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Everything posted by TheGoodBits

  1. Those LOTR ones aren't really funny to me. Maybe it's just me though...
  2. OMG I would love to see a Silva-GSP fight. I think Silva would win just based on the size advantage (and he's a little bit better fighter). But I think that would be a war, totally worth paying to see.
  3. I'd say pound for pound it's much closer, but I'd still give a slight nod to GSP. Don't get me wrong, Penn is a beast, but I just don't see him being able to beat St. Pierre.
  4. Excuses? No. I'm just saying that GSP is a much better fighter than Penn, and therefore should win.
  5. Only is he gets ****y. If he's still got his mind on straight, it won't matter how motivated Penn is.
  6. So, does anyone who follows MMA more than I do think that Arlovski has a chance on Saturday?
  7. Ok guys, getting this thread back on track starting right now. Try not to laugh too hard now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQAT2rKugIs "My wife would like that!" LOL! :rotflmao:
  8. Under User CP at the top you can click options and turn signatures off so they don't slow down loading the page.
  9. :rotflmao: Lol you are a funny guy. Btw, did you see my reply over in the Stadium ES Review thread? I just wanted to make sure we cleared that up.
  10. Mike... be honest now... Did YOU take that picture???
  11. Yeah I got that, but umm, wtf are they doing if not getting ready to make out?
  12. Those girls look like they're 14... so: EWWWW! pervert!
  13. Bigmike, that hockey one is funny as ****! But that one with the guy licking the girls brains is pretty gross, even though its obviously a Halloween costume. Just a look at that pic made me want to :puke:
  14. Come on, please don't start that that again...
  15. Darn rules... its funnier like it is! Jedi squirrels for the win!
  16. Damn 2 of my cousins went to this high school. I don't remember when the younger one graduated though, and I doubt he remembers this guy. He would have been a senior when crazy Gabe was a freshman or sophomore I think... Go Huntington Blue Devils!---interestingly enough, my cousin also went to Duke...
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