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Posts posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Six years. Six ****ing years I've been waiting for my Wizards to get back to the playoffs. Six years of ****. The day finally comes and I have to go to ER because unbearable pain on the right side of my chest (so not a heart issue--that's left side of chest--but still could be something serious on the right. I'm praying it's just like a rib muscle pull or something.) All I know is, I'm gonna make them turn the game on


    Whoa!  Hang in there, bro.

  2. Bargani shooting a 3 with ten seconds left, shotclock off and UP 2 is one of the worst things I've ever seen. Seriously, all my years watching basketball, I don't think I've ever seen that before. At 2:12 in the vid.


    Pretty bad.  Not as bad as Michael Ruffin, but pretty bad.

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