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Posts posted by artmonkforHOF

  1. http://video.aol.com/aolvideo/aol-sports/chael-sonnen-backstage/1041225706001

    The video from the Sonnen/Helwani interview, it's 20 min long, pretty funny seeing him say all those things, he's a character. He says a LOT of stuff about Brazilian fighters...

    Also Japan haha

    Wow Chael is on in full force and he doesn't even have a license to fight in California, so he takes a fight in the one state that ignores suspenisons from other states, Texas.

    I watched Silva Sonnen again last night and it was impressive to see what Anderson did from his back. He cut Chael open a few times and gave up a lot to protect his bad rib. Chael finally starts hitting Andy in that bad rib side with about 2:20 left in the 5th, and Anderson counters with a hard right that gets Chaels attention. Anderson then fakes the right one time, Chael stops everything to cover up, Andy fakes with the right again, Chael covers and Andy slips on the Triangle. Truely amazing, I have never seen a guy protect himself from a puch as much as Chael tried to while on top in another mans guard, nobody is suppose to be able to cause any damage with a puch like that but Anderson found a way to make it work.

    What was funny was watching the number of pimples on Chaels back increase as the fight goes on, but I should cut the guy some slack, he needs TRT to live.:rolleyes:

  2. Dizamn..not sure who to pick yet in Stann/Sonnen. Last time Stann fought a good wrestler he lost to Phil Davis. And I'm disappointed that we won't see Oliveria/Lauzon but Cerrone is a good fight as well, that's a tough one to call. I think Cerrone is the better striker but he prefers to win by sub which he won't do against Oliveira.

    picking a winner in the Sonnen Stann fight depends on if Chael will show up with a test that says he's 9 parts testicle/1 part human. If Chael is clean, loss by triangle (seriously, what else would it be?), but I would really like to see Stann punch a few holes in his face. Anyone else get the feeling Dana is trying to set up Stann v Anderson for the belt July 4 weekend 2012? If Stann wins this and his next fight I could see it happening.

    I don't care who Oliveria fights as long as they show it on TV.

  3. kampmann's lost 2 straight (even if they were controversial), he's not in the mix for any title eliminators. Its more likely that Condit would be included in the title picture before Story (provided Condit beats Kim, which i don't think he will)

    ---------- Post added June-30th-2011 at 12:07 PM ----------


    Pros Picking Cruz: 13

    Pros Picking Faber: 6

    No Pick: 2

    I cant argue with that, Kampmann is not as deserving of a shot as some other guys, but I still think he is one of the best WW not to get a title shot. Basically, as bad as I feel for Ricky, I feel almost twice as bad for Martin as he was the sacrificial lamb for Jake Shields first UFC fight, and then gets screwed by the judges vs Diego. I am just saying I would like to see Kampmann v Story, but Kampmann will need a few wins before he gets back to even where Ricky is sitting now. my WW rankings go GSP, then a group of 3 or so Fitch, Shields Diaz and then I have Story, Kampmann& Ellenberger right behind that group and slightly ahead of Koscheck. Since GSP has beat all other guys on my list, I would like to see a fight between the "best of the rest" so to say to see who gets the next shot at GSP. IMO Kampmann and Story are the most skilled WW's not to fight for the title yet.

    I wish GSP would either lose the belt to Diaz or at least give it up and move to MW and have some sort of tournament for the WW belt. Actually, now that I type that, it might be better suited to 155 as that division is just stacked at the top with 10-12 guys.

  4. Talked to Ricky the other night, and this is exactly what he admitted. He didn't make excuses, but basically said he hasn't trained wrestling in over 3 months. He wasn't worried about his wrestling against Alves and trained almost solely for standup against Alves in the lead-up to the fight...which my husband noticed during the Alves fight when he yelled "Ricky's wrestling's gone to ****!" lol. With Marquardt, he trained for a taller striker because he knew his base wrestling was way better than Marquardt's. Then he got a wrestler at the last second. Again, not an excuse, just a tough situation and Brennenman out-wrestled him and got the win.

    Good news, I think my husband convinced him to come out to the OTC to beef up his wrestling before his next fight, so that will be good.

