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Califan007 The Constipated

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Posts posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. 2 hours ago, mistertim said:


    Fair enough, but I have a hard time believing Pence truly didn't know that the VP doesn't have the power to unilaterally refuse to certify a presidential vote count just because. He may not be a top legal mind in the country, but he's still a lawyer and that's pretty damn basic constitutional law. I think he was getting pressured, knew it was wrong, but wanted to cover his ass so ran it by some other people.


    Yeah, the "cover his ass" part is very true lol...

  2. 14 minutes ago, mistertim said:

    And we know Pence asked some people about whether he had the power to refuse to certify the votes on Jan 6th and he was repeatedly told no. So it's not like he outright refused on basic principle. He did so after others told him "bro...no...just no"


    This part here is not quite accurate...


    Trump and a number of his aides/lawyers/goons were constantly telling Pence that it was legal and allowed...so he had his aides do some checking so that he could rebut them when they kept applying pressure. That's when he ended up talking to the likes of Dan Quayle. He didn't treat the matter like he was on a message board and just talk out of his ass lol...plus it wouldn't surprise me one iota if he truly did not know. He's not exactly the sharpest crayon in the MAGA box.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Ball Security said:

    Twitter is wild. Guy posts this and replies in the comments claim it’s a half wall.







    To be fair, it does look like white brick...




    18 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    Not sure you can win on this one...if it's a Biden appointed judge it's a different kind of mess.


    Remember these are multiple felony counts...I can live with her staying as judge jus so whatever sentence it is they'll be less calls for a mistrial or appeal because odds of getting a better judge are slim to none.



    As someone pointed out earlier, it's not simply that Trump appointed her. So it also wouldn't be simply that a new judge was appointed by Biden. It's more than possible for both Trump-appointed and Biden-appointed judges to be fair, objective, and apply the law in an unbiased manner. Cannon has already proven, though, that she's incapable of doing so.

  4. 8 hours ago, China said:

    Lawyer for witness in Trump docs probe alleges prosecutorial misconduct


    A lawyer for Donald Trump’s butler and body man — whose legal bills are being paid by a Trump political organization — is alleging in court papers that a key prosecutor in the classified documents case inappropriately sought to pressure him by bringing up his application for a judgeship in Washington, D.C., a source familiar with the matter told NBC News on Thursday.


    The lawyer, Stanley Woodward, represents Walt Nauta, who is under scrutiny by investigators over his shifting accounts of whether he moved boxes of documents at the former president's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida at his urging.


    The source said that in a letter filed under seal with the chief federal judge in Washington, Woodward alleged that Jay Bratt, the Justice Department’s chief of counterintelligence, raised the issue of the judgeship at a meeting in October at the Justice Department, where prosecutors were trying to convince Woodward that Nauta had lied and should cooperate in the investigation. Bratt has been working for more than a year on the classified documents case.


    The allegation was first reported by The Guardian. Woodward did not respond to a request for comment. A spokesman for the special counsel declined to comment.


    The source said Woodward’s allegation could raise questions about any prosecution of Nauta, a military valet in the Trump White House who went to work for the former president at Mar-a-Lago, adding that the Justice Department appears to be taking the allegation seriously and plans to respond to the judge.


    The source said Woodward alleges that Bratt had with him a folder of information related to Woodward’s bid for a judgeship and told him, “I didn’t take you for a Trump guy.”


    “The implication was that the judge thing would go badly for him if his client didn’t cooperate,” the source said.


    Records show that Trump’s Save America PAC has paid fees to Woodward and his partner, Stan Brand, who represent a number of witnesses in the special counsel investigations. Brand has said there is nothing inappropriate about that.


    Click on the link for the full article







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  5. It would have been soooooo dammmmmn easy to improve Twitter when Elon bought it.


    The first rule of user interface design is to never EVER fall in love with your own ideas lol...2nd rule of UI design is to research the ever-loving **** out of your users and to listen to your users constantly while you conduct your iterations of how your product looks, works, and functions. Elon came in already in love with his own ideas, and never ever conducted any user research...he didn't have a clue as to what the things were that users actually wanted improved. He just came in trying to figure out how to make more money, and how to amplify conservative voices. That's it.


    There's a saying--ironically started by someone on Twitter lol--that goes something like "If you think good design costs a lot, wait until you see how much bad design will cost you." Elon is finding out. But I don't think he knows it.

