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Posts posted by Gallen5862

  1. The Carolina Panthers with their 3rd round pick #73 select Jackson Carman, G/OT, Clemson Clemson


    The Carolina Panthers are excited to continue rebuilding their offense by adding an Offensive Lineman.

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  2. Washington brings back Lamar Miller and David Sharpe; Nick Sundberg to leave - The Washington Post

    The Washington Football Team addressed its depth Wednesday morning by re-signing running back Lamar Miller and right tackle David Sharpe to one-year deals, according to two people with knowledge of the situation.

  3. What will the Democrats who want end of Legislative Filibuster and Court Packing and Statehood for Dc and PR do if it goes the opposite way? President Trump wins re election the Republicans keep the Senate and retake the House. Then the Republicans go ok we will end the Filibuster, Then The Senate and President Trump say we will pack the Court and find places with republican Majorities in Democrat States and Grant them Statehood and The Republicans add seats in the House and Senate. 


    The Republicans could just say trying to honor wishes the Democrats wanted.

  4. This could backfire on the Democrats. They want to do away with the 60 vote Filibuster. They are assuming they get the Whitehouse and the Senate and the House. So if President Trump wins reelection and the Republicans take back the House and Keep the Senate. The Democrats will have a hard time complaining. The Republicans can just say well we are just implementing your suggestions.




    Filibuster reform gains steam with Democrats


    Democrats are stepping talks about reforming or abolishing the filibuster if they win back the Senate and White House in November.

    The renewed discussions are being spurred by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), an outspoken liberal who has long championed a revamping the procedural tactic that Democrats see as a serious obstacle to passing legislation and confirming nominees.


    Merkley has floated various proposals with colleagues in recent days as polls show former Vice President Joe Biden widening his lead over President Trump and Democrats increasing their odds of picking up the three Senate seats needed for majority control if Biden wins.

  5. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/four-arrested-for-damage-to-andrew-jackson-statue-near-white-house/ar-BB162Xmw?ocid=spartan-ntp-feeds


    Four arrested for damage to Andrew Jackson statue near White House

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four men have been charged in connection with damage to a statue of President Andrew Jackson during protests near the White House, the U.S. Justice Department said on Saturday.

    The four people, who were from Washington, D.C.; Maryland; Maine and Virginia, were charged with destruction of federal property in connection with their alleged effort to tear down Jackson's statue on June 22, the Justice Department said.

  6. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/posey-county-sheriff-switches-to-republican-party/ar-BB1613eP?ocid=spartan-ntp-feeds


    Posey County Sheriff switches to Republican Party 


    MOUNT VERNON, Ind. — Posey County Sheriff Tom Latham, who was elected to the office in 2018 as a Democrat, has switched to the Republican Party, citing national platform issues.
    Latham said in a Facebook post that he believes Democratic rhetoric in response to the death of George Floyd in Minnesota — who died as a police officer knelt on his neck for nearly 9 minutes — has gone too far.

  7. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/activists-halt-street-protests-in-south-carolina-as-some-demonstrators-become-infected/ar-BB15QEYx?ocid=spartanntp


    Activists halt street protests in South Carolina as some demonstrators become infected 


    South Carolina racial justice activists said they would postpone future demonstrations or move them online after at least 13 people who took part in previous protests tested positive for the coronavirus. 


    In a video posted Sunday on Facebook, organizer Lawrence Nathaniel said demonstrators who marched in Columbia, S.C., between May 30 and June 17 had tested positive. He said four organizers were confirmed infected, along with three photographers and six protesters. 

  8. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/activists-halt-street-protests-in-south-carolina-as-some-demonstrators-become-infected/ar-BB15QEYx?ocid=spartanntp


    Activists halt street protests in South Carolina as some demonstrators become infected 


    South Carolina racial justice activists said they would postpone future demonstrations or move them online after at least 13 people who took part in previous protests tested positive for the coronavirus. 


    In a video posted Sunday on Facebook, organizer Lawrence Nathaniel said demonstrators who marched in Columbia, S.C., between May 30 and June 17 had tested positive. He said four organizers were confirmed infected, along with three photographers and six protesters. 

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  9. https://www.foxnews.com/us/at-trump-request-pentagon-puts-military-police-on-alert-to-go-to-minneapolis?fbclid=IwAR1AGliuWZHM3YDdmE7NHzzgyOElmdTkmDbwyIr9fQbEyaKykxUVKoiC2LY


    At Trump request, Pentagon puts military police on alert to go to Minneapolis

    DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — As unrest spread across dozens of American cities on Friday, the Pentagon took the rare step of ordering the Army to put several active-duty U.S. military police units on the ready to deploy to Minneapolis, where the police killing of George Floyd sparked the widespread protests.

    Soldiers from Fort Bragg in North Carolina and Fort Drum in New York have been ordered to be ready to deploy within four hours if called, according to three people with direct knowledge of the orders. Soldiers in Fort Carson, in Colorado, and Fort Riley in Kansas have been told to be ready within 24 hours. The people did not want their names used because they were not authorized to discuss the preparations.

    The get-ready orders were sent verbally on Friday, after President Donald Trump asked Defense Secretary Mark Esper for military options to help quell the unrest in Minneapolis after protests descended into looting and arson in some parts of the city.

    The person said the military units would be deployed under the Insurrection Act of 1807, which was last used in 1992 during the riots in Los Angeles that followed the Rodney King trial.

  10. https://www.journalnow.com/news/local/federal-judge-rules-indoor-worship-services-can-resume-in-north-carolina/article_37158723-01b3-52b8-9eaf-af1458b23674.html


    Federal judge rules indoor worship services can resume in North Carolina

    A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order Saturday allowing indoor worship services to resume in North Carolina until a hearing can be held later this month.

    The order, issued by Judge James C. Dever III — a President George W. Bush appointee — states Gov. Roy Cooper’s executive order banning indoor worship services with more than 10 people is in violation of the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

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