    Hopefully his next opponent doesn't OD on testosterone for a completely bogus medical condition before the next fight. :ols:

    Good to Hear Ricky has a positive attitude, he really got screwed and I can only hope for his career that Dana & Joe Silva (match maker) take the circumstances into consideration when they make his next fight. I can't think of one UFC fan I know who does not root for Ricky or enjoy watching his fights. Once I heard Nate dropped out I thought that was a no win situation for Ricky, if he won people would not give him the credit as he should be able to beat CB, and if he lost it would have knocked him down a rung or two. Here's hoping Ricky's next fight is the title eliminator match that I and a lot of other people think he deserves. I personally think after GSP fights Diaz, no matter what the outcome, the champ should fight the winner of Kampmann v.Story, both guys are great fighters and have had some bad luck in the UFC. They are not the hottest guys in the division, but I think they are the best of the division who has not had a title shot yet.

    As for Nate, Chael and all these other UFC fighters saying they need Testosterone Replacement Therapy, quit your lying you are not fooling anyone. Some men are affected by low testosterone levels, but they usually are not elite athletes who train to fight. Do they seriously expect the public to believe they suffer naturally from low testosterone levels in a sport that is pretty much fueled by testosterone? The most common way a fighter ends up with low testosterone levels is due to previous steroid or hormone abuse, so I have a hard time having sympathy for people who put themselves in bad situations.

  5. Nothing in this world is "free" my friends....at some point the UFC has to pay a price for these fights they off set this by having the prelims on Facebook (which is advertising for facebook and Im sure they had to pay the UFC for the rights) and even on your "free" Versus, and Spike cards they still show commercials which companies have to buy ad space for, and those channels give the UFC money for the rights to show the fights, so again nothing is free....the UFC would lose money on a card like the last one if they streemed prelim fights on UFC.com because its a limited opportunity for add space.

    Stop complaining and sign up for facebook, use a dummy account (a trash email address, and not your real info) or set up your own account but completely privatize it so no one accept the admin and you have access to it, and then enjoy the fights.

    I for one love the facebook streams, they are decent quality, and it is MMA you can not complain about getting to wach a live fight....well I knwo some people complain aabout getting a hundred dollar bill. They are trying to make there product as accesible as possible but they are still going to make there money, No other major sport streams games for free online (unless you find it illegally) the NFL,NBA,MLB,and NHL all charge an ass load of money to stream games online...even ESPN3.com has restrictions, and only 7 races of the Nascar season can you watch relatively "free" online (only the TNT summer series with the "racebuddy" feature) So if non of those guys are doing it then why would you expect the UFC which I consider major but is miniscule compared to those sports to do it?

    Facebook is worth a lot of money because they have a database of marketing information on all of their users that the users provide for free that they then sell, in various forms, to other companies. I do not fear facebook or are paranoid of them, I just value the information that they make money off almost as much as they do. If Facebook wants to offer me 50% of all revenues associated with the distribution of my personal information, then I will sign up in a heartbeat. I am starting to get scarred of how vigilantly people will defend Facebook, like someone was talking crap about their mom.

    And streaming could be the worst possible way to delivery media, at least here in North America. Americans complain about ISP rates as they are high in the US compared to the rest of the World, but you know who pays higher rates than US internet users? Me and my fellow Canadians. To watch 1 hour of HD streaming on my computer would cost me at least $25, and much more if I was already over my limit, so even the suggestion of streaming over UFC.com would not help me out. Netflix had to downgrade it's HD movies and shows that it started streaming via Netflix Canada because people where complaining that they where going over their data limits by streaming 1 movie a week. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/technology/tech-news/netflix-tweaks-canadian-service-to-lower-data-usage/article1961342/

  6. You think the fact that Silva suffered little damage during that 20 minutes, was a credit to Silva's endurance, or dis-credit to Sonnen's striking ability ?

    Speaking of Sonnen - tomorrow is his big day, isn't it ?

    He goes before the commission again , and may have his suspension lifted tomorrow !

    neither, I think it was Anderson's defense that saved him. Sonnen's striking is not that great, but Anderson defense in that fight was amazing. Sonnen got so frustrated not being able to land anything cleanly he resorted to slapping him in the face. I encourage everyone to go back and watch that fight again and pay attention to how well Anderson controlled Chael's arms, he stopped a very high percentage of potential strikes, and add to the fact that he had a bad rib injury, it makes the comeback and the way he won that fight even more amazing.

    I have a feeling a lot of people's perception of Anderson will change after ESPN releases their Documentary on him "Like Water", which show him training for the Sonnen fight.

  7. Mir dropped him with a left hook then choked him unconscious with a guillotine. If Mir can drop him with strikes, then Mitrione can too.

    ---------- Post added June-27th-2011 at 01:32 PM ----------

    Beat me to it....

