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Posts posted by Drop

  1. Mania was decent, it certainly wasn't the worst one ever. It wasn't the best either by any means.....but i don't even think this was in the top 5 worst mania's ever.

    Surprisingly there were no Raw rebounds...we didn't even get a single backstage segment. The promos and Diddy's performance were the only fillers I remember.

    So what to expect tonight on Raw? The mixed 8 man tag match that was scrapped last night? Ziggler cashing in? Christian returns? (heel Christian feuding with Cena would be decent imo) Perhaps an RVD return since he was at the HOF stuff over the weekend? Will the Shield attack Cena, thus bringing out Rock to his rescue and setting up Cena/Rock VS the Shield at Extreme Rules? (I really hope not, i'd rather see Rock have a confrontation with Brock to set up a Summerslam match or a main event match for WM30 between the two) Will CM Punk have a bone to pick seeing as Heyman went 0 - 2 last night and Punk hasn't won a major match since December? Could that lead to an attack from Brock Lesnar, leading to Punk taking some time off? (punk reportedly banged his knee up pretty bad last night, and was rumored to be taking some time off after Mania anyway)

    I know one thing we won't see....a CENA HEEL TURN. lol, unfortunately i'm beginning to think it'll never happen, and if it does it'll be way too late. And one thing we WILL see will be a boring ass Cena promo talking about overcoming the odds, with his stupid smile, holding up that belt that he doesn't deserve. Ugh

  2. If you guys think it sucks now what are you gonna do when all the part timers go back into hiding a couple months after Wrestlemania? Jericho is reportedly finishing up for a while. The Rock is signed on for Extreme Rules i believe, but that'll probably be it for him for some time. Lesnar's got about a year and a half left on that deal, so we should still see him to some degree. Trips will go back to being mostly behind the scenes. HBK is a novelty, i'm not even gonna include him in the discussion. Taker has a Smackdown appearance scheduled in London post Wrestlemania, but no word on whether or not he'll actually be on tv, or if it's just for the live audience. After that, he'll be finished up again for a year. I mean, if you think it's stale now it's gonna be really stale when all their big draws take a break.

    Other than them all taking their respective hiatuses, the product isn't going to change much. So if you guys are ****ing now, I can't imagine how you'll feel about it in another 6 weeks. This is why I find interest in the Damien Sandow's and Johnny Curtis' of the world. They're the young guys that need to be pushed so the company can begin developing new stars. The Fandango gimmick is a hit....that guys getting legit heat everywhere. Three straight weeks he's gotten "you can't wrestle" chants. He's doing something right, even though the chants are preposterous. lol, Curtis can work.

    But yeah, if you're hoping for some major changes i'd just save yourself the time and quit watching now. Nothing drastically different is going to happen with the product. Sure we all want that, but hoping for it is just like holding your breath. I wouldn't advise it.

  3. So is Swagger gonna lose his push? DUI, possession of weed, and speeding. I really hope it doesn't cost him the angle with Zeb...i'm digging that right now. #WEEDTHEPEOPLE

    Also, pretty cool tidbit, I won 2 tickets for the go home edition of Raw before Wrestlemania on April 1st yesterday afternoon from Lavar and Dukes!

    Oh and i think the new title is INFINITELY better than the spinner. I approve.

  4. I know we've all said it, and we'd all like to see it....but IF there was ever a time to turn Cena heel...it's now. They have the perfect avenue to do this now with the Shield and Wrestlemania coming up...they're just gonna have to come to grips that Cena turning is going to put the kiddies in a tail spin. I seriously wouldn't count on merchandise sales dropping all that much if Cena turned. Not with Rock, Brock, possibly Taker, Triple H, and all the other special attractions that create merchandise from now until Summer Slam, really.

    Anyway, the way the three superheros (Sheamus, Cena, Ryback) got into it with the Shield this past Monday night....it made me think something was up. Cena had his guys surround the ring, Shield style, and after toying with them and trapping them, they attacked. He had an odd look to him when he was standing on the ring apron with Sheamus and Ryback. On top of it all Cena didn't BURY the Shield the way he did Nexus....they actually escaped and lived to fight another day.

    I thought at the Royal Rumble it might have been revealed that the Rock was the one who brought the Shield in...now...i'm HOPING, and PRAYING that it's John Cena who's in charge of bringing them in. They screwed up badly with Nexus...they have a chance to do this right. EVERYONE thinks it's a forgone conclusion that there's going to be a Heyman/Vickie/Punk/Lesnar/Shield stable...but i'm not so sure.

    The whole thing with Brad Maddox actually calling out the Shield, when it was advertised that Cena would....i dunno it came off as very awkard. I think Maddox is part of a bigger plan...I think, they WANT us to think Heyman brought these guys in. It could be said that they definitely took money from Heyman to do certain things on behalf of Punk, but that doesn't mean he necessarily "recruited" them. Maybe even the professed liar himself, Paul Heyman, wasn't lying to Vince as much as we think he was. Oh and for the record Maddox is dope, i loved the Bane impression he was doing. Dude's decent on the mic and he gets hated on cuz he's not from dem indiez...but he's alright.

    Still, if they could pull this off with Cena being behind the Shield...and it being revealed at Wrestlemania right after he takes the strap off the Rock..it could set up so much stuff. How would Rock respond? What potential Summer Slam and Survivor Series matches could that set up? I could honestly see that being the beginning to Cena vs Undertaker at WM 30, with that possibly being Taker's last match. Not saying it'll be for the title, I'd imagine Cena would lose the belt in a heel scenario prior to that. But a heel Cena, losing to a face Taker on the biggest stage....that could even be the event that turns Cena right back into a face.

