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Posts posted by royallypwned

  1. I was having some sushi for lunch today and the restaurant offered Yebisu beer. I didn't pull the trigger.

    Anyone ever try it?

    I haven't tried that, no. I bet they also have Asahi, which I have tried one night when I was eating sushi. And it was pretty good.

  2. Jeez louise.

    I guess I'm the weird one.


    nah, you're just young, and have a lot of learning to do... :silly:

    but seriously, I've never had a Landshark before. I will always try new beers at least once, so I will make it my next one as soon as I find it!

  3. Thats how I was when I started drinking. Don't start out with the really dark, full-flavored beers. I started out with watered down beers like Keystone Light or Coors Light until I began to like the taste. Also, Shiner Bock is glorious if it's around you. Actually nearly any kind of Shiner is good.

    haha I don't think I ever "liked" the taste of Keystone Light or Coors. I just got used to it, so I'll drink it if it's the only thing available. And a big QFT to the Shiner comment. Shiner is terrific. I love having one of those extra cold 40 oz mugs of Shiner. Mmmmm

    Shiner Black is also up there on my list.

  4. I'm confused, see.

    So far, since I've turned 21, I haven't been able to find a beer I like.

    Is it an acquired taste or something? Mixed drinks are fine, but damn.. how can you drink something that tastes so damn nasty?

    Any draught emporiums in your area? Because that's the place to go if you want to find a beer you like. The one I go to near me has nearly 300 beers available. Several beers I had never heard of before entered my top 10 favorite list. :cool:

  5. Congrats on getting the sixth, Pitt, so the Cowboys fans have one less thing to jaw about.

    I wouldn't say we have anything to jaw about. And anybody who does, really has no reason to. The Cowboys have never been in sole possession of first for most SB wins. Not being the first one to 6 isn't surprising. We followed the 49ers and Steelers to 4, and then followed the 49ers to 5.

  6. At the Austin Grill last week I had a Pale Ale on tap from Hawaii. They had just started pouring that brand. That was the tastiest beer I've had in months. I can't remember the name of it, though. I'm gonna have to call them and ask.

    Fire Rock maybe?

  7. Nice...are you guys sig betting on the upcoming game?

    We haven't discussed it at least, but I won't rule it out. If not with him, then I might do one with someone else, if there are any takers. Although it would really suck to have to wear a Skins sig for almost the entire season. lol.gif:(

  8. Umm Troy Aikman is one of the best commentators in the league and he is way more critical of the Cowboys than he is of us.....BTW, **** tha Cowboys!!

    How long do you have to wear that sig royal?

    haha that's actually a good question. It's supposed to be up to week 11, but idk if that means right before the Skins-Boys game, or right after week 10 ends. I'll have to confer with IONTOP.

  9. YEAH! **** THE COWGIRLS AND I'M SICK OF TROY AIKMAN BEING A COMMENTATOR AT EVERY DALLAS/WASHINGTON GAME! He is always praising the Cowgirls and dissing the Skins. I wish Joe Buck would just look at him and tell him "STFU ALREADY TROY!" I'M SORRY THAT THE LAST PLAY OF YOUR CAREER WAS OWNED BY A REDSKIN, but get over it! You was not wearing burgundy and gold so you was a target that needed to be destroyed so thats what happened. I've only been a member on the forums for one day and I'm already sick of seeing these fans from other teams here. Whats up wit that? I say that if they are not sporting the burgundy and gold, they need to GET THE F*** OUT!

    LOL you obviously don't pay much attention then. Aikman is just the opposite at Boys-Skins games. The man loves him some Clinton Portis and he doesn't try to hide it. Praising the Cowboys? Hardly. He is probably their biggest critic of any color analyst out there.

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