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Everything posted by 33

  1. ^^^Yo. Edit or take down the bad words, please.
  2. Back with loving pics for the own3d thread
  3. I'm getting to the bottom of the barrel of my current source, so hopefully it's not 100% reposts.
  4. Hopefully these are still funny Working up to something We've got Hoff And girlfriends Dogs cooking pancakes Cats eating pancakes And to move on...
  5. I've got a good one of a kangaroo with a pancake in it's pouch, is that acceptable? EDIT: Damn. So, so, so, so, so late with this one.
  6. Probably a repost, but could easily be Brady Quinn GameSpot has the scoop on Britney
  7. I feel so stupid :doh:, what was the name of that show, unsonny.
  8. The new name makes it so hard to find. Bookmark is in order now. And WVU beat me to the LOL girl. I was excited about that one. Seriously, don't read this one. I'm assuming this is a repost. Stupid forum posts are great. One of my favorites
  9. Someone needs to do some further research. Funnier w/ comments:D I'm obsessed with the GameSpot thread titles
  10. I like these weird peoples If this is a repost, it deserves it's position
  11. Seriously though, if I'm reposting let me know because I'm trying hard digging to new depths and sites I wouldn't be caught dead at otherwise. I think my wife is going to send me for psychiatric evaluations if she finds me at another strange forum looking for pics.. :paranoid:
  12. As Usual, Please Send Constant Ridicule if Reposts are Found
  13. I don't know what this one is about, or if it's a repost, but aaaahhhggg. And the obligatory GameSpot thread title gag...
  14. As always, ridicule me for reposts.
  15. If these are reposts, consider them placeholders for the gamespot forum pics....and then let me know they are reposts so I feel shamed into not doing it again.
  16. Someone let me know if the Gamespot forum pics have been done. I found a treasure trove of them, and they crack me up consistently.
  17. The Cowboys suck so much they don't even get to close out their stadium in the last game of the season. Or against a marquee opponent.
  18. I imagine you could make a million of those motivational posters titled "High School" and they would be along the same lines of what you're talking about.
  19. From the "Re: Tell us something wierd/unique/special about yourself..." thread
  20. Did no one notice the little girl in the pink and white shirt, and what appears to be her father who has thrown her off his lap?
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