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Vilandil Tasardur

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Posts posted by Vilandil Tasardur

  1. I disagree with folks saying that it was a mistake not to try to get a 'compromise' bill through and instead try to get a big bill through. I think the reality is that the bill was doomed to fail no matter what, because the votes just weren't there regardless of what the bill said. I think pushing something to a vote knowing it will fail is incredibly important because there are still so many ignorant young folks on reddit screaming about "how the Dems do nothing" and are completely oblivious to the fact that the physically do not have the votes to get through the Senate. 

    • Like 3
  2. This whole overtime conversation is just a natural extension of the conscious erosion of defense as a respected part of the game over the last 25 years. The idea that both teams deserve a chance to score is silly if you consider that the defense is part of your team; it's one of your assets that you use to win the game, not just to fill space when the other offense is on the field. But the last decade especially have taught us that every single game is supposed to end in nail biting shoot outs, and shoot outs require both teams to shoot. 

  3. Alright folks, I'm at my wits end and desperate for help. I just built a brand new PC after being a mac guy for a decade. It's been a learning curve, but I'm adapting well.

    The issue is simple: my Macbook Pro consistently gets double the WIFI speed that the new PC does. Neither is connected to ethernet. Yes, I know ethernet is faster. That's not the point here. The point is that both computers, while using WIFI, on the exact same desk at the exact same distance from the router, get different speeds. I pay for up to 300MBPS and the mac can usually get 200+, but the new windows desktop rarely breaks 100. 


    I've tried everything I can think of. I've repositioned the wifi antenna. I've checked the physical connections (the things that look like co-ax cables). I've uninstalled and reinstalled the wifi card drivers (a dozen times). I've checked that the drivers are up to date. I've made sure that both computers are using 5GHz wifi and not 2.4 (Comcast doesn't let me choose but I've told the PC to "prefer" 5gh and it usually does. I've made sure that nothing is throttling my wifi as best as I can tell. I don't have any VPNs or anything running in the background as far as I can tell.


    Any ideas? Ordinarily I'd have just chalked it up to bad wifi or a tough connection based on where it is in the house, but the Macbook Pro has no trouble getting 200+ speeds, I can't help but feel like I'm missing something.

  4. I liked this newest one. Not loved, but liked. I enjoyed it in the moment, and thought it was a fine movie on it's own. I thought MOST of it was a B,  sometimes B+ and sometimes B-. I thought there were some scenes that were hella terrible, but they were few and small, and a few of them directly related to what I imagine is awkwardness surrounding Carrie Fischer. Overall I thought it was hella rushed, and I would have preferred 20% less story for more dialogue build. The music was an A++.


    As a trilogy I think they are terrible together.

  5. 7 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

    How about that shooter's roll!

    Good defense leads to quick offense.  Golden State figured some things out and they have been sweltering this quarter.


    They're the two time defending champions at home.  They could be down 20 and still have a great chance to win.

    Foul on Cook?


    Yeah, you're not wrong. I've seen them come out and dominate 3rd quarters too often to think that an 8 point halftime lead is enough. 


    I think the magic number to win this game is 110. No way Toronto is going to score another 60, but they could get 50. Can GS get to 110. 

  6. Looks to me like the Raptors basically need to ball out and have GS not get production from their second guys just to have a shot at winning at home. 


    I don't think Toronto gets this kind of production from their non-stars on the road. I don't think they can win a game in Cali. But they might not need to. 

  7. So, I'm not basketball fan. During the season, I don't watch the NBA, but I follow it for the news. I love watching playoff basketball but I'll be the first to tell you that I don't "know" what I'm watching from a technical stand point. That said, some things jump out at me:


    The warriors "normal" is 25 points per quarter, for 3 quarters, with 1 special quarter where they go off for 30+. It doesn't matter who the opponent is. It doesn't matter who's in, who's out, who's hurt, how good a defense they play. The warriors, without doing anything *special* or superhuman, can expect to score between 100 and 110 a night. 


    Most opponents can reasonably expect to score 20-25 points in a quarter against them, and sometimes guys go off and do something crazy, but no one can average that against them for an entire game. The warriors score between 100 and 110 without needing anyone to "go off". They just score that. Other teams need someone to play outside themselves just to get into that conversation. 


    Night in and night out they can go into halftime down 60-48 and know that the other team how no hope of getting another 60, but they ave an honest 50-5- shot of getting to 120 themselves. 




    I'll also say, it's downright crazy to say that Durant doesn't make them better, or that they are better without him. But I DO think it's fair to say that Durant does not elevate them by his own value. Realistically, there are only so many points that can be scored in a game. The warriors can score 120 without Durant. They can score 120 with Durant. Adding him makes them a better and more complete team, but he isn't meaningfully increasing their win total nor their point total.


