though I don't think it bodes well for Leia, especially considering the tragic death of Carrie Fisher). And from what we've seen, it appears to be emotionally difficult for Kylo to sever and kill his family bonds. Kylo isn't the sociopathic evil archetype that most fictional bad guys would benefit from. He's clearly conflicted. Him turning against Snoke seems reasonable from the little we've seen 

    29 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:



    We know what Luke sees special in Rey...


    Dat ass. (Just a little off. Eh he's an old man his eyes can't keep up) 




    Luke being Luke. He did make out with his sister a couple of times... 

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

    I think Kylo is talking about killing Leia.


    I think that's the intended implication from the trailer, but I know Rian Johnson is using deception to misdirect our perceptions. There's going to he some nice surprises come December. I'm all in 

    15 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


    I hope so. Because I wasn't happy they spoiled that, what looks to be him contemplating his imminent murder of Leia, Rey being electrocuted by Snoke or Finn being captured and thus losing his fight with phasma 


    I agree there. Think it will be much darker in the way that ESB was to ANH 



    also, Kylo is talking to someone about killing the past in order to move on. Sounds like he is talking to Rey. Could it be that Rey figures out what happened to her parents in this movie? I didn't think they would reveal it in this one actually 


    How about Kylo and Rey joining forces together at the end, and taking down the big baddie Snoke in the final installment? Maybe preposterous 

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