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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. 3 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    Feeling more comfortable staying on southern tip if Northeast megalopolis now...need to see Oz go down...


    Dems getting destroyed in Florida shows that Dems still don't how get how many Hispanics are coming from authoritarian countries so aren't as afraid of losing democracy they never had as we are long as they feel safe and can take care of their families.

    Even ignoring the Hispanic vote it was pretty obvious it was going to be a bloodbath down here for the past year or two. It seems 90% of the people that moved here since Covid were doing so to flee their “tyrannical” government up North to come to the “free state of Florida”.


    We’re screwed down here for the foreseeable future and Florida is definitely no longer a swing state.

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  2. 11 minutes ago, 86 Snyder said:

    Anybody else think the speech was kinda dumb? Something about the optics of it, I don’t know.  The message was on point obviously but it was a little too dramatic for my tastes.  I’d rather see him give that message without the theatrics in more of a steady drumbeat.  Present the case with supporting evidence in broad daylight over and over again.


    Maybe he plans to.  I’m glad he said it at least.  

    I don’t think whoever was in charge of the logistics should be allowed to do so for future speeches because I think some of the imagery was “off” and gave right wingers some easy things to complain about and post pictures of on social media. But let’s be honest, they would have found other stuff to use no matter what he said or where he said it so I’m not sure it really matters at this point.


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  3. 41 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

    Maybe I’ve just caught Hoffman at some inopportune times, but twice now - I’ve caught him ****ting on his callers.  Not the typical dumbass 980 callers, but folks he simply cutoff because he said that he had already discussed x, y or z. 

    Beyond that, he comes off as pretentious and holier than thou.  

    I just can’t like this dude.

    Craig was a good beat guy or whatever IMHO but I can’t imagine him carrying a show by himself. He’s the type that can annoy me even though I often agree with him just because of how he presents his opinion.

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  4. 1 hour ago, 86 Snyder said:

    Is anyone else feeling suddenly optimistic about the future of the country in light of all these recent successes?  Between the legislature wins and early voting/polling results, not to mention all the walls closing in on TFG, I’m starting to think history may eventually point to these last couple years as the moment where this country really survived an attempted breach on democracy and began storming back.


    I firmly believe the younger and future generations won’t find themselves connecting with the MAGA cult, so if we can just survive the mid-terms and 2024, or at the very least not deliver the trifecta of power to the MAGAs, the future seems much brighter.


    Anyone else?  The news just seems to get better and better lately.

    I’m definitely not and feel it will only get worse come November and I find it highly likely all things I consider positive lately are temporary (at best) before the 2024 election at which point things will really get depressing.


    Safe to say I’ve lost a lot of my optimism from the early 2010s.

  5. On 8/5/2022 at 8:56 PM, FootballZombie said:



    I thought Ghost was a marvelous game and would recommend it to anyone, and I really only remember two real complaints of any sizable merit.


    1.) The game is constantly hitting the down notes narrative wise, in both the story and side quests. You don't get enough "positives" to justify the narrative "negatives." This leads to a bit of an emotional flatline instead of an emotional roller coaster it could have been. While the game narrative can make you feel, your constantly feeling many of the same emotions from the narrative in vastly unequal quantities. I don't think the game needed to be a happy-fun-time adventure but I can't count how many sidequests ended with you returning to the quest giver with the exact same news about their family. Seriously, it had to be 10-to-1. The story itself was excellent, it just focused too heavily on negative emotions without enough positive emotions to have any hope of contrasting them.


    2.) The game is so pretty it hurts itself. After showing you a jaw dropping world painted with all the colors of the rainbow for most of the game, the devs then saw fit to then throw you up into the mountains for a large swath of the game where everything is almost exclusively white. Thought that was a poor design choice. Spent the entire time wanting to go back to the previous colorful wonderlands.



    Otherwise, absolutely fantastic. Very liberating, exciting to play and a joy to watch. Loved introducing dudes to Sakai Steel and it introduced so many amazing and well thought out mechanics.


    -The call out duel mechanic? *chef kiss*

    -The guiding wind itself as a directional waypoint aid?! 






    Just started this last week and I’m absolutely loving it so far. One of the few games in recent years that has me itching to play.

  6. 3 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

    I must really have my head in the sand, in both directions.


    When I read stuff here, you would think we are one election away from Trump being Supreme Chancellor. When I have conversations with my right-wing friends, they swear that everything happening currently in government is part of a global takeover with like 10 powerful families pulling the strings. 


    I float through life 99.99% sure that 40 years from now (if I'm still alive) we'll have had 10 more elections and people will have ****ed and moaned about more or less the same type of **** like we always have...