    I said knock him out, not knock him down. If his lights did not go out from those Barry punches then no one is going to knock him out. I can see a repeat of the Barry fight if Kongo fights Mitrione or any other heavy hitter, they land one shot on Kongo, see him wobble and let their guard down as they go in for the kill shot and BAM! Kongo finds a wide open chin. I don't see Kongo losing by KO, maybe by a ref stoppage TKO but more likely a submission or decision loss.

    ---------- Post added June-27th-2011 at 04:08 PM ----------

    KO of the night ?

    That was the KO of the Century !

    Maybe the best KO ever in the UFC, and perhaps the greatest comeback ever in the UFC.

    What do you all think of the greater comeback : Silva vs Sonnen, or Kongo vs Barry ?

    Silva was more impressive by far. The Kongo comeback was crazy, probably the craziest minute of UFC ever, but Silva was on his back for 4 rounds and fought with a cracked rib all against a dirty fighter. To pull that submission move at that time was the greatest UFC comeback of all time, hands down no questions asked. The only way someone tops Anderson's comeback is if they fight 5 rounds from their back and the guy on top actually causes some serious damage, something Chael was unable to do in 20minutes plus of top position.

  8. Mir killed him pretty quickly

    Kongo beats the scrubs, loses to the decent fighters (Barry is the only person Kongo's beat who's still employed by the UFC, and Barry could get cut soon)

    Mir submitted him, he never knocked him out. Kongo has 1 TKO loss on his hands to Gilbert Yvel. I don't see Matt winning the fight as he is a KO specialist and from what I saw last night, you cannot knock out Kongo. I'd take that fight all day if I was Kongo, and run like hell if I was Mitrione. I like PeeWee Herman for Matt, and I still can't think of anyone I would want to see Kongo fight yet.

  9. Mitrione vs. Kongo

    makes sense to me :whoknows:

    That's not fair to Mitrione, putting him in against a man that is legally un-killable. I guess if Matt took the fight his game plan would have to be KO Kongo at least 3 times, cause the 2 KO's by Barry where not enough.

  10. Dana White via Twitter: "Ko of the night cheick kongo, sub joe lauzon, fon oliveira vs lentz all get 50k each!!! Great night of fights from top to bottom"

    damn I knew I missed something on that card. the UFC has got to quit with this Facebook crap, not everybody who likes the UFC wants to give up a ton of personal information just to watch a fight.

  11. i don't think close fights can be categorized as robberies

    what was close about that fight? I see what the problem with the judging is and it was made clear after the Vancouver card a few weeks ago. They read off the scoring rules for every fight, which takes into consideration 4 things: 1- aggression, 2- octagon control 3- striking 4 grappling.

    And this is where the heart of the problem is, for a bull idiot like Diego, he gets points in 2 categories for doing one thing: moving forward. never mind the fact he had no game plan for attacking, just swinging wildly. Now Martin kampmann, is a great striker, and you can tell by the damage he did to Diego in that fight, but he picks his spots, finds an opening, throws a combo and backs out. It is hard for a judge to see if a punch landed or not, so the judges see Diego's 3rd round flurry as impressive- and not to mention it helped in the octagon control and aggression categories. After Kampmann broke his hand in the second round- which happened only because he punched so much of Diego's skin off his face earlier he was left punching exposed facial bones- he was very cautious, as he should be, and him backing up helped lose him that fight even though he clearly is a much better and more technically sound fighter than Diego.

    So Kampann's pinpoint striking accuracy only gets him points in 1 category where as Diego gets points in 2 categories for charging his opponent like a bull and swinging wildly even though he could not hit Kampann cleanly.

    take the stupid wrestling rules out of the fight, no one gets a point for throwing someone out of the octagon, so octagon control is a moot point.

  12. I knew Bisping was being considered, but figured that was dead when Dirty Uncle Chael could not get his license back. I guess Dana had to do something with Miller, considering he could not have put him back on a Strikeforce card as per CBS's request after the brawl incident. I wonder if this will be a title eliminator like Bisping Sonnen was suppose to be. I would love to see Anderson knock Bisping out, but I don't think either him or Miller are really top notch contenders, just the guys Anderson has not beaten yet. Checking a few sites with rankings of UFC middleweights, it's amazing to see how much of the 185 class Anderson has destroyed. Who would be left after Okami? Mark Munoz?

