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Inigo Montoya

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Posts posted by Inigo Montoya

  1. 16 hours ago, 50yrSKINSfan said:

    It does not matter if the QB throws a good ball or a bad ball. On pass interference a defender cannot stop a receiver from attempting to catch a pass when the ball is in the air. The defender has to play the ball. In the case of the “blown” PI call, the defender put his arm around the receivers neck slowing the receivers ability to come back for a underthrown ball. The defender made “no attempt” to play the ball. Now either that is clear pass interference or at least def holding as you cannot hold a receiver when the ball is in the air which it clearly was. To pick up a flag on a clear penalty out in the open where the ref that threw the flag was facing the play just puts a thought in your head that the game is fixed. Now if the ref did not see the play then fine, he would not throw the flag but throwing the flag proves he saw the play. Picking it up tells me he does not know what he is doing and he should not be a ref. We should be angry as that was a 4 point loss. We kicked a FG instead of getting the ball on the 1 yard line. 

    worse than that, there were TWO flags thrown on this. The ref next to the play and a ref from the end zone area, both for the same call based on the timing. I was losing my mind 

  2. somehow I didnt realize the Xmas eve game was at 3... I agreed to host my wife's 40+ person family for Xmas that night and people will start rolling in around the 3rd qtr. How did I screw this up?!?!?!


    Going to be at FedEx the following week and can't wait to hopefully see some meaningful football. K Cousins was the QB last time I got to see a meaningful game, he of course lost to the pack but hey it was fun for a second! 

  3. after not feeling screwed by the refs all year or most of the year, yesterday just felt icky. The picked up flag on the DPI at the 1/2 yd line was huge, the phantom block in the back call was huge... agreed that we've been strangely free of these kind of calls and even the beneficiary most of the season. hell , in the MN game they let us abuse their WRs. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

    The Joe Gibbs obsession is a bit odd. Granted I wasn’t alive for most of that run, and I loved him growing up. But he hasn’t exactly won me over the last decade or so being BFF with Dan, advising on bad hires, etc. he’s also got his hands full in NC and has a lot of tragedies going on in his life. 

    Let Joe be part of the past glory. But it’s time to move on. 

    He gets every pass there is and should. For me, he's 99% of my good memories as a Skins fan... a flash of RG3 and one ish playoff run with Captain K, everything else is Gibbs. I don't know why he continues to help Dan, maybe he's just like us and can't quit this team. If Joe wants in on ownership, roll out the red carpet. 


    I agree, he probably has too much going on. 

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  5. Season is going to be lost, might as well see what the Rook has. He was known for running in college and being a tough guy, he can handle being behind this line. So what if he doesnt know the whole playbook? we're predictable and easy to defend any way. the high flying eagles are going to dick kick us, need someone who can at least threaten a deep ball. 


    Unfortunately this staff is so damn stupid and stubborn its going to take a Heini injury to see Howell. 

  6. 1 hour ago, HigSkin said:

    Interesting last night that Fitz said Turner's offense was "plug and play" meaning no adjustment to a QB's strengths yet Jay Gruden on The Junkies this morning said every OC will adapt to the strengths of their QB and kind of dismissed that.


    Also, I thought about someone to bring in to consult about the stale offense before it was brought up on The Junkies this morning but Lurch said Norv Turner is a guy Scott relies on to bounce stuff off of and talks to him all the time.  Lurch supposedly knows this because Turner lives in his neighborhood.


    We didn't get to see much of him, but Fitz looked like he was going to struggle in this offense last year too from the brief times we saw him. 


    Good news is Rivera isnt unecessarily stubborn in sticking with his guys... oh wait, we're stuck with this **** 

  7. I watch every minute of every weeks game. It’s just what I do, what I’ve always done. And I really really don’t know how to change it. But I know it makes me miserable. 
    I recently quit drinking, feel the best I’ve felt in years… maybe turning 40 has me thinking about how I invest my time 17 Sunday’s a year. It’s completely joyless, it ruins my day, my interactions with people for the rest of the day. I need someone to men in black zap my memory and make me a chiefs fan (live in MO)

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  8. Carson’s worst plays have actually been his terrible overthrows against zone defense along the sideline. He has multiple throws like this every game and usually in a spot where we need those yards. Like 3rd down where we were pathetic yesterday


    his decision making in the red zone has been a little head scratchy. But for the life of me I don’t understand why we called 3 straight drop back pass plays!!! I would have moved him out of the pocket with and option or two right in front of him and a potential run or out of bounds. They played coverage because they knew we were scared to run due to just awful time management at the end 

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