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Posts posted by praise_gibbs

  1. Chris Benoit mystery editor confesses: claims "terrible coincidence"

    "I feel incredibly bad for all the attention this got because of the fact that what I said turned out to be the truth. Like I said it was just a major coincidence, and I will never vandalize anything on wikipedia or post wrongful information. I've learned from this experience. I just can't believe what I wrote was actually the case, I've remained stunned and saddened over it..."


    ... Hey everyone. I am here to talk about the wikipedia comment that was left by myself. I just want to say that it was an incredible coincidence. Last weekend, I had heard about Chris Benoit no showing Vengeance because of a family emergency, and I had heard rumors about why that was. I was reading rumors and speculation about this matter online, and one of them included that his wife may have passed away, and I did the wrong thing by posting it on wikipedia to spite there being no evidence. I posted my speculation on the situation at the time and I am deeply sorry about this, and I was just as shocked as everyone when I heard that this actually would happen in real life. It is one of those things that just turned into a huge coincidence. That night I found out that what I posted, ended up actually happening, a 1 in 10,000 chance of happening, or so I thought. I was beyond wrong for posting wrongful information, and I am sorry to everyone for this. I just want everyone to know it was stupid of me, and I will never do anything like this again. I just posted something that was at that time a piece of wrong unsourced information that is typical on wikipedia, as it is done all the time.

    Nonetheless, I feel incredibly bad for all the attention this got because of the fact that what I said turned out to be the truth. Like I said it was just a major coincidence, and I will never vandalize anything on wikipedia or post wrongful information. I've learned from this experience. I just can't believe what I wrote was actually the case, I've remained stunned and saddened over it.

    I wish not to reveal my identity so I can keep me and my family out of this since they have nothing to do with anything. I am not connected to WWE or Benoit at all in anyway. I am from Stamford as the IP address shows, and I am just an everyday individual who posted a wrongful remark at the time that received so much attention because it turned out to actually happen. I will say again I didn't know anything about the Benoit tragedy, it was a terrible coincidence that I never saw coming.

    I hope this puts an end to this speculation that someone knew about the tragedy before it was discovered. It was just a rumor that I had heard about from other people online who were speculating what the family emergency Chris was attending to. I made a big mistake by posting this comment on his page, since all we had were what we thought was going on and nothing about what actually was going on yet, and sadly what happened turned out to be my speculation at the time. I assumed wiki would edit out my information, which they did, so thats why I didn't go back to edit it out myself.

    I know I keep repeating it but I feel terrible about the mainstream coverage this has received, since it was only a huge coincidence and a terrible event that should of never happened. I am not sure how to react, as hearing about my message becoming a huge part of the Benoit slayings made me feel terrible as everyone believes that it is connected to the tragedy, but it was just an awful coincidence. That is all I have to say, I will never post anything here again unless it is pure fact, no spam nothing like that. Thank you, and let this end this chapter of the Benoit story, and hopefully one day we will find out why this tragedy ever actually happened.


  2. But I think you have to be a little bit different type of person to want to be a pro wrestler. I read Mick Foley's first book and the guy is definitely not your normal guy. Plus, some of the stories that Mick told in his book showed that a lot of those guys aren't playing with a full deck to begin with.

    I'm not saying these are bad guys, just a little bit off.

    No doubt. Just the same as you have to be a bit off to be a Rock Star. Anytime you are on the road more so than at home with your family... You have to be a bit different. They [the wrestlers] know this. At the same time though, they can get out anytime they want--barring they are let out of their contract early... If not, they just have to wait until the end of their contract which is generally not long to begin with.

  3. I'll take a different view of this.

    Look at the type of people who become pro wrestlers in the first place. These are guys who typically live in a gym and want to bulk up to be as big as possible. Then they join pro-wrestling schools and learn how to basically beat the crap out of each other without getting too hurt. They know going into it they will have to be as big and buff as possible, but that's perfectly fine with them because they are gym rats to begin with.

    I think people have the cause and effect backwards on people. The people who become pro wrestlers are a little bit different people to begin with.

