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Status Updates posted by Morneblade

  1. I think we can agree that you can find talent anywhere in the draft, or UDFA's. John Randle was a UDFA and was one of the best DT's ever. It happens, but it's not a "plan". You just have a better chance earlier in the draft. Since moving to the 3-4 we have not drafted a NT or picked one up via FA. That is my issue. I'm going to move on from the subject as much as I can (I'm human, forgive me) and focus on what we have, since there really isn't any chance of any more changes. Overall, I like the changes in D and like the coaching changes, especially Tomsula. I'll also note, that according to one reporter, Pipkins was flashing more than Allen in RTC. As I've said before "what do I know". Maybe he becomes a really good, or at least solid starter. But it's been frustrating, because it's an important position. I DO know football, but I do not claim to be a guru. I'm as wrong as anyone else.


    You brought this up, and I'll address here, as it's still a very private matter to me. Yes, I played college WR at the University of Tennessee, came in 1987 under Johnny Majors, along with Alvin Harper, who you might remember as a Cowboy in the NFL. Dislocated an ankle badly, and then proceeded to do everything wrong after that, which is why I don't talk about it. Basically, what transpired after that was the book on what NOT to do.



  2. I'm the GM, everything is under control.

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