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Posts posted by woodpecker

  1. 1 minute ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:


    Yeah, I think a huge subset of the fanbase that existed pre-Snyder is gone for good. Not all are "gone" in the literal sense that they go hiking or to art museums every fall Sunday (I'm sure some do), but "gone" in that they don't care and will never care nearly as much. The passion they had under Cooke, Gibbs, etc. will never be rekindled. And, I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that even 10 straight undefeated seasons and the Commanders turning into the greatest dynasty of all-time would change that. 


    The hope that this organization can cling to, in my opinion, is that a rebrand is successful and can hook a new group of fans. I'm sure it will keep some holdovers too. Maybe this is easier for me since I'm already gone, but it almost makes more sense for them to stop trying with the older fans. Turn their back on the history and the people who were like me and just look forward. This isn't the Redskins anymore. Those Super Bowl trophies from the 1980s may as well be NFL titles from the 1930s and 1940s that I read about as a kid at this point. 


    The stadiums is about to be in its second new location since those years. The name is different. The uniforms are different. The owner is different. Create something new and hope it catches fire to bring in new people, because 80-90% of what you inherited is gone. It does them no good to try to straddle the fence to appease the 56-year old wearing a Riggo jersey anymore. That ship has sailed. 


    And, by the way, just because I can say that objectively...doesn't mean I'm rooting for it to work. I want nothing more than for Snyder to fail because he sucks ass and he's a giant dildo. But, if I was giving legit advice, that's what I'd tell him to do. I hope he doesn't read that. 

    I’m one, and I would be back. Less passion sure, just based on being 25 years older, but other than that I’d be pretty much all the way back in if he is ousted. All I need as a fan is hope, something I simply do not have anymore, 100% due to Snyder’s presence.

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  2. 14 hours ago, 86 Snyder said:

    There is absolutely nothing they can do that will rekindle the fanatcism I once had as long as Snyder stays.  Absolutely nothing.


    Even a Super Bowl win (LMAO) would only register like mild, begrudging satisfaction similar to a sad handjob.

    My feelings exactly. Won’t go to the stadium, won’t buy merchandise. Not a penny as long as Snyder stays. I don’t even want them to win a Super Bowl with Snyder because that would lock him in forever. 
    If otoh by some miracle he were gone, I would go get season tickets tomorrow. 

    ’86 Snyder’ is a great handle!

    • Like 3
  3. He’s gone. Not everybody has accepted it yet, but he’s gone. When both sides are playing hardball, it’s almost impossible to come to an agreement. Playing hardball with Terry has to be the stupidest move you can make, so how can there be any doubt that that’s exactly what Dan will do. History says it’s a lock. And from Terry’s perspective… It’s the same as cousins. He may say the right things, but I seriously doubt he really wants to stay. Maybe for way way beyond reasonable money he would consider it, but otherwise why would he? Any team in the league would love to have Terry on their team, and he’ll have his pick of the litter once he reaches free agency. As long as Snyder is here, he would be playing for a train wreck of a franchise with zero chance of winning a title. add to that the embarrassment of having such a scumbag as your boss. I like Terry, and I’d love for him to stay. But what a horrible career move that would be for him. Any decent agent is surely telling him to get out as quickly as possible and don’t look back. He really should move on from the team, just like the rest of us, if we are stuck with Snyder. Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer but reality sucks sometimes.

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  4. Sorry, but now that the facts are out, I’ll say it... he’s a scumbag. Anybody who would drive around in that condition putting countless lives at risk, including his own, is a scumbag in my opinion. That he did this while presumably cheating on his wife, just makes it worse. Please don’t lecture me about being sensitive to the family… He, and he alone, did this to his family. This was not just a “bad decision“, it was criminal behavior. Another great draft pick by football genius Dan Snyder.