    Not all true. I think of guys like Bob Backlund, Terry Funk, Mick Foley, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer just to name a few off the top of my head. They don't all try and turn into beefcakes. Most of the great actual wrestlers did not beef up like wrestlers as a whole are trying to be sterotyped as. There are a lot of wrestlers whom bulk up in an exagerated manner to play the intimidation role. The dude is built like a house... he must be tough right? That is the angle that some wrestlers take. However, if you do notice the majority of wresters are not all jacked up.

  4. http://www.prowrestlingfans.com/index.php?id=viewArticle&articleID=12210

    This is a pretty cool comment from Booker..

    -- WWE superstar King Booker sat down with KHOU out of Houston, Texas today to talk about the Benoit tragedy. Below are some of the highlights. Booker said that he knew Benoit personally and as most people in the business that knew Benoit have said, commented that he had never seen a bad side of Benoit. He noted that he knew Benoit's wife Nancy and all of his children. He characterized what has happened as completely "out of the norm and unexplainable."

    Booker noted that he wrestled Benoit in 75-100 matches and just recently talked to him for about thirty minutes about the wrestling business. "We're all tired at certain points, we work a lot of hours, but I never saw this side of Chris. I've never seen Chris mad. I've never seen Chris angry. He was always the guy with a lot of positive energy, always pushing the guys."

    He went on to tell a story of a student that came to his wrestling school in Houston, Texas to be trained. Booker said that the student arrived from Illinois, with no way to go back? and had $800 in his pocket. He revealed that the student carried around a photo of Benoit and Eddie Guerrero with him, as he was inspired by them to pursue a career in professional wrestling. "That was just the type of person he was, always encouraging people. He didn't even know this guy, but that's the type of person he was." Booker commented.

    When roid rage was brought up in the interview, Booker commented, "The media is going to put a spin on it, you know. We know that. WWE knows that. Did the guy last week who murders his wife and kid last week have any form of roid rage? He was a cop. This happens in any form of life. I feel like the human life is a delicate piece of equipment and everyone has their breaking point. We don't know what his breaking point was. You don't know what my point is, I don't know what your point is. We're all human.

    I just think it was a huge malfunction and whatever it was, we may never know. It's not for us to know. It's out of our hands and with God now." Booker said that the wrestling industry is a huge family and he?s cried and wanted to pull his hair out over the tragedy. He revealed that he loved Chris and said that he is mad to see him "go out like this. I'm pissed at him in certain ways. I wish I could just hold him for a second, but it's out of our hands. I'll be there at the funeral and tell him goodbye and hopefully see him on the other side. Hopefully, I'll find out what happened one day."

  5. http://www.pwheadlines.com/WWE_News/WWE_Pulls_All_Benoit_Merchandise_Off_WWE_Shop_Zone.shtml

    PWHeadlines >> WWE News >> WWE Removing All References Of Benoit Off Web Site

    Reported By Shawn Moniz on Jun 26, 2007 - 10:20:10 AM

    In light of the recent developments that Benoit reportedly killed his wife and son, then committed suicide, WWE.com has yanked all merchandise pertaining to Benoit off of its website. All searches pertaining to Benoit on WWE Shopzone's website are now returning "discontinued".

    Benoit's name has also been removed from the description of the Wrestlemania XX DVD. It now reads "Triple H defends his World Heavyweight Championship against Shawn Michaels."

    Updated 11:35am

    WWE.com is now removing all references of Benoit and replacing them with traditional wrestler articles. The current top story at this time, is a WWE.com confirmation that this was indeed a double murder suicide.

  6. “Chris hated religion. He didn't believe in it. I cannot comprehend him putting bibles by the bodies. I am shocked.”

    In addition, 1Wrestling has learned that sources close to Nancy are reporting that she had a safety deposit box with evidence of past rages and that authorities should check the box if anything ever happened to her.


    This is crazy... As the day progresses.. it just gets crazier and crazier. To the point where I am left speechless..