  13. That would actually be a very interesting matchup even though I think Sanchez would beat Leben on speed alone. Chris is the all-time slowest middleweight I've ever seen. Diego better not mix it up with the Crippler though. Those slow punches land like cement. Unlike you, I love the dude. He was the runt who got picked on in TUF so I kinda dug him as a lovable underdog right away. He went on to have a good career so far, giving his best despite his limitations. He also made big strides in his ground game along the way. He's a bit of a wildman in his private life but I don't think he means any ill-will or lacks humility. He's just matured slowly.

    don't get me wrong, I am not saying Leben is not entertaining, I just don't want to pay PPV prices for an under card fighter. I also would not pay to see a lot of other "fan favourites" on PPV. put them on the prelim or a fight night and I will watch no problem, but to me PPV is a premium event and I want premium fights and fighters.

  14. Na I mean the Anderson Silva fight, I enjoyed that beating.

    that's funny. I just don't think Leben is that good of a fighter, more of a brawler and is over hyped by the UFC. he makes some "exciting" fights, but that's because he has to resort to going Tazamanian devil on his opponents. Go back and check the stats, he does not land many punches. I see Leben as the top notch of the lower tier fighters, guys who won't get a title shot but help fill out some cards. To me he is a poor mans Diego Sanchez, not a very good fighter but will give it his all. He is not a contender and never will be, he is just fodder, and that is why I will not pay to see him on PPV. I will watch a fight on Spike or whoever broadcasts a free fight but I will not pay to watch Leben.

    In fact one fight I would like to see as it would expose both of those guys as frauds is Diego vs Leben. I can already see the stats after the first round, 897 total punches thrown from both fighters, 4 landed, 3 by Leben and 1 by Sanchez. There is no way Sanchez won his fight vs Martin Kampmann, but UFC rules and judging standards reward guys who get the crowd excited.

  15. Maybe he finds him arrogant? I use to but after he fought Silva I became a fan.

    I do find him arrogant, ignorant and disrespectful. Not to mention not a very good fighter. I assume you mean the win vs Jay Silva not the beating he took vs Anderson. And his wins, those exciting fights are against weak opponents, when he fights a guy with any skill at all he gets his a** handed to him.

  16. Yeah I'm pretty sure that this is for a shot at Cain.

    I'm still not even that excited about Silva/Okami because it probably won't be much of a challenge. Okami will probably get KO'd in the first round.

    134 is too far away to rate the card, not even all fights have been announced, let alone injury replacements. By the looks of things 134 might be the next PPV I buy. 132 with Cruz v Faber looks alright (much better than 130, 131) to me but I will not buy a PPV with either Tito Ortiz or Chris Leben fighting. Here's hoping both get injured and never fight in the UFC again. 133 looks promising if you see the match ups listed on Wikipedia, but not much is official at this point.

    Unless Dana pulls a few rabbits out of his hat, 134 will be the only PPV I order for the foreseeable future. Silva in Brazil is something worth seeing IMO.

  17. http://espn.go.com/blog/mma/post/_/id/1745/roy-nelson-advocates-for-three-minute-rounds

    I actually like his idea, even though I don't think it will happen.

    IMO, a great boxing fight (Gatti/Ward trilogy or Diego Corrales/Jose Luis Castillo I, although they are few and far between nowadays) is still so much more compelling than anything MMA can produce. A large piece of that is because the format doesn't really lend itself for a story to be created within fight.

    if I didn't fear lay n prayers feasting on 3 minute rounds, I would have no concerns at all about making a switch to 3 minute rounds

    I like Roy's idea as well, and the only thing they could do to stop the lay & prayers is to also change the rules on when they stand them up. Wrestlers would hate it, but you would have to change the rule from stand them up if there is little to no action, to stand them up if neither fighter is attempting a new move- for example, just laying on top and throwing the occasional punch would be stopped within 30 sec and the fighters stand up, but if one fighter is constantly changing positions in an effort to make a submission attempt then fight on.

    It's about time the wrestling mentality found it's way out of the UFC as it leads to the most boring fights for the general public, the typical I will point my way to a win. It's the reason wrestling is not as popular as the UFC, because great wrestling is very technical and if you don't know the finer points of wrestling it makes for a boring fight.

  18. Can everyone stop buying into the GSP is too small BS coming from the GSP camp? GSP fought Jake at 192/193 lbs, which means he cut 22/23 lbs to make weight, and if he fought Silva he would only have to cut 7lbs, assuming he trains the same.

