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Everything posted by tomwvr

  1. On top of pete being a 9-11 truther just another reason to despise the man
  2. Well in every game this season atleast 1 player should have been ejected…
  3. Always something goes wrong to destroy momentum with this team
  4. Balance is not running and passing the same amount. Washington DC 30 Seattle Washington 31
  5. Jesus you cant read the older comments. all i said to start is the two losses to the giants and bears destroyed this season and if they had won this would be a different season with the qb play
  6. No argument - my comment is only if we had won those games
  7. Im not saying we are super bowl Contenders but we are a top 12 team in the league if we won those games
  8. Just think win the bears and giants game and we are golden.
  9. Why do our dbs play so soft and let runners get 4-5 extra yards
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