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Everything posted by fullnelson9999

  1. Hahahahahahahahahaha. He must have just watched his own movie.
  2. Just watched PCU for the 400th time, and I realized that this clip is exactly what this thread makes me feel like every time I read it. tL60GS90KSc Now, back to talking about brew...
  3. Have I just not been paying attention? Since when could we post YouTube?
  4. It does. Ive never tasted a beer so sweet. I usually have to drink a water after a few.
  5. Got a case of the Sunset Wheat for my birthday. Oh my oh my is it tasty.
  6. As an Eagle Scout, it is my duty to obey the scout slogan: "Do a good turn daily" **** the Cowboys! Forget old ladies crossing the street. My job is done here, no need to thank me.
  7. zorn probably wanted us to look like Seattle with the silly same pants and jersey look
  8. i love the current unis, but wouldnt mind seeing the 75th unis as an alternate
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