    I probably would have agreed with this prior to Jan 6. Now they know what they can do and face no real consequences and I’m fearful of what they’ll do next. Hell, look at the tone change from Jan 7 until a week or so later. Most expected a blowback that never really came.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Larry said:

    I don't care whether they cater to Trump. (In fact, I'd prefer if they do. Might cost them power. Maybe.)


    I care whether they support evil.


    Ron DeSantis isn't positioning himself to support Trump. He's positioning himself to be worse.  

    And a whole lot of people are supporting him, some more quietly than others, precisely because of that. They see "more evil, without Trump's baggage" as both being positives. 

    I think focusing on Trump is a grave mistake. 

    Just as, I think looking at Jan6 and seeing Trump and people in funny costumes, is a mistake. 

    They were the distraction. The real evil was taking place on the floor of the Senate. And it involved hundreds, thousands, of people. Working together, for over a month. And with no shortage whatsoever of people who were willing to be a small contributor. 

    Mitch McConnell was in on it, and working towards it, a month before the election.

    Yeah, unfortunately I’ve also had a front row view of DeSantis’ ****ery.  I’m extremely worried he is a perfect candidate to do all the stuff Trump and/or his supporters wanted to do but couldn’t, because at the end of the day Trump is a moron who can’t get out of his own way. DeSantis doesn’t have that problem and he’s perfectly happy to go full authoritarian to get the power he wants. He scares me quite a bit.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

    And this is along the lines of right-wing hack Kim Strassel's column in today's WSJ which said that the FBI raid may help Trump win a second presidential term, one in which he would be more unleashed than his first term and that the number of adults in a second DJT Administration would be significantly fewer than there were than at the start of Trump's first presidency, when at least you had folks like Mattis and Tillerson there.


    If other 2024 GOP hopefuls share this mindset, its even more reason why they'll choose to run. Does Ron DeSantis think a second Trump term will help the GOP's chances in 2028 against a Democratic field which by then will be signficantly more dynamic than an octogenerian in Biden like we have now?


    But you'll be surprised by how many folks don't realize that Trump will be a lame duck if reelected in 2024. I work with a guy who is pretty book smart and he said that, "yeah, if Trump wins in 2024 and then decides to run again in '28." I looked at him like he had three eyes and said "uh, no." He honestly had no idea....

    DeSantis and the rest have made it pretty obvious they don’t intend to have what most rationale people consider “fair” elections if they gain power again. The far right is always projecting and the fact that so many are saying things like “wake up if you think there will actually be another election if Biden and the leftists get their way” tells me all I need to know. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Forehead said:

    Even if he had declared them declassified, he can't just announce that into the air?  I'd think there would have to be a paper trail showing he had done so, for that defense to hold any water at all.

    I guess that was my point. I’d have to imagine there would need to be signatures and what not to verify.

  10. 1 minute ago, spjunkies said:

    Question, can someone be president if they can't get a top secret clearance?

    I would have said “no” prior to 2016 but then they gave Trump and his family a clearance anyway so I guess it doesn’t really matter. No way anyone of us would have been granted a clearance with all of those skeletons in our closet.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, spjunkies said:


    I'm with you, but slippery part is he was in a position to declassify the documents so it might be difficult to prosecute, unfortunately. 

    This isn’t aimed directly at you, but I don’t see the argument here. It’s not like the POTUS can just declare something declassified (a la Michael Scott) and the documents can be released. There would need to be a ton of agreement from various stakeholders and accompanying signatures for something like this.


    The declassification of sensitive documents is one of those things where a ton of bureaucracy makes sense. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

    There’s no gaurantee Desantis will be good nationally. He’s the darling now but we have yet to see how he plays on the national stage.  We’ve seen right and left wing darlings crash and burn. Remember 2016 and Rick Walker. Marco Rubio, etc..

    I can’t wait for President DeSantis so he can continue to dismantle public education on a national level just as fast as he has been doing down here in Florida. 😐

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  13. 36 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    No they wouldn't. See Anthony Weiner and Elliot Spitzer. Both democrats who's political careers are dead. Democrats actually attempt to hold their elected officials accountable. 😉

    An even better example is Al Franken, who actually seemed extremely competent at his job and was basically forced to resign because of some inappropriate behavior on a USO tour that wouldn’t even be acknowledged if it were Matt Gaetz or one of these other horrible elected officials that face no accountability because owning the libs is more important than anything else.

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  14. 19 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:


    in the famous words of Joe Biden....Come on, man!     I can't imagine ever voting for a Dem.    Especially the modern day Dem party.

    I consider myself fairly moderate (leaning slightly left, maybe) and I’ve voted for candidates from both Parties in my lifetime. This comment is from you is so incredibly absurd I just have to laugh.


    The modern day Democratic Party is who you have a problem with? Not the party that is doing it’s absolute best to completely destroy Democracy in this country? The Party who is basically kicking anyone out for daring to criticize or make sure there is accountability for Dear Leader?

    Hilarious and sad.

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