    Everyone is quick to point out that "Silva walks around at 230 and GSP walks around at 195 max" and let me tell you why this is a BS excuse, GSP stayins in great physical shape every day of the year, he doesn't need extra weight because he does not train the same as other fighters. Silva, needs that weight because he takes time off from training, and needs that weight so when he starts training his body doesn't tire out and loose too much weight.

    Silva usually enters the ring in his middleweight fights at between 210-215, 15 to 20 lbs more than GSP would be if he trained the same as he did for Jake. I don't buy the story that a trained athlete like GSP needs 6+ months to put on 5 to 10 lbs ( to make the fighting weight difference about 10lbs). Does anyone here make a deal about fighter size when there is only a 10lb difference between the guys when they step in the cage, the same difference that would be most likely if they fought in Rio later this year. The only exttra time GSP needs is the 60 day supension he got after UFC 129, then either an 8 week or 12 week training camp and he would be ready to go versus Diaz, Silva or anyone. GSP could have fought Silva in Rio if he really wanted it.

    GSP is running form this fight for good reason, it will wipe some of that shine of his aura. I think the UFC knows that a Silva GSP fight might kill GSP's marketability (why else did they announce the Okami fight before UFC 129 ahd even started?) , and are riding out the GSP gravy train as long as they can before they even think about scheduling the super fight.

  19. man that card was looking bad for the canucks until the mcdonald boys, rory & jason (no relation) came out with big wins. Pierson looked bad, getting knocked out like that by a guy who took the fight on 2 weeks notice, but I did not expect that from Rory in the win over Diaz, I can't wait to see who Rory fights next.

    Aldo did what I thought he would do, but that 5th from Hominick was a nice suprise. I think Mark showed he can contend, just not against Aldo who is on aother level, I don't think anyone can beat him.

    As for GSP, I think he showed that he does not belong in the same conversation as Aldo & Silva as best P4P. Great Champion, smart fighter and one of the best but just not at the same dominate level as the two Brazilians. Aldo won 4 rounds in convincing fashion, GSP barley pointed his way to a victory, as he always has done. He gets his points and plays it safe which still makes him a winner but GSP fights not to lose and gets praised for it, yet if Anderson plays it safe he gets crucified, makes no sense to me.

    I know I will not buy a GSP PPV unless there are other fights I want to see on that card really bad. I predict GSP's next fight with either a) have another title fight on the same card or B) be the Silva fight becasue I think Dana is does not want the bad press of another snoozer GSP main event.

  20. Brashear? Wow. That will be cool as a spectacle, but is he doesn't have any training he is going to get Johnnie Morton'ed. I'm surprised the article doesn't mention any training or martial arts background.

    This sounds more like a gimick to get people into the fight. Remember it is a semipro card in hockey-fight mad, french Canadian hillbilly country. Brashear might be the only guy in that entire arena who's first language is English, and I suspect some will come either to watch an old favourite enforcer(Habs 93-97) win a fight again or a hated rival (Flyers 01-06, Wash 06-09, NYR 10) get a beating of a lifetime.

    His wikiepedia page says he had a 2-1 boxing record during the lockout, but then again it also says that he owns a home building company and that he show up on site to perform various jobs so who knows how seriously he is taking this. I doubt it is a new career path for him.

  21. Yeah, I figured that rematch would be coming in the near future. I hope Shogun avenges his loss, but the size difference worries me a little. Either way, that is going to be a tremendous card. Except for the Gracie thing. I respect the man immensely, but I don't really have a desire to see him in the octagon again at this point. Maybe his fight will stream on Facebook? :)

    Well, the way I look at it Royce is on the card not for the PPV people, but for the Brazilian fans. Think about how many Brazilians have had great success in the UFC & MMA in general, and the last time they got a top notch wold class event was when Royce was still relevant. Kinda like the Toronto card that has some questionable Canadian fighters on the card (thank God UFC lost Carlos Newton's number), those fights aren't for the PPV crowd but the fans in attendance.

    I can see them putting Royce on the PPV, just because that in itself is a story, but I think he will be on the under card and if the fight is good they will tack it onto the end of the PPV. I don't see Dana taking a risk like giving Gracie a headline fight in case the fight is really bad, but I can see him using it to get more press if the Gracie fight ends up being any good.

  22. For all those holding your breathe for a GSP Silva super fight, STOP.

    GSP Vs. Silva On Hold; Anderson Silva To Face Yushin Okami At 'UFC: Rio'

    UFC President Dana White confirmed to USA Today that UFC middleweight champion Anderson Silva will be making his ninth title defense against top contender Yushin Okami this summer at UFC: Rio.