    But with all the bitterness of his subpar 2012, and with him proclaiming that 2013 will be HIS year...if that's true then please WWE do something different. Give us the heel, mastermind behind the Shield, John Cena. Make it revealed all along that Maddox AND the Shield were HIS recruits. Hell, they could even have Big E and/or AJ turn on a WHC Dolph Ziggler and say that THEY were in on this from the start as well. That would explain the fraternizing of AJ and Cena late in 2012, and they could simply say that Vickie was more hip to them than everyone realized, so they had to cool down for a while and lay low before they blew their spot up.

  5. I Knew they were called the New age outlaws but they introduced themselves last night as the road Dogs lol.

    ---------- Post added December-18th-2012 at 07:02 PM ----------

    It would be great if the Legends and Hall of famers formed a group and took the titles.iImagine 17 time World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair with WWE champion Jerry the "King" Lawler with United states Champion Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat with Intercontential Champion John Cena with World Tag team Champions HBK and HHH. They would have as the new Hardcore Champion Tommy Dreamer or Mick Foley. They would have Ryback and the New age outlaws along with team Hell no as their enforcers. They would be a great counter invasion to go up against the shield and the nxt invasion and cm punk.and their groups.

    I am sorry, but this is a terrible idea.

  6. Ok, if you can't get on board with Sandow after this.....you need to check your pulse. The dude is great! He's got main event written all over him in the future no doubt.

    And on another note, why can't WWE air stuff like this instead of pointless recap after recap on Raw and Smackdown?? This would be a MUCH better way to fill a three hour show, and get characters over with the crowd.

  7. I didn't mention Lanny cuz I didn't think the mass majority would even remember him. But that's definitley in the same ballpark.

    And i don't understand the "legit" heat comment. What exactly is "legit" heat? If a guy is booed he's booed. If people are saying, "god not this guy again"....he's doing his job. That's not "fake" heat, he's being annoying, getting under peoples skin, making them want him to go away.

    I'll respectfullly agree to disagree with you, and just take it as his gimmick doesn't sit well with you. That's fine, to each their own. I think what he's doing is great, and I think more folks in the IWC probably feel closer to how I do about Sandow than the way you see him.

    I mean, out of the guys who have debuted recently....Brodus Clay, Ryback, Antonio Cessaro, and Sandow....Sandow is EASILY overshadowing, and outperforming all of them right now. I can't imagine a case even being made for one of the other three at the moment.

  8. I agree there are similarities to some degree, but he's by no means a watered down Regal. First and foremost, Regal is actually British, and he played the role of an aristocrat. His gimmick was based heavily on him being hated by Americans in general.

    Another comparison i've heard is early Triple H...AKA Hunter Hearst Helmsley. That's a little closer...but Trips played up the blue blood angle moreso than Sandow, and he used to have one or two women accompany him to the ring, giving him that "I can have things you can't" edge.

    Finally, i've heard people compare him to "Dean" Douglas (Shane Douglas). That's the furthest comparisson of them all. Douglas literally played a "Dean", which is why he saw himself as smarter than everyone else. Sandow, while believing he's smarter than everyone else, is simply that way because he is....not through any sort of higher education.

    Sandow's shtick is an extremely intelligent, enlightener who looks down upon the unwashed masses. He doesn't rely on the "social prominence" of being a blue blood like Trips did, and he doesn't try to play a British aristocrat....which pretty much just came naturally to Regal. He certainly isn't acting like a "dean" or a "professor" of any type.

    While those gimmicks were similar...they certainly aren't what Sandow is doing. Not to mention, Sandow has a ruthlesness to him that none of those other three quite had during the height of their "better than you" gimmicks. Sandow is actually Arabic, with parents of Lebanese decent....his real last name is Haddad. Not that it makes any difference....but he doesn't have a background that supports his gimmick like Regal and Trips to some degree. He's simply good/talented enough to pull it off, and pull it off perfectly.

    Plus, he's good at drawing heat. The crowd boos him more than they do Miz, Swagger, Tensai, and Big Show combined. Oh and he was trained by none other than Killer Kowalski....the same guy who trained Triple H. I suspect Triple H REALLY likes Sandow and has big things envisioned for him.

  9. That 3 hour Raw last night did give us one helluva match between Daniel Bryan and Sheamus. If we get ONE PPV quality match per Raw for the remainder of this 3 hour adventure, it'll be worth it. It was kinda silly though to have the fans vote for either a no holds barred match, a falls count anywhere match, or a streetfight. I mean those matches are all one degree from each other essentially. No holds Barred = usage of weapons, Falls Count anywhere = falls can occur anywhere inside or outside the arena, a Street Fight = usage of weapons and falls occuring anywhere inside/outside the ring. Now really...who wouldn't want to see the Street Fight which contains the best elements of both of the afforementioned voting options?

    I do agree though, the ridiculous amount of touting, and shazaming, and recaps they stuffed in last night's episode was absurd. It's overkill...and i get WWE trying to shove it down our throats in order to sell this whole WWE Active crap....but i couldn't care less about it to be honest, and they're forcing it on a huge portion of their fanbase who feels the way I do. Those of us who don't give a damn about "touting" or watching the same recap that we've already seen last week, on Smackdown, and again twice on Raw are going to tune out and be less prone to tune back in if we feel we're just being given filler.

    And once again, Sandow was incredible. That dude steals the show everytime he comes out.

  10. Leave the NWO dead.

    The stables aren't happening right now fellas. Yes, they need a good one, but i think the way Nexus fell appart has them wondering exactly how to pull of a dominant, entertaining stable that can last.

    I don't want to see Big Show period, let alone in an NWO shirt again. Same for Miz, Cena, CM Punk, and anyone else currently on the roster. Sorry, i just don't want to watch a watered down version of something that used to be great.

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