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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Excellent. Lets see if he can get that chemistry with Beal that was starting to show itself on the road trip.
  2. No way in the world I would want Dwight Howard here. Dude is mentally and emotionally weak. You can't win with him.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzRa3GAqNBY Killer Joe. Gritty, greasy slice of Deep South film noir/black comedy. Earns its NC-17 from the opening scene and does not let up. One of the more amazing climaxes in recent memory. Gutsy stuff from all involved, especially McConaughey.
  4. No crying tonight. Good effort on the back of a 5 game western swing. Missed a ton of easy shots early and made a couple goofy plays late. Give Utah their due...tough at home. Smoke the Bulls on Saturday!
  5. Good point. Chandler built himself into pro big through hard work and force of will and it took him about four years to do so. And yea, that chip on his shoulder that he plays with is one of the reasons he's one of my favorite players. About the game tonight, anyone know when the last time we finished 3-2 on a 5-game west coast road swing?
  6. So, I went ahed and pulled the trigger on a couple tix to the Bulls game on Saturday. Lower Center 100 Row A. Look for me on the TV!
  7. Solid effort last night. We lose that game by 20 in November. Better rebounding rotation, better FT shooting and better officiating and we can beat that team.
  8. Until recently, the Beal/Ray Allen comparisons weren't really passing the eye test for me. But I see it now, the kid has a sick game and plays much older than 19. Also, Javale 4 pts, 4 fouls, 2 TOs in 12 minutes last night. No love lost, big fella.
  9. Good point. A month ago the Wiz wouldve lost this game by 15-20 points. The progress the team is making right now is evident. It just takes time to learn how to hold leads on the road. To simply focus on the missed FTs at the expense of the myriad other positive moments in the game is silly. Wall had a 10 to 1 ratio in only his 4th game back and Beal was a monster. Why throw the baby out with the bathwater?
  10. I really like Craig and agree that he is excellent. But...POPPY****...Connery is the man, the alpha and omega, Jordan/Pele/Sammy Baugh all rolled into one. Its just the way it is.
  11. Craig over Connery?!? I feel like Im taking crazy pills. Connery IS Bond, all the other guys are just actors.
  12. Im about THIS close to hitting Stubhub for the Chicago game next saturday. It kinda feels weird, but I am irrationally excited for tonights game. Go Wiz!
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_NBA_Draft It was not a strong draft for big men. Look at the other bigs left from the 6 pick down and find one that has more talent than Vesely. Faried has had a better run up to this point, but he doesn't have the talent of Vesely.
  14. Good post. I think part of what caused the rush to bury Vesely is that it fit in nicely with the "Ernie Must Go" line of thinking. It's readily apparent that Vesely has ELITE physical talent and above-average floor IQ. He needs seasoning, patience and a climate of success to be the player he can be. If we dont provide that for him, someone like Utah or Phoenix will and he will end up as yet another of the "One that got away" type of guys. Go Wiz!
  15. Just walk in the door from dinner....and its a Wizards blowout! Feels good!
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