    Silva and Okami have fought once before, at Rumble on the Rock 8 in 2006 with Okami being granted the win via disqualification after The Spider knocked him out with an upkick while his knees were still on the mat, an illegal move. The bout with Okami was the last time that Silva had tasted defeat.

    click link for rest of article.


    I love this fight and the fact that it is in Rio. And in other UFC Rio news the return of the King......

    Could We See Royce Gracie vs. Art Jimmerson At “UFC: Rio?”

    link to article: http://cagepages.com/2011/04/13/could-we-see-royce-gracie-vs-art-jimmerson-at-ufc-rio/

    Royce has been talking to the media in Brazil and says he will fight at UFC Rio in August, the only thing not sure is who he will face.

    Everyone is talking about the Toronto card being big, but I think Rio is going to blow 129 in Toronto out of the water. Even if they do not add any other fighters, sign me up to pay $50 for a PPV of Silva & Royce, and I have a feeling Dana is waiting to see what happens in the Aldo-Hominick fight before announcing that Aldo will be fighting at Rio as well, but I think that a Aldo fight on that card is pretty much a sure thing.

  23. While all the news is on the Strikeforce deal, did anyone catch this nugget from MMA junkie?

    Anderson Silva documentary, "Like Water," debuts at Tribeca Film Festival

    "Like Water," a documentary focused on Anderson Silva's life leading up to his UFC 117 win over Chael Sonnen, debuts at next month's Tribeca Film Festival.

    Directed by Pablo Croce, the film is one of six documentaries in the New York gathering's fifth edition of the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival.

    This year's Tribeca Film Festival takes begins April 20 in New York City.

    "Five years ago, Tribeca and ESPN started the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival with a modest goal: We wanted to shine a light on sports stories and broaden the audience for independent film," Tribeca Film Festival's executive director Nancy Schafer stated in an official release. "It has become one of the signature programs of the Tribeca Film Festival, and I know that the audience will be thrilled with this year's films, just as I was."

    "Like Water" promises an intimate and revealing look at Silva's training and personal life during his preparation for this past August's thrilling five-round victory over Sonnen. The win was the UFC middleweight champion's 12th-straight win in the UFC.


    I can't wait for this to come out, as most of you know on here I am a huge Anderson Silva fan, and hopefully this sheds some light on how serious his rib injury was. I think he is the best pound for pound fighter in the world right now hands down and it is not even close IMO. A lot of people rank GSP ahead of Anderson, and while GSP is a great fighter, he has to grind out his wins, more of a hard worker than a natural. Anderson, on the other hand is so relaxed when he fights he makes it look easy, and IMO that is a sign that you are watching greatness, when the guy makes it look easy.

  24. "I know if I fight Anderson, I have to fight him standing up. I'm quicker than him. I know he's very good at what he does, but don't be fooled. I'm one of the elite athletes in the NFL. I'm very fast, very quick. I just can't go to the ground. And I can't be within his reach, either. So maybe I'll just run around the ring the whole damn time."

    Damian Maia & Thales Leites each tried that before. Didn't work then, probably won't work now. I'd like to see that fight, even thought there is not a snowflakes chance in hell it happens,for probably the same reason everyone else wants, just to see Chad get KTFO,

  25. I had Diego winning only the 2nd and I could have even seen that round being even. Sanchez landed 2 really solid shots and had one take down all night. All Kampmann. He picked Sanchez apart methodically and won that fight going away. He must have landed the last 5-6 shots of the last round. I guess Diego's aggressive style of coming forward and eating punches really works on judges.

    BTW- They screwed Martin against Shields as well. Dana owes him big time.

    yeah 2 screw jobs in a row for Kampmann. I just read an article where Dana gave $60,000 to both for fight of the night, $10k more than KO & Sub of the night, and on top of that gave both Diego and Kampmann $100,000 on top of it. He also was quoted as saying "Kampmann got a lose on his record, but there where no losers in that fight" so if that is true, who do you give a title shot to first? I go with Kampmann, that guy is a great fighter, where Diego just strikes me as a guy who is crazy as f*** and can take a beating. that fight looked like a trained fighter fighting a meth head, the fighter was great but the meth head had inhuman like stamina and would not go down. A guy who wins fights by being able to sustain beatings and never gets knocked out does not impress me as a fight fan.

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