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  6. 52 minutes ago, China said:

    Lawyer for witness in Trump docs probe alleges prosecutorial misconduct


    A lawyer for Donald Trump’s butler and body man — whose legal bills are being paid by a Trump political organization — is alleging in court papers that a key prosecutor in the classified documents case inappropriately sought to pressure him by bringing up his application for a judgeship in Washington, D.C., a source familiar with the matter told NBC News on Thursday.


    The lawyer, Stanley Woodward, represents Walt Nauta, who is under scrutiny by investigators over his shifting accounts of whether he moved boxes of documents at the former president's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida at his urging.


    The source said that in a letter filed under seal with the chief federal judge in Washington, Woodward alleged that Jay Bratt, the Justice Department’s chief of counterintelligence, raised the issue of the judgeship at a meeting in October at the Justice Department, where prosecutors were trying to convince Woodward that Nauta had lied and should cooperate in the investigation. Bratt has been working for more than a year on the classified documents case.


    The allegation was first reported by The Guardian. Woodward did not respond to a request for comment. A spokesman for the special counsel declined to comment.


    The source said Woodward’s allegation could raise questions about any prosecution of Nauta, a military valet in the Trump White House who went to work for the former president at Mar-a-Lago, adding that the Justice Department appears to be taking the allegation seriously and plans to respond to the judge.


    The source said Woodward alleges that Bratt had with him a folder of information related to Woodward’s bid for a judgeship and told him, “I didn’t take you for a Trump guy.”


    “The implication was that the judge thing would go badly for him if his client didn’t cooperate,” the source said.


    Records show that Trump’s Save America PAC has paid fees to Woodward and his partner, Stan Brand, who represent a number of witnesses in the special counsel investigations. Brand has said there is nothing inappropriate about that.


    Click on the link for the full article




    The problem for them is that Trump's side is always--ALWAYS--making allegations and filing court papers and lawsuits that lead absolutely nowhere and end up proving absolutely nothing. So there's a boy-who-cried-wolf level to this. Trump's MAGA followers won't care, of course...they'll run with it as if it's been proven beyond doubt and carved in stone as fact. Everyone else will just sigh, throw this onto the gigantic pile of stuff that was never proven, and go on about their days.

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  7. 6 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

    Meanwhile, in cloud cuckoo land, permanent duckface says this.





    Who is advising Trump and his defenders to keep yammering on about the Presidential Records Act? lol...and why are none of his lawyers pulling him aside and telling him to stop? The PRA directly and unequivocally says Trump ****ed the **** up and was NOT allowed to do what he did. How in the ever-loving **** is this possible that his entire entourage has no clue whatsoever that all they are doing is pointing people to evidence that what Trump did is not legal? It's like if Biden issued an executive order establishing Christianity as the government-back official religion of the United States, and then kept making the claim that the 1st amendment clearly states that he's allowed to do so lol...

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  8. Just putting this out there: being gay is not a sex act. It's not a sexual kink or a fetish. If you've been telling yourselves that it is, stop it. It's every bit as normal and valid as being straight.


    And transgendered people are real, and there's a wealth of medical and scientific study behind this to back it up. The science explaining gender is actually incredibly fascinating...goes way beyond the XX and XY chromosomes stuff we learned in 8th grade biology and keep telling ourselves that it's all we need to know on the subject.


    Schools acknowledging this reality aren't "sexualizing" children, the teachers aren't "groomers," rainbows aren't harmful, anecdotal evidence doesn't prove ****, and there is a legit and normal way of including gender into education that we should be working towards instead of just banning the discussion completely. Society will continue to progress forward and children should be prepared for that reality, no matter how much some adults in society stomp their feet. The foot-stompers should be put in the corner until they calm down and start acting in an appropriate manner...they shouldn't be coddled and placated.

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  9. 2 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


    Wanna cite anything to support this claim or nah?


    I would think common sense and logic would be enough of a "citation" lol...not to mention that judges base their sentencing decisions on far, FAR more than simply what the prosecutors want. And there are sentencing guidelines judges use from the U.S. sentencing commission that help them reach their decisions. Then add to that the fact that most people serve less time than they are sentenced to, which would show a pattern of reduction when it comes to jail time:


    Amount prosecutors ask for.....Amount judge decides.....Amount actually served


    That seems to be the result that most often occurs. Unless you can site something that says otherwise lol...

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