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Posts posted by G-Prime

  1. I am wondering if they are setting it up for X-Pac to show up for the Hell in a cell match and reunite with DX there. Is it also possible if Cena Wins he joins DX as well?The other posability is if Cena loses he signs with ECW instead of with Smackdown.

    That's a good possability.. With the loss of Kurt Angle, Vince will want ECW to have a big name.. Good thinking I didn't even think about that..

    More X-Pac News/Rumors

    Scott Hall and X-Pac are pitching the nWo vs DX angle.. I don't believe anything is under serious consideration yet. It will be interesting to see how X-Pac will be used if at all.

  2. I guess some of you ECW fans saw this when it happened.. The comment was at the very least low rent.

    Vince McMahon released a public apology for remarks Matt Striker made.

    "We at WWE apologize for the remark alluding to the death of Steve Irwin which was made on ECW on Sci Fi Tuesday night. The remark was, in the least, disrespectful to Mr. Irwin's fans and family," McMahon said on WWE.com Thursday.

    Striker made reference to never swimming with stingrays.

  3. Well, it can continue without him in the ring.

    He can get jumped, need surgery, but still be on Raw with DX causing trouble.

    This just means they need to create a stable here.

    I'll quote this because this is in response to some of the news I've got =)..

    News -

    - A Survivor Series poster was "supposedly" leaked, hinting to a war between DX and nWo. I have not been able to find such a poster so this is merely speculative until something more concrete comes up.

    - Word is Edge will drop the title at Summerslam, or soon after. When John Cena's new movie "The Marine" comes out WWE wants him to have the belt for promotions.

    - Also on an Edge note, there is a rumor floating about that both Edge and Lita will jump to TNA come November. Lita's contract will be up by then but I'm not sure about Edge's contract. It seems unlikely that they would cut Lita now, when she's finally being brought in to wrestle in an extremely weak women's division. However WWE has recently asked her to have face work done and she has refused. As far as Edge goes, there is no word of any backstage heat or misconduct that would cause WWE not to resign him. The fans react to Edge like Vince McMahon wants. However many in the company think he makes a better "face" then a "heel". Anyway this is just a rumor at this time.

    - Another WWE Diva on the way out is Trish Stratus. She will be getting married soon and wants to persue other things and spend time with her new husband. This has pretty much been confirmed, there is a feeling in the company however, if WWE were to offer her a lot more cash she'd stay.. This raises the question however, who will be the new face of the women's division. Trish Stratus has been the most recognizable woman in wrestling the last 4 or 5 years.

    Anyway that's all I got for now. Enjoy

  4. I actually dig having Show in ECW. He's getting the kinda of run that I expected Angle to get, especially when you consider that they spent a considerable amount of air time devoted to how they felt Angle was going to be the new face of the new ECW.

    Funniest Show moments I remember was the skit that he and Golddust did when he was calling out for cheese burgers in his sleep. Also when he joined nWo and mimicked Sandman by coming to the ring while smoking a cigarette.

    He's been doing the cigarette thing for a long LooooOng time.. Even before his WCW/nWo days.

  5. Anyone else think Big Show's winding it down career wise? He's starting to look like Andre did in his later days. I also noticed Show almost laughed several times during the chants, I think he got a kick out of it even though they weren't compliments.

    One of the nicest guys in the business. If your not smiling when he walks into the room, you soon will be dude is funny as hell.

    I didn't watch ECW but he was probably laughing because he agreed. He's 100% professional but it's no secret he'd rather be back on RAW.

  6. I am wondering if ECW would benefit from having Batista as the ECW champion instead of the Big Show. I think Batista would be a better champion and they can do more things with him. He definately seems more Extreme and would be accepted better by the fans. Is his match extreme rules tonight?

    I dunno man.. Smackdown is getting low on the big names. I think they need Batista.. Why I didn't agree with not having a draft lottery this year. It's good to cycle the talent around.

  7. agree with you guys. I said this before.

    The Summer is the time when the good storylines should be started, to hook people that won't even turn it on while NFL, NBA and NCAA is going on.

    DX needs to get done with Vince, and just go nutty on all the brands. Have them invade smackdown for awhile. Recruit some folks there. Then leave a DX faction on Smackdown. Same for ECW. Then that can build up to a DX vs. The World at Wrestelmania next year. Tag match, Hardcore Match, etc.

    That would be cool but I don't see it happening.

  8. That explains why he got the sudden suspension. Good find.

    I really don't have any news but more of a comment. I thought that the promos and finish to the TNA show last week were excellent. Ya had Brother Runt (Spike Dudley) going insane, Monty Brown calling Samoa Joe a Hippophant (Hippo and Elephant) in the promos and the finish had the Joe vs Rhyno main event break down because of Monty's interference. There was a gore thru a broken table set up at the entry ramp. TNA's learning slowly but surely.

    Enjoy Joe while he lasts in TNA.. I won't be surprised to see him in WWE within the next year or two.. He's extremely unhappy with TNA.

    Oh and the treatment of women was by one woman. No one back staged liked her and she accused Randy of pooping in her gym bag. According to Randy it was just a tanning oil and other crap he squirted into the bag. He didn't mention any names but I know it was Sable he did this to. Apparently quite awhile ago as well. This was just one of many things he's done to the ladies and other folk back stage. Something more recent happened along with the pot thing to force Vince to make Randy take anger management treatment.

  9. That explains why he got the sudden suspension. Good find.

    I really don't have any news but more of a comment. I thought that the promos and finish to the TNA show last week were excellent. Ya had Brother Runt (Spike Dudley) going insane, Monty Brown calling Samoa Joe a Hippophant (Hippo and Elephant) in the promos and the finish had the Joe vs Rhyno main event break down because of Monty's interference. There was a gore thru a broken table set up at the entry ramp. TNA's learning slowly but surely.

    Enjoy Joe while he lasts in TNA.. I won't be surprised to see him in WWE within the next year or two.. He's extremely unhappy with TNA.

  10. - News

    This is a bit old but some of you may not know so I'll post it.. Since we're on the topic of ladies, Stacey Keibler's contract with WWE has expired. She's recently signed a contract with Disney.

    Unconfirmed rumor's suggest that Brock Lesner may be training to compete in the UFC.

    Also this may be the last year we see a Diva Search contest. Apparently votes are down and interest in general just isn't there. That may change as the competition comes to a close. Rumor has it McMahon isn't happy with the latest batch of girls. However Jen England and Layla El have garnered back stage respect as they seem to take the wrestling business very seriously preferring to socialize with the other wrestlers and asking questions where as the other girls tend to stick to themselves.

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