    Durant on that team kind of feels like a game of Madden  where you stack a team with Tom Brady, OBJ and AJ Green, then trade for Julio Jones. But realistically, you're only going to throw for X number of yards anyway so adding that extra receiver doesn't really make a difference. 

  8. 1 hour ago, China said:

    Hackers infiltrate east bay family's NEST surveillance camera send warning of incoming north korea missile attack


    Lyons and her husband stood slack-jawed in the living room, terrified but also confused because the television continued airing the NFC Championship football game. As their scared 8-year-old son crawled underneath the rug, the couple realized the apocalyptic warning came from their Nest security camera atop their living room television.


    After many panicked minutes and phone calls to 911 and to Nest, the couple learned they likely were the victims of a hacker. 


    Click on the link for the full article

    I'm sorry, can we all stop the very serious discussion about personal security and instead discuss the fact that an 8 year old tried to hide under a rug? Did he also cover his eyes and scream "you can't see me!"?

  9. My mom (Mexican immigrant) says that on the Spanish channels the US is being roasted. Apparently footage of the players arriving and the pitch was wet and they had already taped up and didn't want to get their feet wet so trainers had to piggy back them onto the pitch. Spanish channels roasting them as princess divas.


    Any truth to this? She says there's video?

    • Like 1
  10. I get the impression that, for people like TWA, it's a bit like defending the Redskins starting John Beck.


    Sure, you know everything about him is awful, but after weeks of pretending that "Rex Grossman is just as bad!" and "At least he might surprise us!", we're sitting through a three game stretch of...well, John Beck. 

    • Like 3
  11. What's interesting to me, is how in the years following WWII we have made that a story of conquering Nazism and supremacy and so on.


    At least the way I learned it, the US didn't even know that was happening. Soldiers liberating concentration camps and being shocked to find it was even going on. 


    We entered the war go help allies. Nazism was alive and strong in America then. It wasn't why we fought and it never died after we won; it just his it's ugly head and waited for moments like this. 


    My parents are Mexican immigrants. Every day I see less and less difference between the country they filed and the country I grew up in. 

    • Like 3
  12. Good points guys.


    I definitely think:

    He's probably guilty.

    He's a filthy deplorable (insert insult of choice) who should be in prison.

    He loses any stance to discuss morality based on this behavior.


    I'm curious though if he has to be scrubbed from history? Should we not air the shoes episodes? Should we stop watching the comedy? I find the issue strange in a curious way.


    People want to rename Margaret Court arena for her comments on gay marriage. But the arena wasn't named in her honor for her political views. It was named in her honor for what she did on the tennis court, which doesn't change just because she turned into a bigoted old person. 

    • Like 1
  13. On 6/16/2017 at 1:41 PM, tshile said:

    Same here.


    And the worse part is I'm one of those people who rolls their eyes when someone complains about a celebrity/athlete getting in trouble for something and how they're kids look up to them, role model, etc


    Cosby slipped into my blind spot on that one.


    His show was iconic, his stand up was great (he never needed shock or lewd or offensive jokes. He was just genuinely funny. When he spoke in public he always came across as smart and sincere. Such a shame to compare what I thought he was to what he now appears to be.

    This is an interesting angle to me. Is it not possible for both realities to be true?


    Can a man not be a gifted actor and comedian, and also a wise figurehead for a community, and also have dark demons in his personal life (assuming he's guilty of course)?


    I ask this often about Thomas Jefferson when people want to paint him as a horrible person for his treatment of his slaves. Is it not possible for a man to be a wise and powerful person integral to our nation's history while also having deep character flaws as a person? I am very intrigued by our desire for our heroes to be perfect. 

  14. I once rage ripped a smoke detector off of the wall for the same reason. Knowing that the next morning was trash day, I hurled the thing out the window and into the dumpster behind the house.


    That night we got a foot of snow, the smoke detector froze to the bottom oft he dumpster, and when the trash came, it did not fall into the truck. I spent the next day with a hammer and chisel hacking my way through the ice down to the smoke detector and then enthusiastically smashing the thing to bits.


    My advice: go buy one of the 10 year, never replace the battery smoke detectors that they sell now and don't sweat the hassel.

  15. Well, I've felt all series like the Warriors needed to mentally tell themselves to keep pace for 100 points. If they placed for 100, they'd have a great shot of winning, and if they lost while scoring over 100, they should live with it.

    Hard to believe both teams are pacing for 120 in regulation.

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