    I don't know.. this is unreal.

  7. If it turns out that WWE knew that Benoit killed his family and went ahead with that "tribute" show last night, I can almost guarentee that will be the end of WWE.

    I really hope they didnt know at all. I hope they only knew he had died.

    Sadly, I dont believe that.

    Actually knowing? I am not so sure that they did.

    Having an idea that wasn't confirmed yet? (like we all had here on ES) I think that is more likely.

    Obviously, I know as much as you do but, I am leaning more towards the latter rather than the former. But yeah.. if they did in fact know and carried out the show.. I would hope for it to end.

  8. I'm not sold on the "roid rage" theory.

    From what I know about roid rage (and I will admit, I'm no expert), it's not about premeditated murder.

    If they came out today & said that Nancy & Daniel had serious "head trauma", then the roid rage theory would make sense. He snapped, and because he's a big man, the woman & child didn't have a chance.

    He couldn't deal with their accidental deaths, so he killed himself.

    That's not what happened here. He tied her up for gods sake. Then after he killed her, he slept on it for a night before killing the son.

    Is there a link between steriods & going crazy? Is mental illness a side effect?

    Did they find depression medication? I'm interested in knowing what other drugs are there (other than pain killers, cause that's a lock)

    Not to mention placing the bibles on the side of his wife and son.

  9. That picture was so different 48 hours ago.

    It was actually different 24 hours ago when things first broke.

    Now, I can't even explain it.

    This whole thing is just so unreal.....


    One passed because of a weak heart. The other killed himself because he is a piece of **** who we all thought had a 'good heart' if you know what I mean. 7 years old?! No excuses.. there is no excuse in this world for a 7 year old to have to be killed by his crazy **** father!:mad:

  10. I just think the press from this could be killer to ratings and ticket sales. Maybe it won't be' date=' but I don't know. And, unlike most slumps, this could actually hurt viewing with the "smart mark" internet crowd. Benoit was a god with that group. [b']If you look around the web, you basically have 50,000 online wrestling fans being told that there is no Santa Claus.[/b]

    Or...nothing could happen. Vince has survived worse.

    That actually is a very good analogy. I am still in shock over this.

  11. he bound her wrists and feet together!?!

    The dude said that her feet were bound together and perhaps even her wrist. I am thinking that her wrist has something bound to it but' date=' not connecting to the other wrist.

    Could it have been a suicide text message?

    If Regal/Chavo were really freaked out by it, it's possible....

    Possible. Not nessarily much informed message but, it could have been soemthing along the lines of apologizing and such which worried the co-worker.

  12. --the bible was positioned beside the bodies. Mother and son.. not Chris.

    --Chris was found in the basement in a weight room. Son was in upstairs bedroom. Wife in family room also upstairs

    --chris killed himself with the cord from the weights. (my guess is similar to the cords on a machine like a pull down bar)

    __ Wife was killed Friday. Son was killed saturday. Chris was killed later on saturday.

    --Steroids was found but, won't know if he was on them until a couple weeks when the toxology reports come out.

  13. ---At 2.30 yesterday afetrnoon.. Benoit's employer called for a check in. They were concerned. They found all three bodies during that search,

    --It IS a double homicide/suicide. Evidence leads to believe that possible Friday that chris strangled his wife. And saturday he killed his son and sunday (not monday) he killed himself.

    --No suicide note.

    --The son was in his bed, laying dead. Asphyixiation is the known cause for the son and wife

    --Benoit had a lot of legal prescriptions in house. Included WERE steroids.

    -- The text message was true that he sent to a co-worker. Details of that will probably come to light later

    --No clear evidence of the wife fighting for her life.

  14. Does anyone think that the reason Regal didn't want to say anything last night is because he knew what had happened and didn't want to mother**** Benoit on tv?

    Yes. There is truth (seems plausible.. gotta see what the authorities say) to Benoit text messaging a/some wrestler(s) during the PPV Sunday. If that turns out to be true, then he was doing that AFTER his wife was killed. :(

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