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Everything posted by royallypwned

  1. Nothing compares to Jose Canseco's head shot in 1993.
  2. Tonight is $1 hot dog night at the Rangers game. Anyone care to take guesses as to how many hot dogs I'm gonna eat? I just broke a long fast two nights ago, so I've had time to get back in the groove with eating and to re-expand my stomach. So I'm feeling like setting a new personal season record. This is my fourth $1 hot dog night to attend this season. I'm pumped. Just hope it doesn't rain.
  3. When someone finds a replay, can you post it? I've been watching the hockey game and the Rangers game so I have only heard about it.
  4. Yeah, I figured that's what was meant. I just like to be a nuisance.
  5. Actually, false and false. The first two perfect games were thrown on June 12 and 17, 1880.
  6. Halladay picked a bad time to be perfect. Game 6 Lakers-Suns and Game 1 Hawks-Flyers on the same night. Can you be perfect? http://movieclips.com/watch/friday-night-lights-2004/coach-gaines-on-being-perfect/
  7. Roy Halladay gets the second perfect game in the Majors this season. WOW
  8. Your reading comprehension is severely lacking. :doh: The Cowboys are celebrating their 50th ANNIVERSARY. They celebrated their 50th season LAST YEAR. Two different things.
  9. Because the team was started in 1960. And 50 YEARS later, it is 2010. :doh:
  10. The Rangers just got 11 hits against Braden in his last start. And I'm sure we'll pummel him some more this season.
  11. CJ Wilson has been in the ****ing zone all season, and last night was no exception.
  12. Mets scored a run in the top of the 19th. So that Cards match with a run in the bottom of the 19th.
  13. Mets and Cardinals are locked in an epic pitcher's duel. Still scoreless in the 17th inning.
  14. I'll never forget how he completely robbed the Braves of a home run in Game 6 of the World Series. I hated him for that, but I respected him so much as a player.
  15. hahahaha YES! that was the best game ever. Go Rangers.
  16. The Rangers and Braves are on pace for 162 wins.
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