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Posts posted by DallasBlowsBig

  1. Hey quick question for the Beer gurus on here, is it ok to drink beer that has been sitting your fridge for months but has an expired date on it? I have some Stella Atrois that expired on July 16th according to the bottles, and I didn't realize it was in my fridge because I was drinking other beer. I am thinking it should be ok, but any suggestions?

  2. The difference between those two is one is a man, and the other is a girly man. No really, one is about playing football and the other is about me. Notice how Haynesworth is not crazy about being in front of the media and getting attention, while Taylor loved to hear himself talk. I just think that we finally got a real football player, not just some man diva that wants fame and fortune. I think about all the players we got in the past who want the big contract but don't care about football, it seems like Albert is only focused on football, period.

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