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Posts posted by illone

  1. Exactly, Sunstone. Not to mention since Wandy lost to Belfort he's been on an absolute tear. That fight was eight years ago, too. Since 1998, Wandy has gone 26 and 3, including losing a controversial decision to Mark Hunt in a fight everyone who saw thought he had won.

    Since 1998 Belfort hasn't done anything close to what Wandy has done.

    Point is, Wandy could knock out Liddell just as easy as Belfort knocked out Takahashi.

    When is the last time you really saw Liddell take one on the chin? Don't get me wrong, Liddell is a great fighter, but he's only human. If anyone can touch him on the chin it would be Wandy. Guy is on another level.

  2. Is there a rule to this thread?

    Such as "Content being NOT work friendly"?

    Or rules against Nudity?

    I've got some rediculously funny stuff but I don't want anyone getting in trouble at work...

    Can't post them... Sharing is never a bad thing, though.

    stevehalverson at gmail dot com.

  3. Just watched the youtube of the Ortiz/Shamrock fight (Thanks, Sunstone).

    Ortiz kicked his ass plain and simple. It's the refs job to determine if someone is taking too many shots without defending, and you can't really see Shamrock's face while Tito is throwing those elbows.

    That first elbow landed real clean ,though, and could have done some serious damage. Right when Tito starts wailing on him you can't really see his eyes, though, and the ref can. Clearly he saw enough to end it. I understand why some may feel they didn't get their money's worth but this is what the sport of cage fighting is all about. Of course you want to see a long drawn out battle but rarely can two guys wail on each other for 5 minutes and keep standing:laugh:

    I remember the old days when Tank Abbot used to crush guys in the first minute. Then Frank Mir beat him in like 30 seconds or something with a toe hold, lol.

    I look forward to seeing Forrest Griffin get back in the ring against Tito.

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