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Posts posted by velocet

  1. I woulda liked the management of 980 to have allowed the Mancave to at least make it to the end of the season. Things were shaping up pretty good between listening to 106.7 and 980 in the morning because for example, when the Junkies would go off on a tangent about the wacky adventures of Lurch or Cakes when they go to drop the kids off at the pool or some other banal daily life bit there was a legit option.  (Mike and Mike's show of seemingly Non-Stop Commercial Blocks briefly punctuated by puddle deep banter doesn't make the cut)

    I don't mean to imply by my example that the Junkies are go-to and the Mancave was the back-up  things worked out one way or the other but I'll give Reid his due I found his on-air deal far better than his print offerings.


    Concerning the discussion of Andy Pollin, my take is that the Universe settled on him to be the proof incarnate of the following quote:


    "Eighty percent of success is showing up." - Woody Allen







  2. Well Stoney26, I remember when this thread started and here it is nearly 3 years, 900-odd posts and 24 pages later I'd have to say that you have to be the record holder for Most Completely Answered Message Board Question Thread.


    I mean it's like a damn database at this point.  Best part is, let's say you hear of a show and wonder if it's any good.  Just look in here for a mini review from names you can trust.   Seriously.  One could go to a board where you don't know the crew at all and how much weight can you give to those voices that are far more anonymous than these to you?  Doubt there are any create-a-buzz shill trolls talking about how this or that show is good or not hereabouts.








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  3. smoke-ur1336.jpg





    Tampa Bay FO  might be heavily influenced by potent hApPy SmOkE. 





      So most of us, 'Skins fans with reasonable objectivity and no dog in the fight with respect to Tampa's internal affairs, have the same 'WTF?' reaction to the Lovie firing.   I think that's kind of telling in itself.






  4. I know this isn't a Mr Robot thread per se, so one last post about the show and I'll shut up about it.  Thing is, this comment is centered on exactly that: shutting up about Mr. Robot.  


    Allow me to reset this post by our own Moco:




    Here Moco is talking about Kanye West and his unwanted input toward Beck during an awards show.   By way of tribute to a fallen comrade I wanted to cop Moco's particular turn of phrase a bit to underscore the notion of shutting up about Mr. Robot. 


    See, if I were asked to give any constructive criticism of any sort about the show I would have to simply reply by {slight paraphrase here}  [sitting quietly] my ass would be in my seat, hands on my lap and a big ass smile on my face.


    Not because if I talked askew about Mr. Robot I fear a Lil Reese or Chief Keef (I honestly never heard of them prior to reading Moco's post)  would issue physical  torment.  No,  it's because personal sanity forfend I directly contradict my viewing experience.   


    How... well it isn't to say it's a perfect or flawless show... but HOW can I think to pick with any bit of it when... I mean... dude.



    This guy:



    ...Rami Malek plays a character who shows up on screen with a flat affect most of the time.  The only other role I've seen played in a

    similar way and with the same genius is title  character of Rainman.  Yes I said it  Malek is throwing down  with Dustin Hoffman level mastery.  When you've got that going on in a show maaaaaaaaaaaaan....


    Um... complaints, criticisms... nah.


    I'll just sit here quietly my ass in my seat with my hands in my lap and a big ass smile on my face...






  5. UnReal on Lifetime:







    I daresay Lifetime (a network described by a feminist blog commenter I read once as "television for victims") is looking to expand its viewership if efforts like this are any indication.  There is one episode left.  I'm pretty sure the season is available on demand for a binge watch. 


    I give this a B- in the most honest assessment.  






  6. I'm not huge fans of people like Skip Bayless, Thom Lovarro, Czabe, Chad Dukes, The Junkies (at times), SAS, or even Diana Russini...but the one thing I'll NEVER say is that I could do their jobs better than they could.  Reid, on the other hand, I'm sure I could. 



    I've read some of Reid's stuff in the Post.  I've read some of your posts here.   I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE that I'd rather read an ES post by RonArtest15 than anything by Reid ever.   


    Well, ok, one exception to that rule is that if JReid wrote an open letter to the public stating that he is becoming a complete recluse and is resigning from all media forever.  I'd read that.


    Your posts, depending on the topic at hand, are informative or are arguments with sound reasoning involved and you pull it off with attention retaining wit and style.   And  with the brevity that messageboarding best practices requires.


    In sum, as I'm reading a through a topic and the RonArtest15 nic rolls up the screen I never just scroll past.   Damn straight you're better at thinking and expressing those thoughts than JReid. 



    AND that I know of, you don't even get paid to post here.







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  7. Edit: Did I really just write a five-paragraph reply comparing the NFL preseason and NBA summer league? This very moment might be the slowest time in the entire sports year: Moinday, July 15th, 3:08 EST


    Yes you did just write that.  And you should always be encouraged to do so.  Put it this way:  I recall an old sig of yours that featured a photoshopped  pic of LeBron's head on a crab's body, making light of his crab-walk; and also an exhortation to others to join in a discussion elsewhere to "hate on LeTravel".  I've been reading the NBA postings on the board for a while now because frankly they are high quality and they are my best path to keeping up with these matters. 

    Sux for me but NBA has been squeezed out of my priorities as far as watching anymore.    Oh there are other options: the Post (columnists etc have to make noises along the lines of justifying continued employment and they talk at not with their audience, no thanks) ESPN (superficial platitudinous yammering fast-break quick-hit commercial plagued "we'll be right back" dreck, no thanks) etc.   But heck,  I'd always found that the best perspective and analysis about basketball came from fellas down the street and around the way even well before access to talking via internet (cases in point your 5-graph exposition I'm replying to and Thinking Skins summation of the Grunfeld administration on the  previous page and RonArtest's contributions- good stuff).  It's a nice arrangement.  Y'all  have your fun AND provide a public service to those of us who are "time-impaired".  




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