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  5. 20 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

    The (delusional) prospect that negative attention could force Dan to sell us what has ratcheted up the hatred.  Florio going on the SB show and I believe lying through his teeth and trying to talk into existence the other owners are ready to move on from Dan doesn’t help.  

    Fans and media got a word of the possibility Dan could be out and everything got ratcheted up to 10.


    Id be totally down with it if I didn’t almost know there was no chance of success.  


    The only thing which will cause Dan to sell is if somehow he can’t get a new stadium anywhere.  Maybe some of the negative press is helping in that effort.  However I think more likely he’ll build a new stadium at the FedEx site, and then we’re screwed because we’ll have a stadium in a crap location and Dan.  

    What a depressing post. I know you are just being “the voice of reason“ and I can’t argue with any of it. But as delusional as it may be, we need to hold out hope that he will be gone. Otherwise we should look forward to continuing to get humiliated by dweebs like JLC and whoever else gets off on trampling an already downtrodden fan base.

  6. 52 minutes ago, FrFan said:

    Urban is gone which is a major improvement for the Jags


    True but the idiot who hired Urban is still there, running the show. No surprise btw that Snyder was also flirting with him. Luckily for us, Urban turned him down, most likely because he knew Haskins was a bust.

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Warhead36 said:

    I don't understand when teams say the draft is a crapshoot. Yeah there is a luck element involved, but there is a reason why the same teams draft well every year. They aren't just luckier than everyone else, but they understand value and asset management and they maximize every pick. Look at the Ravens as on example. Everyone drafts busts of course but some teams are just better than others.


    I'd say the draft is more like poker or blackjack. 

    That’s fair. Mostly a crapshoot, but yes there is some skill involved. 

  8. I dunno. Ron said prioritizing high character guys was his thing, and he seems to be living up to it. The draft being a crapshoot anyway, these guys could work out just fine. And either way I think he’s making some good additions to the “culture”. I don’t think the draft evaluators are factoring in character nearly as much as Ron is. Of course it doesn’t really matter anyway because Snyder is still here. And if Snyder were to leave, we’d be so happy we wouldn’t care whether these picks worked out. I’m going to remain cautiously optimistic, even while still expecting the usual failure in the end.

  9. 4 minutes ago, RWJ said:

    1974, I've had so many different players in my wishlist but I do like Beavers late if they go LB late.  I really like Andersen as a Swiss army knife as many have seen me post and you too more than likely.  I would love a trade down from #47 to #59, #92 (3rd) and #140 (4th) with GB.  That would be 59, 92, 98, 113, 120, 140 and that's just 2nd round through 4th. :)  

    Never too late for a nice beaver!

    • Haha 2
  10. 1 minute ago, KDawg said:


    Part of that falls on the coaches. They have to scheme him free.


    But if he is aligned off the line of scrimmage I think he can, yes. He needs to work on his hands a bit. But in the meantime the coaches need to utilize short motions.

    Thanks KD! You don’t sound very confident about it.

    • Haha 1
  11. Well after sleeping off my anger, and thanks to the positive input from a lot of you posters who are well studied, I am coming around to the pick. Seems like a good kid, and the only negative is that he’s a little short. You would hope to get a bigger receiver with such an early pick, but production is all that matters and I can def see the kid producing. Plus we have two more picks to play with! I say this all of course with the caveat that unless Snyder is ousted we are never going anywhere.

    • Haha 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    Who knows about hjow legit rumors are.  But judging based on them the Falcons are a wildcard for WR.  The thought seems to be they'd go WR unless Thibodeax or Johnson falls to them and in that case they'd go edge.


    Seems like the Jets are slam dunk either taking a Wr or trading for one.  That's been one of the most consistent rumor.  But who knows, will see.

    Falcons will have Ridley back next year, and they just took Pitts first rd last year who is pretty much a receiver himself. Not saying they won’t take a receiver, but they have a lot of other holes to fill too, so I think the rumors may be a bit overblown.

  13. 14 minutes ago, KDawg said:


    6 targets a game with a 66% catch rate is 4 catches. If you average 8 yards a reception that's 32 yards a game. If you compute that over a full season its 68 receptions 544 yards.


    And you are more likely to get more production from one of those guys than less. So that is likely the floor of season 1. Floor. 




    Last season stats.


    I rest my case, your honor. 

    So looks like nobody other than Terry got anywhere near six targets a game. But if you extrapolate their stats to 6 per game... Humphries = 630 yds; Carter = 686 yds. Those were scrap heep guys, and with poor quarterback play. With the QB upgrade, I can’t imagine a guy like Samuel or Dayami B would not far exceed those numbers, given six targets per game. I would be surprised if any Rookie did much better. And that’s if healthy—the receivers we are looking at already have injury histories it seems.

  14. You all make some very convincing arguments, but I still can’t get on board with taking a receiver in the first round. I just don’t think a number two WR option, getting five or six targets a game, is going to move the needle as much as people think. If this was fantasy football, then hell yeah stack the receivers! Give me Hamilton or one of the top three OT. We’ve invested quite a bit through free agency and draft picks at the receiver position the last few years, so it seems prudent to fill a hole elsewhere and give those guys (Samuel, Brown, Sims, etc) this year to prove themselves. None of them has even had a real opportunity yet due to health or poor QB play. And if they don’t step up, there will be plenty of receivers available in the draft again next year. 

    • Like 4
  15. Usually when details are this scarce, either drugs/alcohol or suicide are in play. Doesn’t sound like suicide, so I’m guessing the former. Sorry in advance to those who seem to have a big problem with people being curious about this. The guy had a history of poor decision making, so all of the speculation is appropriate IMO. We may learn the full truth at some point, but there are no charges filed so I doubt it.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, CommanderCarson said:

    I totally understand and respect that opinion but I’m not convinced that’s the case, and I think this coaching staff is the strongest overall since Gibbs II. And I think the talent base on this team is superior to those Gibbs teams, especially adding an impact player at 11.


    I don’t think people are truly appreciating how hard it was to win 7 games with that limited of a QB. It’s the mark of a very strong roster, and those 4 games where they started playing really strong defense and ball control offense will be more of the norm this year imo. Except now terry will explode and we can actually stretch a defense vertically. We also don’t play a murderers row of great QBs.


    Mark it down, we will make the playoffs and win a game this year. But it will take far more than that to make this all

    When I read this all I can hear is Bruce Allen insisting “it means you’re close”. Even if I were willing to lower my standards for success to that level, I’d still be stuck supporting that despicable scumbag of an owner, so I can’t. I love your optimism though, and I’m glad there are still fans holding out hope.

    • Like 1
  17. 6 minutes ago, evmiii said:

    Two things that force Dan to sell the team:


    1.  A complete sponsor revolt.  If the other owners or NFLPA feel any pain from Dan’s issues they will turn on him.  Otherwise he slides through paying some hefty fines.  

    2.  Conviction of criminal charges.  If they can prove fraud, maybe a couple lies to Congress, etc. 


    That said, what do we really expect to change with a new owner?  Change of management/coaches?  Maybe get out of the headlines? Not be the butt of NFL jokes?  These may all be positive things but do any of them change the output between the lines?

    Changing owners could most certainly be a positive thing for the organization moving forward, but it would have little short term impact on the product on the field.  Don’t fool yourselves into believing anyone that could afford to buy the franchise will automatically be better (Billionaires all seem to be a bit eclectic, politically motivated, and uniquely ambitious).  I have always hated the saying “it can’t get any worse” because in my experience it almost always can.


    I will be extremely surprised if this gets Dan.  If it does it’s going to drag the organization through some serious mud, but it would be a good first step in the organizational healing process.








    Not about winning anymore. He’s gotta go...period. Winning with dignity will NEVER occur with him. Without him, regardless of record, there is at least hope for both.

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